Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - Universal Cosmology

Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - Universal Cosmology

A Rosetta Stone for the New Science Paradigm

Version 1.0

Table of Contents

[updated 06/01/09]

"What has a man to contend with who undertakes to establish a new science? He has the opposition of all the former opinions of the world in regard to it, and all their influence. He will be misunderstood by fools and misrepresented by knaves, for his science will tear down their fortress or belief and they will use all their skill and deception to defeat their enemy. Their weapon is their tongue, and the tongue of a hypocrite is of all weapons the most deadly to truth: for it can assume the voice form of an angel while it is sapping your very life's blood from your soul. Its life and happiness are its own torment. Ever since the world began, science has had this enemy to contend with, and some very hard battles have been fought before error would leave the field." Dr. P. P. Quimby

©Dale Pond, 2007, 2008, 2009

(This is an incomplete presentation. Not every item is as it will be in the final version of these documents. Until the final version is published use the information presented herein at your own risk.)

This version 1.0 of the SVP Cosmology is public and of course FREE - but still copyrighted. A vastly more completed version (version 2.3) is available for purchase. Click here to see the full Table of Contents of version 2.3.

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Or purchase these individual PARTS separately.

This research is being further developed at
SVPwiki - A Rosetta Stone for the New Sciences

Part 01 - General View
Part 02 - Origin of Polar States

Part 03 - Polarity Manifests as Rotating Vortex

Part 04 - Rotation on Three Planes

Part 05 - Three Rotating Planes Become Spheres

Part 06 - Formation of Cubes

Part 07 - Origin and Formation of Matter

Part 7B - Formation of Matter
Part 08 - Sympathetic Streams and 3-D Matter

Part 09 - What Vibration Is.
Part 1 & Part 2
Part 10 - What Sympathy Is

Part 11 - SVP Music Model

Part 12 - Russell's Locked Potentials

Part 13 - Rotation from Vibration/Oscillation

Part 14 - Keely's Mysterious Thirds, Sixths and Ninths

Part 15 - Dissociating Water Acoustically

Part 16 - Electricity and Magnetism

Part 17 - Gravity

Part 18 - Mind, an Engineerable Force
Part 19 - Musical Dynasphere, Historical
Part 20 - Musical Dynasphere, Current Development
Part 21 - Pantone's GEET Reactor Dynamics

- - - - - - - - - - - - - Addenda - - - - - - - - - - - -
01 - Bjerknes Effect
02 - Chart of Locked Potentials
03 - Ether
04 - Origin of Matter
05 - Indig Numbers
06 - One Phase of Keely's Discoveries...
07 - Pond's Original Notes on the Scale______
08 - Laws of Being
09 - Table of the Elements
10 - Keely's Forty Laws
11 - Russell's Laws and Principles
12 - What Electricity Is.
13 - Puharich, Water Dissociation via AC
14 - As a Man Thinketh
15 - Genero-Radiative Concept
16 - The Action of Force is Spiro-Vortex
17 - Russell's Optic Dynamo-Generator
18 - Etheric Vibratory Scale
96 - Index of ebooks
98 - Footnotes
99 - Definitions

"A truth's initial commotion is directly proportional to how deeply the lie was believed. It wasn't the world being round that agitated people, but that the world wasn't flat. When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic."

~~~Dresden James

© Dale Pond, 2007, 2008, 2009
Delta Spectrum Research
921 Santa Fe Avenue
La Junta, Colorado 81050

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Part 1 - General View Forum Icon
1.0 - Introduction
1.1 - Mind is deemed a force
1.2 - One Phase of Keely's Discovery in its Relations to the Cure of Disease (See Addendum 6)
1.3 - Fractal Structure of Matter
1.4 - Structure of Matter
     Figure 1.1 - Subdivisions of Matter and Energy
1.5 - Nothing from Nothing
1.6 - Ultimate Constituents of Matter
     Figure 1.2 - Dynamical Full Gamut of Mind and Matter
1.7 - A Whole and Its Parts
     Figure 1.3 - From One Mind comes all. All goes back to One Mind.
     Figure 1.4 - From One (on left) comes all diversity.
     Figure 1.5 - Electromagnetic Spectrum
1.8 - Vibratory Universe
1.9 - Cultivating Stillness
1.10 - The Origin of Things
1.11 - Matter Evolves from Mind
     Figure 1.6 - Keely's Molecular Morphology
1.12 - Evolution/Devolution of Frequency
     Figure 1.7 - Keely's Vibratory Relations of Multi-Level Matter
1.13 - It Really is a Musical Universe!
1.14 - Definitions of Vibration
1.15 - The Proof
     Figure 1.8 - Chladni Plate and its various modes of vibration.
     Figure 1.9 - Modes of tested vibrating plate.
     Figure 1.10 - Progressive Evolutions

Part 2 - Origin of Polar States Forum Icon
2.1) Rings and Spheres
2.2) Spirit & Ether
2.3) Law of Vibrating Atomolic Substances
2.4) Law of Oscillating Atomoles
2.5) Beginning
     Figure 1 - Non-Point of Proto-Beginning
2.6) Beginning as Undifferentiated One
2.7) The Neutral State
     Figure 2 - Omnipresence of One
2.8) One Appearing as Extended
2.9) Limits & Limitations
2.10) One Becomes Two
     Figure 3 - Center Seeking & Center Fleeing
2.11) Male & Female Forces
     Figure 3.1 - The Male and Female Vortices
2.12) Let there be Light
2.13) Male and Female Intermingle
     Figure 3.2 - Intermingled Male & Female
2.14) Voiding
     Figure 3.3 - Cosmic Germination
2.15) Male & Female Swirling Cosmic Dance
     Figure 3.4 - Cosmic Dance
2.16) The Duality of One
     Figure 3.5 - Dark & Light

Part 3 - Polarity Manifests as Rotating Vortex Forum Icon
3.1 - Law of Matter and Force
     Figure 3.1 - Infinite Number of Atomoles/Alphanon
3.2 - The Dispersion (Mind) Field
3.3 - Vortexial Motion
     Figure 3.2 - Focalizing Lenses
3.4 - Power Accumulation
     Figure 3.3 - Vector Potentials
     Figure 3.4 - Vector Polarizations
     Figure 3.5 - Introductory Affinitizing to Center
3.5 - Moving Into and Out of
     Figure 3.6 - Beginning of Vortex Motions
3.6 - Differential Densities Begin to Form
     Figure 3.7 - Non-synchronized Voiding at Plane of Inertia
3.7 - Non-synchronized Voiding at Plane of Inertia
     Figure 3.8 - Celestial Seeks and Condenses at Center
3.8 - Introductory Impulse
     Figure 3.9 - Polar Switching
3.9 - Reciprocating Duality
3.10 - Reciprocals and Proportions of Motions and Substance
3.11 - Vortex Theory of Atomic Motions
     Figure 3.10 - Male Seeking Center - Female Fleeing from Center
3.12 - Neutral Center
3.13 - Magnetic/Electric Poles
     Figure 3.11 - Electric and Magnetic Vectors
3.14 - Dispersed Etheric Substance
3.15 - Coagulated Etheric Substance
     Figure 3.12 - Mutually Antagonized Polarities
3.16 - Poles within Poles
     Figure 3.13 - Contracting and Expanding Duality
3.17 - Centralizations
     Figure 3.14 - Centralizations or Quantum Leap
3.18 - Quantum Leap Delta equivalent to Locked Potentials delta

Part 4 - Rotation on Three Planes Forum Icon
4.1 - Triple Vectors
     Figure 4.1 - Triple Vectors
4.2 - Triple Vectors and Rotation
     Figure 4.2 - Triple Vectors in Motion
     Figure 4.3 - Triple Rotations
4.3 - Three Planes & Six Directions
     Figure 4.4 - Pulsating to and from Center orthogonally
4.4 - Triple Rotary (Vortex) Motions
4.5 - Matter Not Solid
4.6 - Matter is Motion in Opposition
     Figure 4.5 - Pulsating to and from Centers orthogonally
4.7 - Centripetal Orthogonal Motions
4.8 - Triple Contractive Motions
     Figure 4.6 - Keely's Formative/Structural Morphology

     Figure 4.7 - Triune Orientations of Matter constituted from Three Relative Motions
4.9 - Matter is Centralized and Condensed and Undifferentiated Light
     Figure 4.8 - From One (Light) Comes all seeming things (Colors)

Part 5 - Three Rotating Planes Become Spheres Forum Icon
5.1 - Vortex Formation
5.2 - Vortex Motions in Resonators
5.3 - Vortex Motion in Ether and Atoms
     Figure 5.1 - Vortex Motion is Natural and occurs ubiquitiously
5.4 - Vortices are born of motion and matter is concentrated vortices
     Figure 5.2 - Vortex on One Plane
5.5 - Double Vortices
     Figure 5.3 - Double Interpenetrating Vortex
5.6 - Vortex Forming Spheres
     Figure 5.4 - Double Double Vortices
     Figure 5.5 - Vortices on Three Planes 90° to Each Other
5.7 - Generation of Mass
     Figure 5.6 - Initiatory Generation of Mass
5.8 - Degeneration of Mass
     Figure 5.7 - Introductory Degeneration of Mass
     Figure 5.8 - Development of Circulating/Contractive Ring from One Axis
5.9 - Vortices Form Linked Atoms

Part 6 - Formation of Cubes Forum Icon
6.1 - Reciprocal Radiations
     Figure 6.1 - Opposing Radiations Neutralizing at Interface
6.2 - Development of Cubes
     Figure 6.2 - Cube with Vectors
6.3 - Six Directions
     Figure 6.3 - Triple Planes
6.4 - Sacred Geometry
     Figure 6.4 - Triple Planes Basis of Sacred Geometry
6.5 - Cubes divide into six tetrahedrons
     Figure 6.5 - Russell's Multiple Views of Tripleness
     Figure 6.6 - Resulting in a Cube compressing in from Six Sides (along Three Axis)
     Figure 6.7 - Cube structure and dynamics
6.6 - Corner cube retroreflectors
6.7 - Corner receivers from corners of cubes
Compound Cubes
6.8 - Crystalline Space
     Figure 6.8 - Introductory Matrix Structure
6.9 - Nineness of Cubes
     Figure 6.9 - Triple Three Cubes
6.10 - Neutral Cubes
     Figure 6.10 - The Neutral Cube
6.11 - Corner and Face Cubes
     Figure 6.11 - Juxtaposed Corner Cubes
6.12 - Density Differentiation
6.13 - Sphere and Cube
     Figure 6.12 - Sphere Circumscribed by Cube
6.14 - Fourteen Vortices


Part 7 - Origin and Formation of Matter Forum Icon
7.1 - Matter is centralized motion
     Figure 7.1 - Triple Compressing Layers contracting to Center
7.2 - Rhythmic Balanced Interchange
7.3 - Law of Love - Reciprocal Interexchange of State on Multiple Levels
7.4 - Preponderant Sequentially
7.5 - Successive Moments
7.6 - Reciprocal Disintegration/Creation
7.7 - Reciprocal States/Conditions of Matter/Energy
7.8 - Matter and Spirit are Opposite Poles
7.9 - The Ultimate Constitution of Matter and the Action of the Force Regulating its Phenomena
7.10 - First: Matter is capable of infinite subdivision.
7.11 - Second: In the aggregation of matter, force or energy is stored up or conserved.
     Figure 7.2 - Gravity is the Life, Sex and Power Principle.
7.12 - Third: In the dissociation of matter, force is liberated.
7.13 - Fourth: All matter is in a state of perpetual activity, whether the substance under consideration be inanimate or animated, visible or invisible.
7.14 - Fifth: There is no dividing of matter and force into two distinct terms, as they both are ONE. FORCE is liberated matter. MATTER is force in bondage.
7.15 - Sixth: All motion is synchronous; no sound or movement can be made but all that moves or sounds does so in harmony with something.
7.16 - Seventh: All structures, whether crystalline or homogeneous, have for their unit structures minute bodies called molecules.
7.17 - Eight: These molecules have an envelope, rotating with inconceivable rapidity, formed of a high tenuous ether, whose place in the order of subdivision ranks third, the three divisions being, - first, molecular; second, atomic; third, atomolic.
7.18 - Ninth: This atomolic substance has a density approximately 986,000 times that of steel, enabling it to permeate steel as light penetrates glass; this rotating envelope of atomolic substance is in a liquid condition.
7.19 - Tenth: This molecular envelope, rotating with such great velocity, holds in its embrace the next subdivision of matter, the atomic.
     Figure 7.3 - Vacuum into Matter on Three Vectors contracting to Center
7.20 - Eleventh: If it be possible let us conceive of an envelope with an equator, but destitute of poles, a number of these rotating over the sphere, this atomolic envelope possessing an almost infinite attractive force toward the center of the molecule, pressing in the intermolecular substance
     Figure 7.4 - Keely's Compound Disintegrator - an analog Complex Signal Generator
7.21 - Twelfth: Next in order of consideration is the second subdivision of matter - the atomic.
     Figure 7.5 - Keely's Chart showing how Molecules made of Atoms made of Quanta made of sub-quanta, etc.
7.22 - Thirteenth: The atomolic substance is what is termed the ether which fills all space and is the transmitting medium for all celestial and terrestrial forces. This is the liquid ether of occult science.
7.23 - Fourteenth: The atomoles are made up of atomolini (singulara tomolinus); the subdivision of matter from this point is beyond man's power, as at this point it escapes all control of apparatus, passing through glass and hardened steel as a luminous flame without heat, which is hardly seen before it vanishes, - a perpetual flame coldly luminous.
7.24 - Fifteenth: (Not in book, may have been a mis-numbering. editor)
7.25 - Sixteenth: This again, from previous analysis, is made up according to the triple order, and may again be subject to subdivision, even into infinity."

Part 8 - Sympathetic Streams and 3-D Matter Forum Icon

          Figure 8.1 - Three Orthogonal Planes where Six Vortices Meet
     Figure 8.2 - Vortices in Cube
     Figure 8.3 - Vortices Contracts to Center Creating Spheres
8.1 - Corner Vortices
     Figure 8.4 - Corner Vortices and Vectors
8.2 - Sympathetic Streams
     Figure 8.5 - Sympathetic Streams entering and exiting Corners
8.3 - Stabilities
8.4 - Three Forces in Harmony
     Figure 8.6 - Colors Represent Relative Frequencies
     Figure 8.7 - Colors and Tones
8.5 - Dynaspheric Shells
     Figure 8.8 - Dynaspheric Shells and Attractive Poles
8.6 - Triplets Form Larger Units of Unity
     Figure 8.9 - Triplets Forming Unity
8.7 - Rotating Triplets
     Figure 8.10 - Rotating Triplets Animation
8.8 - Six Types of Matter
     Figure 8.11 - Chart of Six Types of Matter
8.9 - Proto-Ether (Æther)
     Figure 8.12 - Russell's Periodic Chart of the Elements showing Harmonicity, Periodicity and Polarity.
8.10 - The Etheric Quantum Soup
     Figure 8.13 - Russell's Periodic Chart of the first four octaves of proto-matter.
     Figure 8.14 - Russell's Periodic Chart

Part 9 - What Vibration Is.  Forum Icon
9.0) Conventional View
     Figure 9.01 - Compression Wave
     Figure 9.02 - Longitudinal Wave
     Figure 9.03 - Transverse Wave
9.1) Elements of the SVP Model
     Table 9.1 - Polar States Correspondence
9.1.5) - Law of Couples
9.2) Polar States
9.3) Attraction
9.4) Law of Attraction
9.5) Repulsion
9.6) Law of Repulsion
9.7) Vibratory & Oscillatory Nature of Matter
     Figure 9.5 - Vibratory and Oscillatory Motions
9.8) Vibration
9.9) Law of Corporeal Vibration
9.10) Law of Harmonic Vibrations
9.11) Oscillation
9.12) Law of Corporeal Oscillations
9.13) Law of Sympathetic Oscillation
     Figure 9.6 - Vibratory and Oscillatory Motions, side view
9.14) Signature/Chord
9.15) Harmonically created signature/chord
9.16) Law of Harmonic Pitch
9.17) Inharmonically created signature/chord
9.18) Law of Cycles
9.19) Acoustic Forces
9.20) Law of Force
9.21) Law of Sympathetic Oscillation
9.22) Creative
9.23) Law of Vibrating Atomolic Substances
9.24) Transmissive
9.25) Law of Transmissive Vibraic Energy
9.26) Attractive
9.27) Law of Attraction
9.28) Law of Repulsion
9.29) Sympathy
9.30) Neutral (focal) Centers
     Figure 9.7 - Forces assimilating to and dispersing from Center of Coincidence
     Figure 9.8 - Neutral Center dynamics
     Figure 9.9 - Night and Day interactions with Neutral Center
9.31) Atoms as Sympathetic Centers
9.32) Centers of Force
     Figure 9.10 - Center and Periphery
     Figure 9.11 - Two Centers
9.33) Dynamic Centers
     Figure 9.12 - Triple Centers
9.34) Multiple Excited Centers
9.35) Circular Harmonic Orbit
9.36) Elliptical Enharmonic Orbit
9.37) Orbital Phases
9.38) Expansion and Contraction
     Figure 9.13 - Compression Wave with expanded and contracted orbits
9.39) Eighteen Attributes of a Wave (Vibration + Oscillation)
9.40) Oscillatory Motion
9.41) Time
9.42) Wave Propagation
Figure 9.14 - Wave Flow as function of Periodic Attraction and Dispersion
9.43) Law of Matter and Energy
     Figure 9.15 - Harmonized Motions (increased energy)
     Figure 9.16 - Enharmonized Motions (decreased energy)

Part 10 - What Sympathy Is Forum Icon
10.01 - Introduction
     Figure 10.1 - Tuning Forks - As one vibrates so does the other
10.02 - Reality vs Actuality
     Figure 10.2 - Illusion labeled and accepted as Reality
10.03 - Sympathetic Streams
10.04 - Luminiferous Ether
     Figure 10.3 - Full Gamut of Mind to Matter and back to Mind
10.05 - Light
10.06 - Hydrogen
10.07 - Mind Force
10.08 - In Machinery
10.09 - Latent Force
10.10 - Sympathetic Outreach
10.11 - Polarity
10.12 - Attraction
     Figure 10.4 - Sympathetic Affinity/Attraction forming Vortex
     Figure 10.5 - Sympathetic Affinity increasing energy, decreasing diameter, increasing velocity and density.
     Figure 10.6 - Electric Condensing Flows to Center and Magnetic Dispersive Plane away from Center
10.13 - Sympathetic Negative Attraction
10.14 - Light & Heat
     Figure 10.7 - Triple Planes relative to Center
10.15 - Magnetism
     Figure 10.8 - Bar Magnets shown separate then joined as one
     Figure 10.9 - Multiplying Force to Poles of a Bar Magnet
     Figure 10.10 - Four Poles of a Bar Magnet
10.16 - Electricity
     Figure 10.11 - Magnetic Lines of Force developed from induction of current flow


Part 11 - The SVP Music Model  Forum Icon

11.01 - Introduction
     Figure 11.01 - Scale of --------------------
11.02 - Russell's Locked Potential Numbers
     Figure 11.02 - Musical Intervals, Locked Potential Numbers, Elements and Factors
     Figure 11.03 - Three Octaves 

You will notice several Parts of this work are limited and incomplete. This version 1.0 of the SVP Cosmology is public and of course FREE - but still copyrighted. A vastly more completed version (version 2.3) is available for purchase. A full Table of Contents to version 2.3 can be seen here.

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  Part 12 - Russell's Locked Potentials  Forum Icon

12.01 - Locked Potentials
12.02 - Three Parts
12.03 - The PLUS side
12.04 - The MINUS side
12.06 - Eighteen Attributes

Part 13 - Rotation from Vibration/Oscillation Forum Icon

     Figure 13.00 - Keely's Provisional Engine showing oil splatter from rotation
13.01 - Math Structure
13.02 - Anatomy of Rotation
     Figure 13.01 - Complex Vortex Pattern
13.03 - Voiding (Neutralizing) Polarization
     Figure 13.02 - Atomic Subdivision
13.04 - Atomic Subdivision
13.05 - The Seven Levels or Realms of Matter & Energy
     Figure 13.03 - Matter & Energy Chart
13.06 - Currents
13.07 - Keely’s Original Dynaspheric Neutral Center Concept
13.08 - Atlin’s Neutral Center Structure & Dynamics
13.09 - Rotation Quotes from Snell Manuscript
13.10 - Rotation Quotes from Keely and His Discoveries
13.11 - Triple Currents and Streams
13.12 - Compound Equilibrium
     Figure 13.04 - Compound Equilibrium
13.13 - Principle of Regeneration
13.14 - Principle of Reciprocity
13.15 - Principle of Proportion
13.16 - Contraction / Expansion
13.17 - Degree of Concord / Discord
13.18 - Etheric Negative Attractor
     Figure 13.05 - White indicates Aggregating Force, Dark indicates Dispersive Energy
13.19 - Hurricane Clouds
     Figure 13.06 - Polarization and Differentiation at root of Rotation.
13.20 - Differentiation
13.21 - Differentiating Thirds
     Figure 13.07 - Differential Pressure Zones in Antagonism cause Rotation.
13.22 - Polarization
13.23 - Phoenix Bird
13.24 - Polarization Points
13.25 - Ionization
     Figure 13.08 - Photoelectric Effect (Ionization) of Elements.
13.26 - Residual Ionization
13.27 - Motion
13.28 - Clashing of Light
13.29 - Sphere Rotated by Vibrations
13.30 - Keely and His Discoveries
13.31 - Operation of the Vibratory Circuit
13.32 - Neutralization of Magnets
13.33 - Theory of Induction of Sympathetic Chords...
13.34 - Philosophy of Transmission...
13.35 - Rotation from Vibration
13.36 - Excerpts from Original Articles...
13.37 - A Modern Wizard

Part 14 - Keely's Mysterious Thirds, Sixths and Ninths Forum Icon

14.01 - Thirds as -------------
     Figure 14.01 - Force Contracts to Center CREATING matter - Energy Radiates from Center DISSOLVING matter.
14.02) Force & Energy Defined.
     Figure 14.02- Force Contracts to Center - Energy Radiates from Center.
     Figure 14.03- Force Contracts to Center - Energy Radiates from Center.
14.03) Full Harmonic Chord
14.04 - Thirds as ----------------
     Figure 14.04 - Keely's Chart showing nested levels of aggregated matter.
14.05 - Thirds as ----------------
14.06 - Thirds in ----------------
14.07 - Thirds as ----------------
14.08) Tesla's 3, 6 and 9
Figure 14.05 - Various uses of the term "thirds"-----------

Part 15 - Dissociating Water Acoustically Forum Icon

15.01) One Phase of Keely's Discovery in its Relations to the Cure of Disease
15.02) Relative diameters in dissociation
15.03) Power of Dissociated Water
15.04) Dissociating Process
15.05) Liberating Spontaneous Energy
15.06) Progressive Dissociation
15.07) Controlling ether by Will Force
15.08) Keely developing and controlling ether
15.09) Dissociation Frequency
15.10) Water Dissociation Demonstration
15.11) Water is Sensitive to Thought
15.12) Water Structure
15.13) Pressure from Oscillation

You will notice several Parts of this work are limited and incomplete. This version 1.0 of the SVP Cosmology is public and of course FREE - but still copyrighted. A vastly more completed version (version 2.3) is available for purchase. A full Table of Contents to version 2.3 can be seen here.

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Part 16 - Electricity and Magnetism Forum Icon

16.01 - Introduction
16.02 - Walter Russell describing what electricity is
     Figure 16.01 - Electricity Develops Mind into and from Matter
     Figure 16.02 - Electricity Evolves Mass Into Spheres
     Figure 16.03 - Electricity as Charged Life and Discharged Death
     Figure 16.04 - Electricity as Charged Life and Discharged Death
16.03 - Maxwell misses the mark?
16.04 - Nikola Tesla describing what electricity is
16.05 - John Worrell Keely describing what electricity is
16.06 - Electric Waves are Sound Waves
16.07 - Electricity is a Polar Exchange
     Figure 16.05 - Electric Centering Shaft around which dances Magnetic Vectors
16.08 - Polar Link in Thirds
16.09 - Positive Electricity is Compression
16.10 - Positive Electricity
     Figure 16.06 - Russell's Genero-Radiative Coils. Electricity Expands and Contracts
16.11 - Negative Electricity is Expansion
16.12 - Negative Electricity, Russell
16.13 - Negative Electricity, Tesla
16.14 - Magnetism, Feynman
16.15 - Magnetism Defined, Keely
16.16 - Magnetic Pole Reversal
16.17 - Magnetic [field] Flow
16.18 - Magnetic Flow = Negative Sympathetic Polar Stream
16.19 - Triune Vibratory States or Conditions
16.20 - Magnetic Attraction
16.21 - Magnetism is Liberated Latent Power in Iron
16.22 - Induced Metallic Attraction that is not Magnetism
     Figure 16.07 - Two bar magnets becoming one magnet

Part 17 - Gravity Forum Icon

17.1 - Discovering Cause of Gravity
17.2 - Gravity Defined by Keely
17.3 - Gravity not a Flow
17.4 - Speed of Gravity Propagation
17.5 - Gravism
17.6 - Gravity Defined by Cayce
17.7 - Gravity Discussed by Herchel
17.8 - Gravitation/Radiation, Russell
17.9 - Gravitation/Radiation, Hatonn
17.10 - Gravitation Differentiation, Cayce
17.11 - Gravity or Levity?

17.12 - Gravitation Neutralized
17.13 - Theory of Vibratory Lift for Air-ships
17.14 - Gravity, Keely
17.15 - Gravital Sympathy
17.16 - Keely's Gravity Experiments

Part 18 - Mind, an Engineerable Force Forum Icon

18.01 - Introduction
     Figure 18.01 - Two Minds, Split and Whole
18.02 - Mind Defined, Cayce
18.03 - Mind is the Builder, Cayce
18.04 - Thought Defined, Cayce
18.05 - Ideals Guide Mind, Cayce
18.06 - Mind in and Shaping Matter
18.07 - Body Motivated by Mind Force
18.08 - Mind and Energy, Fleming
18.09 - Body Motivated by Will Force
     Figure 18.02 - Will
18.10 - Mind is the Active Force
     Figure 18.03 - From One Still Mind comes all Force and Motion
18.11 - Body, Mind and Spirit Relations, Cayce
18.12 - Mind as Healer, Cayce
18.13 - Mind Recordings
18.14 - Awakening is the Essense of Religion
     Figure 18.04 - Mind States when Demanding and Receiving Higher Knowledge
18.15 - Purifying Mind, Clarity
18.16 - Mind, the focus of Christianity
18.17 - Psychic Abilities are of the Mind
18.18 - Precognitio

Part 19 - Musical Dynasphere Forum Icon

    Figure 19.01 - Keely and his original Dynasphere (circa 1889)
     Figure 19.02 - Dale Pond and his replica of Keely's Dynasphere (1996)
19.01 - Introduction - Rotation is a universal phenomena
19.02 - Theory of the Induction of Sympathetic Chords to Excite Rotation by Vibrophonic Trajection to and from Centers of Neutrality on Revolving Globe
     Figure 19.03 - Hollow Shell 12 inches ID
     Figure 19.04 - Dynasphere Components
     Figure 19.05 - Globe Motor with Provisional Engine
     Figure 19.06 - Inside view of Keely’s original Dynasphere
     Figure 19.07 - Another view of Globe Motor with a different kind of dynamo
19.03 - Philosophy of Transmission and Rotation of Musical Sphere
19.04 - Rotation from Vibration
     Figure 19.08 - Keely Chart - Key to Vibratory Rotation
19.05 - Excerpts from original Articles about Keely’s Globe Motor or Musical Sphere
19.05.01 - From The Dynamic Theory of Life and Mind, 1893; Radiometer Motion
19.05.02 - From Dashed Against The Rock
     Figure 19.09 - The Vibrodyne
     Figure 19.10 - Keely and the Vibrodyne 1
     Figure 19.11 - Keely and the Vibrodyne 2
     Figure 19.12 - Drawing of an original Globe Motor of earlier design
19.05.03 - From The Snell Manuscript
19.05.04 - From The Snell Manuscript
19.05.05 - New York Times, Keely Motor Humbug, June 8, 1885
19.05.06 - New York Times, Keely Spinning Motor, July 25, 1886
19.05.07 - The Tribune, The Keely Motor Craze, November 30, 188?
19.05.08 - Keely and His Discoveries
19.05.09 - Keely and His Discoveries
19.05.10 - Keely and His Discoveries
19.05.11 - Dr. Plum’s Visit to Keely’s Laboratory, 1893
19.05.12 - Snell Manuscript
19.05.13 - Public Ledger, Philadelphia, April 16, 1896
19.06 - Dale Pond
19.07 - A Modern Wizard: The Keely Motor And Its Inventor
     Figure 19.13 - Count Louis Harmon (Cheiro)
     Figure 19.14 - Dr. Joseph Leidy
     Figure 19.15 - Keely's Levitation Experiment
     Figure 19.16 - Keely's Levitation Experiment Showing Three Glass Jars with Weights
     Figure 19.17 - Keely's Airship
19.08 - Editor's Note

Part 20 - Musical Dynasphere, Current Development

Part 21 - Pantone's GEET Reactor Dynamics

Table of Contents

[updated 06/01/09]

"What has a man to contend with who undertakes to establish a new science? He has the opposition of all the former opinions of the world in regard to it, and all their influence. He will be misunderstood by fools and misrepresented by knaves, for his science will tear down their fortress or belief and they will use all their skill and deception to defeat their enemy. Their weapon is their tongue, and the tongue of a hypocrite is of all weapons the most deadly to truth: for it can assume the voice form of an angel while it is sapping your very life's blood from your soul. Its life and happiness are its own torment. Ever since the world began, science has had this enemy to contend with, and some very hard battles have been fought before error would leave the field." Dr. P. P. Quimby

©Dale Pond, 2007, 2008, 2009

(This is an incomplete presentation. Not every item is as it will be in the final version of these documents. Until the final version is published use the information presented herein at your own risk.)

You will notice several Parts of this work are limited and incomplete. This version 1.0 of the SVP Cosmology is public and of course FREE - but still copyrighted. A vastly more completed version (version 2.3) is available for purchase. A full Table of Contents to version 2.3 can be seen here.

Purchase Update Button

Part 01 - General View
Part 02 - Origin of Polar States

Part 03 - Polarity Manifests as Rotating Vortex

Part 04 - Rotation on Three Planes

Part 05 - Three Rotating Planes Become Spheres

Part 06 - Formation of Cubes

Part 07 - Origin and Formation of Matter
Part 7B - Formation of Matter
Part 08 - Sympathetic Streams and 3-D Matter

Part 09 - What Vibration Is.
Part 1 & Part 2
Part 10 - What Sympathy Is

Part 11 - SVP Music Model

Part 12 - Russell's Locked Potentials

Part 13 - Rotation from Vibration/Oscillation

Part 14 - Keely's Mysterious Thirds, Sixths and Ninths

Part 15 - Dissociating Water Acoustically

Part 16 - Electricity and Magnetism

Part 17 - Gravity

Part 18 - Mind, an Engineerable Force
Part 19 - Musical Dynasphere, Historical
Part 20 - Musical Dynasphere, Current Development
Part 21 - Pantone's GEET Reactor Dynamics

- - - - - - - - - - - - - Addenda - - - - - - - - - - - -
01 - Bjerknes Effect
02 - Chart of Locked Potentials
03 - Ether
04 - Origin of Matter
05 - Indig Numbers
06 - One Phase of Keely's Discoveries...
07 - Pond's Original Notes on the Scale______
08 - Laws of Being
09 - Table of the Elements
10 - Keely's Forty Laws
11 - Russell's Laws and Principles
12 - What Electricity Is.
13 - Puharich, Water Dissociation via AC
14 - As a Man Thinketh
15 - Genero-Radiative Concept
16 - The Action of Force is Spiro-Vortex
17 - Russell's Optic Dynamo-Generator
18 - Etheric Vibratory Scale
96 - Index of ebooks
98 - Footnotes
99 - Definitions

"A truth's initial commotion is directly proportional to how deeply the lie was believed. It wasn't the world being round that agitated people, but that the world wasn't flat. When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic."

~~~Dresden James

© Dale Pond, 2007, 2008, 2009
Delta Spectrum Research
921 Santa Fe Avenue
La Junta, Colorado 81050

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