SVP Universal Cosmology
A Rosetta Stone for
the New Science Paradigm
Version 1.0
01 - General View
Part 02 - Origin
of Polar States
Part 03 - Polarity
Manifests as Rotating Vortex
Part 04 - Rotation
on Three Planes
Part 05 - Three
Rotating Planes Become Spheres
Part 06 - Formation
of Cubes
Part 7A - Origin
and Formation of Matter
7B - Formation of Matter
Part 08 - Sympathetic Streams and 3-D
Part 09 - What
Vibration Is. Part 1 & Part 2
Part 10 - What
Sympathy Is
Part 11 - SVP
Music Model
Part 12 - Russell's
Locked Potentials
Part 13 - Rotation
from Vibration/Oscillation
Part 14 - Keely's
Mysterious Thirds, Sixths and Ninths
Part 15 - Dissociating
Water Acoustically
Part 16 - Electricity
and Magnetism
Part 17 - Gravity
Part 18 - Mind, an Engineerable Force
Part 19 - Musical Dynasphere, Historical
Part 20 - Musical Dynasphere, Current Development
Addenda - - - - - - - - - - - -
01 - Bjerknes Effect
02 - Chart of Locked Potentials
03 - Ether
04 - Origin of Matter
05 - Indig Numbers
06 - One Phase of Keely's
07 - Pond's Original Notes on the Scale______
08 - Laws of Being
09 - Table of the Elements
10 - Keely's Forty Laws
11 - Russell's Laws and
12 - What Electricity Is.
13 - Puharich, Water
Dissociation via AC
14 - As a Man Thinketh
15 - Genero-Radiative Concept
16 - The Action of Force is
17 - Russell's Optic Dynamo-Generator
97 - Disclaimer
98 - Footnotes
99 - Definitions
truth's initial commotion is directly proportional to how deeply the
lie was believed. It wasn't the world being round that agitated people,
but that the world wasn't flat. When a well-packaged web of lies has
been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem
utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic."
~~~Dresden James
[updated 12/04/07]
© Dale Pond, 2007
Delta Spectrum
921 Santa Fe Avenue
La Junta, Colorado 81050
is an incomplete presentation. Not every item is as it will be in the
final version of these documents. Until the final version is published
use the information presented herein at your own risk. In the meantime
please peruse the SVP Recommended Reading List for additional
background information.)
Part 2 - Origin of Polar States
2.1 - Rings and Spheres
Figure 2.1 - Mind,
through electric potential, condenses into matter via Tonal Rings.
2.2 - Spirit & Ether
2.3 - Law of Vibrating Atomolic Substances
2.4 - Law of Oscillating Atomoles
Figure 2.2 -
Undivided (undifferentiated) Light divides (differentiates, refracts)
into all that is.
2.5 - Beginning
Figure 2.3 -
Non-Point of Proto-Beginning
2.6 - Beginning as Undifferentiated One
Figure 2.4 - Polar
2.7 - The Neutral State
2.8 - Vacuum
Figure 2.5 -
Omnipresence of One
2.9 - One Appearing as Extended
2.10 - Limits & Limitations
Figure 2.6 - Triple
Dual Vectors. In Rotary Motion
2.11 - One Becomes Two
Figure 2.7 - Center
Seeking & Center Fleeing
2.12 - Male & Female Forces
Figures 2.8
& 2.9 - The Male and Female Vortices
2.13 - Let there be Light
Figure 2.10 -
Intermingled Male & Female
2.14 - Male and Female Intermingle
2.15 - Voiding
Figure 2.11 -
Cosmic Germination
2.16 - Male & Female Swirling Cosmic Dance
Figure 2.12 -
Cosmic Dance
2.17 - The Duality of One
Figure 2.13 - Dark
& Light

version 1.0 of the SVP Cosmology is public and of course FREE - but
still copyrighted. A vastly more completed version (version 2.2) is
available for purchase. Click
here to see the full Table of Contents of version 2.2.
Discuss this section here.
Origin of
Polar States
2.1 - Rings and Spheres - Russell
says the celestial realm, free and open space or Mind, centralizes and coallesces
into rings then into spheres, the basic building-blocks of matter. This
premise is further explored in Part 3.
How can this happen if a sphere has three primary dimensions (planes)
but a ring (as he puts it) has only two primary dimensions on one
plane? The answer (in my mind) is relative to "cubes"
or cubic structurings.
Figure 2.1 - Mind, through electric potential,
condenses into matter via Tonal Rings.
(courtesy University of Science
and Philosophy)
- Spirit & Ether
as we now know is the same as Keely's interetheric realm of
matter/energy or proto-ether. According to Keely "matter is infinitely
divisible". There is no ultimately tiny particle. The substance
(matter) on these higher and finer realms bears little resemblance to
matter on the so-called gross physical 3D realm. Spirit ANIMATES
matter. There is a bit of semantics problem here. When SVP says spirit
(small 's') it does not mean God. Small 's' spirit means this animating
influence or energy. There have been times I've used 'Spirit" (cap 's')
meaning God. God means 'creative and all-knowing' which is somewhat
different from 'animating' force or influence. Spirit (small 's')
animates matter much like electricity animates matter. I would not
define spirit in terms of "physical ether". Spirit is as an energy
flow, condition or state functional (motion causing) within the realm
of the etheric states of matter and energy. The ether is not really a
"physical" thing but more like a "liquid light" having properties of
both these metaphorical substances. Here are several definitions of
ether from Keely:
"The luminiferous
ether - the compound interetheric element - in other words, celestial
mind force - is the substance of which all visible and invisible things
are composed." Keely
"Ether is an
atomolic liquid 986,000 times the density of steel." Keely
"The fundamental
mode of vibration changes as we reach the fifth subdivision [of
matter], to the dominant, the diatonic third of the mass chord, which
controls the vibratory states of both the etheron and interetheron. The
awful might concealed in the depths of the etheric and interetheric
subdivisions utterly transcends anything Science has ever known. Even
the theoretical energy value of radium now accepted by Science, pales
into insignificance in comparison to the energy value of an equal
amount of water subdivided to the etheric or interetheric state." Keely
this presentation we are dealing primarily with Keely's definition of
the ether he developed and used. The definitions used by Cayce and
Russell are pretty much the same while definitions from others can be
dramatically different. Click here to read
the many definitions of ether.
- Law of Vibrating Atomolic Substances:
"Atoms are capable of vibrating within themselves at a pitch inversely
as the Dyne (the local coefficient of Gravity), and as the atomic
volume, directly as the atomic weight, producing the creative force
(Electricity), whose transmissive force is propagated through atomolic
solids, liquids, and gases, producing induction and the static effect
of magnetism upon other atoms of attraction or repulsion, according to
the Law of Harmonic Attraction and
The phenomenon of Dynamic Electricity through a metallic conductor and
of induction are identical. In a metallic conductor, the transmission
is from atom to atom, through homologous interstices, filled with
ether, presenting small areas in close proximity. In crystalline
structures, heat, which expands the atoms, by twisting them produces
striae, increases the resistance, etc. Between parallel wires and
through air the induction takes place from large areas through a
rarefied medium composed of a mixture of substances, whose atoms are
separated by waves of repulsion of various pitches, discordant to
electric vibrations; the said atoms sympathetically absorb the
vibrations and dissipate from themselves, as centers, concentric waves
of electric energy which produces heat and gravism." Keely
- Law of Oscillating Atomoles:
"Atomoles oscillating at a uniform pitch (determined by their uniform
size and weight) produce the creative force Atomolity, whose
transmissive form, Gravism, is propagated through more rarefied media,
producing the static effect upon all other atomoles, denominated
Gravity." Keely
atomolic substance is what is termed the ether which fills all space
and is the transmitting medium for all celestial and terrestrial
forces. This is the liquid ether of occult science.
atomoles are made up of atomolini (singular tomolinus); the subdivision
of matter from this point is beyond man's power, as at this point it
escapes all control of apparatus, passing through glass and hardened
steel as a luminous flame without heat, which is hardly seen before it
vanishes, - a perpetual flame coldly luminous." Keely
are ultimate units of atomoles, and when in a liquid state are the
media for the transmission of gravism. The illimitable divisibility and
aggregation of matter is a logical sequence." Keely
"Gravism is the
transmissive form (of energy) through a medium of atomoles in the
fourth state, or a medium composed of atomolini." Keely
What is a "force"?
Something out of balance attempting to re-establish that balance. All
is vibration (unbalanced forces rhythmically interchanging between
polar states).
principle of rhythmic balanced interchange between father-mother lights
of gravitation and radiation is fundamental in all creating things."
[Russell, The
Secret of Light, page 150]
- "Life in its
manifestations is vibration. Electricity is vibration. But vibration
that is creative is one thing. Vibration that is destructive is
another. Yet they may be from the same source. As in the electrical
forces in the form or nature prepared even for use in the body."
- Q - "What is my
- A - "Depends on
what you are thinking. Remember life is vibration. So is mind. So is
matter. As to the ray, this changes. Don't think you sit on a ray and
it carries you along. You make the ray." Cayce (1861-16)
How can "non-physical"
effect physical? Is electricity non-physical? Is light? Is Mind
(thought)? All three are taken as non-physical yet they all have
effects on matter. What is force? What is energy? What is matter?
To me these forces are
looking like specific and peculiar "polarizations". Electricity is a
polarization of the electrical substream of the triune terrestrial
streams of magnetism, electricity and gravity. If this idea of
polarization is correct then one must ask 'What is being polarized?' Or
'How does polarization occur?' Or we may ask 'Is polarization simply
the initial stages of differentiation of the One Force?'
- "First, let it be
understood there is the pattern in the material or physical plane of
every condition as exists in the cosmic or spiritual plane, for things
spiritual and things material are but those same conditions raised to a
different condition of the same element - for all force is as of one
force." Cayce (5756-4)
I take the above quote
from Cayce as indicating a "Fractalized (holographic) Patterning" of
everything. To me electricity is a unbalanced (active) polar force
seeking voiding on a lower level or realm (interatomic) and spirit is a
similar state of dynamism on a higher level (etheric to interetheric).
Thought force is of the interetheric frequency realm and spirit
slightly more, in the terms we are using.
- Beginning - Beginning at the beginning there was naught but God (pure consciousness or passive
Thought, intelligence, cognizance) which is to say no substantial or
material "thing" existed. All was
void of densified energy or matter. Consciousness has no dimension.
There was no up, down, little or big. There was simply this
Consciusness being itself. At this stage this Single Awareness was not
aware of its Self.
For our limited
reference we could picture this initial state of affairs with a single
indefined and infinite center - not having any dimension, extension or
size (all being forms of limitation).
Figure 2.3 -
Non-Point of Proto-Beginning
- Beginning as Undifferentiated One - According to the Russell
cosmology this beginning Unit or Unison or One was all there was. It
was Whole and One. For whatever reason this one divided
(differentiated) itself into two equal but dynamic tendencies: one
tendency desired separation from the One and the other tendency desired
union with the One. This seeming separation of the Thoughtless state
into itself and a Thinking state brought into being the I AM or the
Word of God as some choose to call this state of being aware of self.
Diety is
Undifferentiated Consciousness. God extended thought by thinking. When
the idea of dimension came into cognizance it could be said vacuous
space became as filled with God's divine or cosmic
consciousness from end to end. This expressed Universal Consciousness
is the Word of God being an expression of Diety.[*] Diety then is
differentiated consciousness too.
Mind of God and its expression is the I and the AM. The "I" is in the
passive unexpressed Undifferentiated Mind and the "AM" is active
expression or thinking being. I AM living. I BE living. I AM BEing
alive. I AM therefore is the pattern of the Law of One in its
elemental motion of expansion and contraction.
There is Being and a
knowing of Self as that Being.
All forces are vibratory
having expansive and contractive qualities or an imbalanced polar force
seeking balance. This means there is also a neutral phase or state
occuring between or at phase shifting loci (fulcrums). The resultant
complex motion will be vortexial. The quiet phase of any vibratory
phenomena is neutral, meaning equal balances (depolar) of both active
(polar) states or phases. The opposite phase or state of Mind is
active, being composed of a polar condition; expansive and contractive.
Therefore correspondingly the Cosmic Mind or Universal Consciousness is
neutral whereas the thinking, active and creating mind is divided into
two active and creative states, male and female. This initial
polarization of a neutral state into two creative polar states was
symbolized in ancient literature as God creating Adam (archetypal male)
and Eve (archetypal female). This binary force is archtypal and
ubiquitous. A simplistic graphic of these two polar states, acting as
one motion, can be seen here: polar states and in
countless other ancient drawings, art and literature.
Figure 2.4 - Polar States
- The Neutral State - The neutral state deserves our attention
as it is the Cosmic Egg or latent state (laya) of all motion or force.
This state is not truly 0 (zero being a non-quantity) or without
description or definition even though mathematicians are want to define
it as a zero or null quantity. What they mean is the neutral is a zero
quantity "mathematically speaking" bereft of either a predominance of
expansive or contractive quantity or quality. Let's not confuse
abstract mathematics with reality. Do we say the point of fulcrum on a
see-saw is not part of the see-saw? It is indeed the essence of the
see-saw being part of both one side and the other. It is the essential
connecting link between the opposing forces. The neutral is composed
equally of BOTH expansive and contractive being held in equilibrium
(latent or in potential). This state having both poles in a balanced
quantity or state can become either depending upon explicit or discrete
"excitation". The neutral is the passive or stable state while the two
opposing poles alternately exchange between themselves the roles of
passive and active. Thus these two poles may be considered as two
active forces interchanging through the third neutrally passive pole or
state. In the illustration the center sphere and the two right and left
spheres are shown at the neutral positions briefly pausing (voiding)
between being one state then changing into the other opposite state
(expanding outward or collapsing inward). Mind likewise is polarizable
which means it is potentially a useable force in machinery.
2.8 -
- A main focus (if not the only true focus) in SVP is understanding the
neutral and differentiated states of Mind. The neutral state is
synonomous with what some call God, Christ Consciousness or Cosmic
Some liken this state to the nonobservable "vacuum". The nature of
vacuum is really the state of expansion - what Keely referred to as
'enharmonic'. In this state there are three varying degrees of phases,
conditions or states. These states can be seen in Figures 1.2 and 1.2.1
of Part 1.
There is force contracting to the center always increasing in power and
solidity and decreasing in volume. There is energy expanding from the
center always decreasing in power and solidity and increasing in volume.
Spirit energy animates
the body without which the body would have no motion or life.
- "Likewise the body
of man does not live, and having never lived it cannot die.
- "The spirit alone
lives. The body but manifests the spirit. That which we think of, as
life in the spirit of man manifests itself by willing the body to act."
Russell is saying, is the physical/material body does not have anything
to animate itself. Matter is inert unless animated by some force. Like
an automobile cannot move without electricity in its wires and fuel in
its engine. In the human body the animating force comes from "spirit"
which as we now know is the same as Keely's interetheric realm of
matter/energy. This is also the mana of the ancients.
- "The spirit is the
impelling influence of infinity, or the one creative source, force,
that is manifest. ...spirit is the life-giving force in every
condition, whether of mental or material action." - Cayce (5749-3)
- "Spirit is the
vibrating energy which underlies the manifestations of all matter."
- "Mr. Keely affirms,
with other philosophers, that there is only one unique substance, and
that this substance is the Divine spirit of life, and that this spirit
of life is God, who fills everything with his thoughts, disjoining and
grouping together these multitudes of thoughts in different bodies
called atmospheres, fluids, matters, animal, vegetable, and mineral
forms." Bloomfield-Moore
- "Spirit is the
First Cause, the primary beginning, the motivative influence, - as God
is Spirit.
- "Spirit is the
First Cause. Mind is an effect, or an active force that partakes of
spiritual as well as material import. Mind is an essence or a flow
between Spirit and that which is made manifest materially.
- "God, the First
Cause, in spirit, created in spirit the separate influences or forces
that are a portion of, and manifested in the spirit of, God. In that
essence, to become materially manifested through the evolution of the
spirit of God, sin first began.
- "The first concept
as may be had of that in materiality is that it is an essence, without
form, save as it begins to manifest, - as would be gas, odor, wind,
smoke, - yet that it has with it the will, the mind, the power to make
manifest by that with which, in which, it manifests, - as does also
odor, gas, wind and the like.
- "Thus - as the
activities came - we may assume that the First Cause was Spirit, Mind,
Will." Cayce (262-123)
How can one "know" or be
"One With" this neutral state of Mind if beseiged by the noise of
active life? Admittedly some can achieve such a state while emersed in
the hub-bub of life. Some cannot. The seeking and experiencing of peace
and quiet as in retreats, stays in monasteries, being in the wild, is
essential to knowing that state where one learns to know Self as in the
I AM. As one thinks so one experiences and vice versa. The neutral
state or "place of voiding" is the causitive state of either the
expansive or contractive. These two active states then are the effects
of the cause. These two states are the active physical or 3D world.
When one emerses into the active states they are then within the states
of effects or illusion and not of the neutral causitive state of peace
or quiet. Since we can admit life is an experience of consciousness the
above applies to Mind, awareness or consciousness. Life then is an
effect of the state of consciousness. Being unconscious (as in dead) is
being outside of the active realm Cayce often called the "sphere of
activity". Death therefore must then be a state of "lack of awareness
of physical activity" while life is "consciousness of physical
activity". Here then is reference to the quote of "being dead is being
alive" and vice versa. Does this infer that death is more alive and
then life? Not at all. The only difference between being dead and being
alive is the mode or focus of consciousness or awareness whether to the
physical or ethereal (mind). The ideal then is to be in the physical
state and be aware of the ethereal (mind) state. "Dead unto the world"
of activity as it were but more fully alive than otherwise. Being in
the world (of activity) but not of it (caught up in the effects).
Figure 2.5 - Omnipresence of One
- One Appearing as Extended - Before the division there was
only One Mind having no definition or dimension. After the division
(some call "Fall from grace") there is seemingly something other than
the One Mind. However there is still the One Mind appearing as
fragmented or individual minds set apart from the One. This expanded
awareness assigned dimension to the Void.
And it is this mental assignment of dimension that establishes the idea
of separation when in fact no separation could have occured. These
two states or tendencies are in fact One state tending to be two
opposing conditions: to the center (to be individualized) and from the
center (to be As One). These are not things or states but more as
conditions or tendencies or desires
- since there only is Mind at
this point. There is the Creator Consciousness (Cause) and
the Created Consciousness
2.10 - Limits & Limitations - The idea of limits (dimensions) was born from
or with this split mind or dual (reflected) consciousness. With the
idea of limits comes the idea
of space or a "place" where limits
can exist. Any space must be defined (more limits ).
This definition must of necessity have dimension. There is still
nothing in space but there is dimension or orientation of direction.
There is a sense of direction in and out. Two dimensions, directions or
poles are established. This process is not linear in that things didn't
happen sequentially. If there is established an in and out from a point
there must be concurrently all three directions as shown below because
an in and out motion is in all directions at once. However, using
linear thinking helps to sort through complex issues.
2.6 - Triple Dual Vectors. In Rotary Motion.
2.11 - One Becomes Two - The two initial states
being 1) to separate or be individual and 2) be Unified or One are
nothing more than tendencies or desires.
The first tends in a direction directly away from the center. The
second tends to a direction towards the center. The two opposing
tendencies cancel or neutralize each other. Since there are only two
states they are initially in perfect equilibrium one against the other.
There is no motion or substance.
Figure 2.7 - Center Seeking & Center Fleeing
2.12 - Male & Female Forces - These two
forces, the essence of Male and Female, may be pictured as a red
and blue vortex.
Figures 2.8 & 2.9 - The Male and Female Vortices
2.13 - Let there be Light - At some point, it
is agreed, God said "Let there be Light." This
statement is an idea or intent some say to experience Light. This first expressed desire caused a disturbance in
the universal equilibrium. The two balanced or neutralized states or desires became slightly
unbalanced causing the two forces to move against or around each other.
They must move AROUND each other as to move directly against each other
would bring about a neutralization of force. One moving away from centralization and the other
moving to centralization. The
two directions mutually cancel one another. Therefore the thought that
initiated the motion must be at right angles to this in and out
2.14 - Male and Female Intermingle - Male and
Female Forces will intermingle from which unition results a third
manifestation or the initial stages of manifestation of that which
bears parts of each.
Figure 2.10 - Intermingled Male & Female
2.15 - Voiding - The Void, Dark and the Light
intermingle as two opposites seeking to Void themselves into or against
the each other. A seeking to become the One they were and are yet to be.
There is another
phenomena Keely referred to as when a keeper is about to kiss its
magnet. If you've played with strong magnets you know this feeling when
the two magnets are just about to touch. This reminds me of what you
are saying above. When two opposites are about to Void there is a build
up of energy. This is a phenomena of Keely's "sympathetic outreach"
evoking like response in an opposite. The effects of this "sympathetic
outreach" can be experienced while being around a "sexy" member of the
opposite sex or experiencing music that causes your foot to tap and
maybe you being humming along or eventually swaying and dancing. I
think vibrations are the same in action/reaction as may be any other
vibrating object. The vibrations in the object begin falling in synch
and their phases eventually lock and so results a harmonic response (in
tune) synchronization of aliquot parts. What happens to one begins
happening to the other. Sympathy (unison, oneness) has been
established. Without opposites coming together there would not be this
evoked sympathetic response (mutual love). Which may be a round about
explanation of why we are in material form - reaching to spirit - as
spirit reaches to us. When the two approximate, evoking sympathetic
response (love) in the other, there is a burst of Awakening Light,
which is to say a "remembering" we are Love.
Figure 2.11 - Cosmic Germination
2.16 - Male & Female Swirling Cosmic Dance
- The essence of Male and Female Forces swirl together in a sexual
union seeking to Void each other in and against the other.
Figure 2.12 - Cosmic Dance
2.17 - The Duality of One - The Void, now as
Dark (undifferentiated Light) and Light (differentiated Light into its
constituent colors) intermingle as two opposites seeking to void
themselves into or against the each other. A seeking to become the One
they were and are yet to be.
- "And God said, let
there be light, and there was light."
- GEN. 1. 3.
- "God is light, and
in Him is no darkness at all."
- I JOHN 1. 5.
The essence of Male and
Female Forces swirl together in a sexual union seeking to Void each
other in and against the other.
The Light and the Dark
intermingling and merging to form the initial forms of all substance:
alphanons or atomolini. From the Void comes all substance to which the
substance returns at the end of its material cycle.
Figure 2.13 - Dark & Light
Matter formed
from Dark and Light
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