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Fraudulent Juristic Name
By Dan Meador
The following memorandum was constructed to use in a pleading. It explains the reason juristic names, i.e., JOHN DOE, are substituted in court headings and other documents generated by government agencies and financial institutions for proper names, i.e., John Doe.
In all pilot cases, and in all litigation observed by the People of Kay County initiating this petition, cases have been originally styled, or attorneys, the court clerk, and judicial officers have converted orig inals to, juristic, trade, or commercial names rather than using proper names of the parties. For example, the living moral being John Doe will be identified as the juristic JOHN DOE. In the representative cases attendi ng this petition, Dan Meador has consistently been misidentified as DAN MEADOR or some variation thereof, Norma Gail Meador has consistently been misidentified as NORMA GAIL MEADOR or some variation thereof, and Aaron Don Riggs has consistently been misidentified as AARON DON RIGGS or some variation thereof.
The requirement of proper names, and the mandate for correction when p roper names are provided, is set out clearly and simply relating to crimi nal prosecution at 22 Okla. Stat. § 403:
In general, it is necessary to properly identify parties to actions or judgments are void, as treated in Volume 46, American Jurisprudence 2d, "Judgments":
A judgment should identify the parties for and against whom it is rend ered, with such certainty that it may be readily enforced, and a judgment which does not do so may be regarded as void for uncertainty. Such ident ification may be achieved by naming the persons for and against whom the judgment is rendered. Technical deficiencies in the naming of the persons for and against whom judgment is rendered can be corrected if the partie s are not prejudiced. A reference in a judgment to a party plainly liable , followed by an omission of that party's name from the language of the d ecree, at least gives rise to an ambiguity and calling for an inquiry int o the court's real intention as reflected in the entire record and surrou nding circumstances. [Footnote numbers omitted; cites not reproduced]
The matter of proper names, spelled with capital first letters only, has repeatedly been addressed to each defendant named in this petit ion. However, the court clerk, judicial officers, and attorneys have cons istently ignored the matter, or when it has been pressed in hearings, hav e skirted the issue by alleging that use of all capital letters in case h eadings is simply a matter of style. However, this excuse is indicted by consistent refusal to correct names in case headings in spite of proper n ame spelling, i.e., John Doe instead of JOHN DOE, being provided to those responsible. If style was the only issue, those responsible would correc t form when given notice, or would cite law authorizing use of all capita l letters for names. The practice clearly contradicts mandates of 22 Okla 2E Stat. § 403 and standard rules of English usage and grammar.
The United States Government Printing Office Style Manual, Marc h 1984 edition, provides comprehensive standard grammar and usage for gov ernment publications, including casework. Chapter 3, "Capitalization", at § 3.2, prescribes rules for proper names: "Proper names are capital ized." Examples given are, "Rome, Brussels, John Macadam, Macadam family, Italy, Anglo-Saxon."
Chapter 17, "Courtwork", preserves rules of capitalization prescribed in Chapter 3:
At § 17.9, the Style Manual specifies, "In the titl es of cases the first letter of all principal words are capitalized, but not such terms as defendant and appellee." Examples in § 17.12 are consistent with the § 17.9 specification, all proper names being spelled with capital first letters only, the balance of each spelled with lower case letters.
By reviewing definitions and comments in The Oxford English Diction ary (1971 ed.), which is possibly the most authoritative dictionary of the English language in the world, proper capitalization and usage is made clear. In this dictionary, under the term "Christian", the term "Christian name" is defined as follows: "6. Christian name: the name given at christening; the personal name, as distinguished from the family name or surname." All examples given are consistent with standard rules of capitalization, the first letter only capitalized. Likewise, the term "Surname" follows this same pattern; all are spelled with capital first letters only, the surname generally being the family or last name. Together, the Christian and surnames are the proper name or names of people. Under the term "Proper" The Oxford English Dictionary pre scribes capitalization rules:
A proper name is written with an initial capital letter. The same proper name may be borne by many persons in different families or generations , or by several places in different counties or localities; but it does not connote any qualities common to and distinctive of the persons or things which it denotes. A proper name may however receive a connotation from the qualities of an individual so named, and be used as a common noun, as a Hercules…
Elements of Style by Strunk and White, an authoritative, concise book on English grammar, and the Associated Press Style Manua l, recognized as the grammar and style bible for publishing writers, concur with and endorse capitalization of first letters only for proper n ames. Yet without authority of law or any other viable excuse, the court clerk, judicial officers, and attorneys who practice in the Eighth Judici al District consistently, habitually, and willfully displace proper names with juristic or trade names in case headings, i.e., JOHN DOE instead of John Doe.
Because the practice is consistent and seemingly universal, it cannot be without purpose. Which is to say, there is some reason for name perver sion. The reason is explained by definitions found at 15 U.S.C. § 11 27, reproduced below in relative part:
Sec. 1127. Construction and definitions; intent of chapter
In the construction of this chapter, unless the contrary is plainly ap parent from the context&emdash;
The United States includes and embraces all territory which is under i ts jurisdiction and control.
The word ``commerce'' means all commerce which may lawfully be regulat ed by Congress.
The term ``person'' and any other word or term used to designate the a pplicant or other entitled to a benefit or privilege or rendered liable u nder the provisions of this chapter includes a juristic person as well as a natural person. The term ``juristic person'' includes a firm, corporat ion, union, association, or other organization capable of suing and being sued in a court of law.
The term ``person'' also includes any State, any instrumentality of a State, and any officer or employee of a State or instrumentality of a Sta te acting in his or her official capacity. Any State, and any such instru mentality, officer, or employee, shall be subject to the provisions of th is chapter in the same manner and to the same extent as any nongovernment al entity.
The terms ``applicant'' and ``registrant'' embrace the legal represent atives, predecessors, successors and assigns of such applicant or registr ant.
The terms ``trade name'' and ``commercial name'' mean any name used by a person to identify his or her business or vocation.
The term ``trademark'' includes any word, name, symbol, or device, or any combination thereof&emdash;
(2) which a person has a bona fide intention to use in commerce
and applies to register on the principal register established by this chapter, to identify and distinguish his or her goods, including a unique product, from those manufactured or sold by others and to indicate the s ource of the goods, even if that source is unknown.
The term ``service mark'' means any word, name, symbol, or device, or any combination thereof&emdash;
(2) which a person has a bona fide intention to use in commerce and ap plies to register on the principal register established by this chapter,< /P>
to identify and distinguish the services of one person, including a un ique service, from the services of others and to indicate the source of t he services, even if that source is unknown. Titles, character names, and other distinctive features of radio or television programs may be regist ered as service marks notwithstanding that they, or the programs, may adv ertise the goods of the sponsor.
The term ``use in commerce'' means the bona fide use of a mark in the ordinary course of trade, and not made merely to reserve a right in a mar k. For purposes of this chapter, a mark shall be deemed to be in use in c ommerce&emdash;
This section is referred to in 19 U.S.C. §§ 1526 & 1595a , which primarily involve maritime drug trade. This is one of three prima ry purposes of the juristic or commercial name, i.e., JOHN DOE instead of John Doe. The juristic or commercial name, trade name, is predicated on maritime causes, i.e., private international law.
The second implication is that the "public servant" is involved in a " trade or business", as defined in the Internal Revenue Code at § 770 1(a)(26): "The term ‘trade or business’ includes the performanc e of the functions of a public office."
The link between "trade or business" in the Internal Revenue Code to c ommerce at 15 U.S.C. § 1127 is, "The term ‘person’ also in cludes any State, any instrumentality of a State, and any officer or empl oyee of a State or instrumentality of a State acting in his or her offici al capacity. Any State, and any such instrumentality, officer, or employe e, shall be subject to the provisions of this chapter in the same manner and to the same extent as any nongovernmental entity."
The third and probably most important link is "public money", all of w hich is hypothecated on credit of the United States. Only departments and agencies of United States Government and instrumentalities of the United States, including the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Isla nds, Guam, American Samoa, and the Northern Mariana Islands, and officers and employees of these governments, are entitled to receive and use "pub lic money". This is the key link with the banking system: The Federal Dep osit Insurance Corporation insures only deposits of "public money". Speci fication of who is entitled to receive and use public money is clearly sp elled out in regulations relating to Treasury tax and loan depositaries a t 31 CFR § 202.1:
People throughout the constitutionalist movement are concerned about the Federal Reserve Note, which amounts to private-issue scrip. In reality, the Federal Reserve Note is a minor issue compared to public mon ey. Virtually all transaction accounts such as checking and passbook savi ngs accounts are colorably hypothecated on credit of the United States ev en though financial institutions chartered and/or regulated by federal go vernment, FDIC, and/or the Federal Reserve System employ deceptive, fraud ulent, and unlawful means to issue private bills of credit. Credit of the United States is public money.
Current credit and monetary systems where "credit" is used to defer pa yment rather than actually pay debt are patently unconstitutional. Articl e I § 8 of the Constitution of the United States empowers Congress t o mint coin and regulate its value, and to prescribe punishment for count erfeiting securities and current coin of the United States, then Article I § 10 prohibits the several States from emitting bills of credit, m inting coin, or making anything but gold and silver coin a tender for pay ment of debt. Yet Congress has ceased fulfilling the constitutional manda te to provide gold and silver coin as the nation’s lawful currency, and officers of the several States brazenly ignore Article I § 10 pr ohibitions.
The so-called income tax, which is simply the "normal tax" of 1862 whi ch issued against officers and employees of United States Government, was resurrected in 1918 (42 Stat. 233; see definition of "employee" at the c urrent 26 U.S.C. § 3401(c)), then extended to insular possessions of the United States via the so-called Buck Act (4 U.S.C. §§ 105- 111; see definition of "State" as applicable only to the District of Colu mbia and insular possessions). Oklahoma’s link to the so-called inco me tax is at 51 Okla. Stat. § 46:
Chapter 1
§ 46. Procedure Required.
In every instance where the United States of America or the Sta te of Oklahoma, or both, have enacted laws requiring reservation or withh olding of tax levied upon salaries, wages, or other compensation of offic ers, deputies, and employees of the state or of any county, city, town, b oard of education, or school district or any other municipal subdivision thereof, the public funds of which, under the system of checks and balances prescribed by the Legislature under mandate of the Constitution of this state, are disbursed only upon warrant upon the treasurer pursua nt to verified itemized claim, the procedures herein prescribed are autho rized, and required to be followed, for the purpose of enabling the tax s o withheld to be transmitted, without delay and without peril of penalty, to the Collector of Internal Revenue in the case of the United States an d to the Oklahoma Tax Commission in the case of the state. [Underscore added for emphasis]
The "United States of America", treated separately, is a confed eration or compact of insular possessions of the United States, the entit y exclusive of and foreign to States of the Union. The section above conf irms links to the foreign "United States of America" and "public funds", i.e., "public money", which is the object of the normal tax and the exclu sive medium federally chartered and/or regulated financial institutions a re authorized by law to traffic in. Since the Constitution of the United States mandates that Congress mint gold and silver coin for a national cu rrency, and prohibits the several States from emitting bills of credit or making anything but gold and silver coin a tender for payment of debt, the Federalism/Cooperative Federalism scheme rests on the notion that all people throughout the nation are government officers and employees engage d in "trade or business" entitled to use of "public money" as deferred co mpensation.
Limits of application to the District of Columbia and insular possessions are clarified by the definition of "State" at 31 CFR § 215.2(m), which governs withholding by financial institutions authorized as Treasury tax and loan depositaries: "State means a State of the United States or the District of Columbia, unless otherwise specified."
In and of itself, the juristic, trade or commercial name, i.e., JOHN DOE instead of John Doe, might be insignificant except that it provides a colorable means for holding real people accountable for the artificial en tity that theoretically exists at the pleasure of the State. In original capacity, federally chartered, licensed, or regulated financial instituti ons are associations which can solicit and provide basic financial servic es such as checking accounts only for qualified association members, thos e being officers and employees of United States Government and instrument alities of the United States. They traffic exclusively in public money. B oth State and Federal income tax systems are privilege excise taxes where the "wage" is not the object, but the measure of the tax. The government officer or employee is construed to be engaged in "trade or business", a nd he functions in commerce under a juristic, trade or commercial name. A ll "credit" colorably extended via federally chartered and/or regulated f inancial institutions is hypothecated on credit of the United States, wit h said "credit" not paying, but deferring payment of debt (15 U.S.C. § 7; 1602).
Use of the fictional or juristic name, JOHN DOE, is fraud of the first order. It is simply one more device employed as a transparent, insulatin g barrier over lawful government to defeat and thereby render constitutio ns of the United States and the de jure State of Oklahoma ineffective.
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