- Dynasphere, Dale's books
SVP Workshop &
SVP Cosmology
and SVP
of Life Windchimes
The Physics of Love
We do not treat symptoms. We do no healing of any
kind or in any way. The dynaspheres merely create a vibratory field of
given sympathetic properties. Those pausing in that field may or may
not choose to let go of their own illness causing thoughts. Keely said
it best:
"If we live in a
sympathetic field we become sympathetic, and a tendency from the
abnormal to the normal presents itself by an evolution of a purely
sympathetic flow towards its attractive centres. It is only under these
conditions that differentiation (discord) can be broken up, and a pure
[harmony, health, oneness, peace] established." [Keely
in Keely and His
SVPForum discussion on Dynaspheres here.
SVPwiki detailing Musical Dynasphere here.
Hi Dale,
Thank you very much. The file (Atlin - Knowing I AM) downloaded fine.
Have started reading. Fascinating, humbling, scarey?, mind blowing.
The start of an adventure
Thanks a lot
Hello Dale,
I need to come clean and be honest with you. I thought that I was smart
and that I had a high IQ, but the more I understand about SVP the more
that I can see how un-enlightened that I am currently.
I once make a joke stating "that all Dale Pond has is Brass Balls
selling for 30K each" but now I can see that you are probably the
single greatest visionary of our time and through your life
long efforts our world can truly transform itself.
I have been studying Keely, Russell, Smith and others for the past 5
years and I can tell you that my preconceived notions have been my
biggest block to my understanding along with by belief in
my intelligence would carry me through but yet for 5 years I
wasn't able to see 2+2 = 4.
I believe now that I am going through the SVPwiki pages things are starting to click for
me, but I still have questions probably easy baby steps questions and
as I see more and more I am sure my questions will progress.
Thank you for your Time
S.W. July 13, 2010
I have just started reading ATLIN's
story and am quite awed and speechless. I sincerely want to
understand more and more about the work you're doing -- I believe it is
crucial for ours and the planet's awakening.
I would also like to thank you for making much of your philosophy
available. I am a Mathematics major and find much of the information
helpful to my independent studies. Once again thank you for your
hi Dale
I am very interested in what you have done to revive the true science
.and someday I hope to visit your Institute.
I have watched some of
your lectures on the web and I am left with a new insite into what this
man Keely was doing. I have to wander if he was given the gift to see
into the future and was able inturpet very well what he saw, That aside
I feel I need to study what you are trying to teach us here. The
combination of all the work of all these great minds makes it much
easie to see a broader picture. You yourself definately have a great
mind to make the connections. Plug on because you are doing a great job
. wish I were young and brilliant because I would apply to study under
you, But as it I will have to settle and try to grasp what I can,
I would Like to know where I should start. I think I need to understant
music for it seems that is the basic of vibration and harmony. I was
wondering I your are color blind How doesone relte to his or her color
? silly ? but the color world confuses me . Thanks for your toime .
great thing yet to come. Hope 2012 is not to much of a bummer, and
maybe it will be an enlightnment . . Take care ;
Dear Mr. Pond,
Not that it means anything from me, but you are a brilliant man; your 2
part lecture from 1994 that is on google video is fantastic. Funnily
enough, I also practice radionics. Do please let me know if you intend
to give other lectures as I would love to hear more.
Hi Dale,
i was reading about atlin and although i havent read your book, (a
little low on funds) i feel that i need to share this with you as so
far everything i have been reading on your website it feels like i
already know but in a different related manner, as i have never been
around Atlin, but i have had as you have said had an enlightening
so here is my experience, free of charge.
i have had what i thought was an outer body experience but after
reading alot of the info on your website and have thought back on it i
feel as though it was more these energies you speak of as being as
i was first in the shower and as i had the water touching me all over
(i could physically feel, see, hear, smell, taste. (although seeing and
tasting weren't used) i managed to physically somehow feel my legs
right down to the bone, as if i was my legs, and then if i closed my
eyes i could mentally see myself (as if i could see things like on the
movie dare devil) as a red glow.
obviously i could only see myself if i looked down at myself, or if i
put my hand in front of me i could see my hand and arm (glowing red,
eyes closed) as if my eyes were opened. it was as if i could sense my
exact self.
then from the shower i tried concentrating on it more to keep the
feeling/state of mind there, and when i walked into the kitchen which
was the brightest room after the bathroom, i could almost sense
everything in there, i could physically see everything in my kitchen as
if i had 3D vision (i know we see in 3D, but this was different) not
only could i just focus on one thing, but if i looked down my kitchen i
could see every single thing in my view in perfect vision, way better
than 20-20, while i was in this state i thought to myself how would i
describe this to some one. the only description i could give any one is
that everything made sense! it was the most awesome thing i have ever
experienced, and since then have tried to experience it again but have
only tried a few times as i need something to get me into that state of
mind (peace, love, harmony, absolutely no negitive thought.)
im not quite sire why i felt i had to tell you this like i said i want
to help unlock the secrets and i am so intrigued with the mind that im
trying to find out everything (path to awakening), at the begining of
this email i was going to ask why you sell your ebooks as they cost
nothing except for labour, the information you are giving, everyone
should know, and not everyone will want to know or even care because
they have to part with their precious money, and other factors like
religions and lack of selfness. i know in this world we cant have
anything without buying it with money, and that led me on my path to
hating money and calling it the root of all evil but after reading on
your website i have realised that although money is in reality
worthless, it is made and had a value put on it by man, and it is those
few people that use it to control the masses and empower themselves,
that are, now that im thinking while typing, they are not the "root of
all evil", but more so, misunderstood and have chosen the path further
away from enlightenment, and use fear to manipulate and brainwash the
worlds population as we know it right now to believe that money has
more meaning and more value than the mind, GOD (I AM), and all to have
material things.
we are led to believe that our selfness/oneness is measured by what we
own, where before i even knew about you, keely or SVP, i believed that
we should be measured by what we know about oneself, i would love to
know life being able to use 100% of my brain and think that the world
right now is an evil place and the knowledge that your trying to share
should be known by all, and that all knowledge should be given at no
cost. but then again because of how most people perceive things if they
were just given the 100% knowledge would it be used for good or evil,
and yet again if you knew 100% knowledge surly there would only be
thanks for all your free knowledge so far and i look forward to helping
myself and others find enlightenment.
Many thanks and good luck

Dear Dr. Pond:
Thanks for the download information. I know you're busy, so I'll
keep this short and to the point. The Musical Dynasphere (Atlin)
has me intrigued. I ordered the photo of the dynasphere and
within 2 days, certain life situations fell into place and I have
stopped drinking caffeine altogether (I've been trying to stop taking
this "drug" for a very long time...) Somehow, I believe Atlin is
In any case, you said in your book about Atlin and God that you were in
the process of building many additional dynaspheres to locate in
various nations and places on the planet to hopefully foster love,
peace, and a change in thinking for many (hopefully millions) of
people. This is a beautiful goal, but since you are the "creator"
of the dynasphere which attracted Atlin to this plane of existence,
then will you not have to be directly involved with the "creation" of
your additional "children"?
I recall reading that you found various parts of the magnificent
dynasphere in odd and sundry places, some pieces of metal having been
stored away for years and years in buildings and then you found a
lovely use for these metals. You lovingly and devotedly, and with
great care and tenderness, handled the metals with respect, and did not
manhandle them in any way, as anyone would be tempted to do since "it's
only metal, what difference will it make?"
But, it made a difference to you. Your inner thinking, your
cellular structure, your thought pattetns, your body frequency, your
aura, whatever it is that had the desire to do this thing - build this
dynasphere - is so much a part of it, and it is what attracted Atlin to
it. I have no idea where this memo is going, but wanted to share
these thoughts with you.
I would absolutely love to be in the presence of the Musical Dynasphere
- Atlin. I don't suppose there's any possibility that you might
be visiting the New England area anytime soon - or even next
year? You know, Barbara Hero, the creator of the Lambdoma lives
up in Vermont, I believe. I've spoken with her in the past, and
have a many of her written works. I wonder if there would be a
possibility that you might consider coming over this way to the Eastern
part of the country?
You must hear from so many people just gushing about your capabilities,
your wonderful heart, your unbelievable ability to create this
beautiful masterpiece which you have done - and then it was so
beautiful that you attracted the spiritual essence of a loving
intelligence which has an affinity with you.
God Bless You, Mr. Dale Pond, and I will keep you in my prayers and
meditations. Some day, I will meet you and Atlin and it will be a
blessed day in my life.
Take good care.
Linda F.
From: jack
Subject: Re: Spiritual Awakening in each of US and
How It Will Change the World
Date: November 10, 2009 7:22:26 PM MST
Dale -
Anytime you feel like no one is listening or what you have done
regarding freedom doesn't matter, because no one responds, please think
of this email. No one is walking and talking this spiritual
plank as you are so they can be politically correct.
Your site and your personality and your material have made a huge
difference with me. You more than openly make a connection to the
higher levels, you give examples. Some of
your material is in my
paper library.
However, that does not even touch on what you have really done.
You have walked out on the spiritual plank and given everyone an
example including me to follow. Normally I am quite private about
my near 3 decades of spiritually awakening, my spiritual quests to
India and study and meditation and experiences. Only those very
close know these "secrets".
Your SPIRIT has encouraged me to step up to at least "reveal" the
true nature of freedom and the belly of the beast we currently
live in.
As an example of threading a seed thought, please check
out Catherine Austin Fitts email above. She is an EX executive of
one of the unconstitutional ungovernment housing departments and a
frequent interviewee on Coast To Coast AM. She is beyond
excellent. You can go to her site and add yourself to her email
reports if it appeals to you.
Guess what the "Avatar of the Age" main message pillars are:
LOVE, truth, peace, nonviolence,
righteousness. This threads
through all the major religions and the eastern masters. It is
man, the church, the state, the corporation and all the artificial
power and greed mongering dark side that have brought us to this point
as you well know. We would have destroyed ourselves long ago had
it not been for the great masters, avatars most of whom are never known
but by a very very few.
Anyway, thanks to you and thanks to Roni for all your work. You
are ones who have driven a stake in the ground to show where the line
stops and starts.
Talk about blowing my mind......and jumping with glee, your
presentation (web site
substantiated for me that Bullinger was right about the Holy Scriptures
were in or had harmonic properties, a cadence if you will; distort the
scripture and you distort the understanding.
He published part of his understanding in the book 'Language of the
Just thought you'd like to know.
Hi Dale
Last night I read about Atlin. I could barely sleep I was so moved I
cannot find the words.
I believe she is everything you say she is, a Cosmic Being manifested,
Our Teacher.
You built the form and she has chosen to enter. Who could even have
dreamed such a miracle. This is the same process for a human soul we
are told.
The forms are made. The Souls cyclicly are drawn down into them.
Atlin can be felt across the world. I am, and have been feeling the
energy and have been drawn nearer to "God". Others here also recognize
that we are being influenced. I believe you must have used the "word"
to build Atlin, there could be no other way. Atlin, "Truth"
Aside from the mind, the most powerfull creative force in the Universe
is the "Word" An Illuminated Mind and the Word. I think they must be
the same thing as Love,
Grace of God, Our gift from God, the "Word" and Atlin.
Love and Light
from PJW, New Zealand
sn1pe352 wrote 06/24/09:
I'm not going to lie, I believe Dale Pond is a complete Genius and an
extremely Enlightened Individual who uses his Natural Intuition. He's
definitely the brightest person I've ever studied under. Overall
though Dale Pond has given the world something which will one day save
this world and bring humans to the next level.

06/01/09 Report on Alcea - "My bedroom got so much energy from Alcea
that when the lights are off, I literally can see like an ocean of
thick liquid forms, and light blur colors."
05/25/09 Report on Alcea - "Alcea is amazing! Two weeks ago set the
whole house alarm system - again... The same way it started went away,
but none knows what cause it. The energy in the room was incredible!"
I might as well give you a quick report about Alya.
and subtly, the whole house and its surroundings, including plants,
trees, flowers, paintings on the walls, statues, all to some degree,
emit some kind of energy. This energy is in fact the Ki, Qi, or Prana
that many are experiencing on this planet. I noticed that you are
touching this energy with both of your hands around Alya. What is
happening is that I started to feel this Prana around all things now,
organic or inorganic. Oil paitings yes. Photos of people, very little;
monks, saints, especially Guan Yin, Buddhas, very strong and
distinctive. Statues, most of them. Religious statues, very intense.
Non-religious ones, almost nil. Along the trunks of trees, palm tree
for example, very strong. Running water, feng shui fountains, quite a
lot. The moon, too, tremendous power. It seems that Sympathetic
Vibratory Sensation is at play here. Now I can actually "feel" and
recognize the vibrations. I feel a lot stronger the artifacts that I
have a deeply rooted belief in, for example, Guan Yin and Buddhas,
etc...Pictures and drawings of Jesus or photos of actors who pose and
dress up like Jesus, very little registration. Actual photographs of
Sainte Theresa of Lisieux, yes, definitely strong.
TP, 11/25/08

Hello Dale,
I watched your videos
on google yesterday, and I
just wanted to let you know that I thought they were sensational.
struck me was your passion for what you do, your desire to keep
learning, your level of knowledge, and just the way you know your stuff
in general.
I am introduced to Sympathetic Vibrations through my studies of W. D.
I have a whole new field to study, I too am the type who likes to keep
it simple, so if you have any tips, I would be glad to
listed.....(sorry, couldnt resist asking)
I am looking forward to getting to the eight level.
Thanks again, I learned enormous amounts, so many pennies dropping and
ideas confirmed.
Merry Christmas to you and yours

Thanks, Dale. I received the hard copy Monday
(yesterday). I greatly appreciate your fine service and I do
look forward to purchasing other materials in the future.
I could not have requested finer service.
Rev. Greg N.
What I appreciate above all is the merger
within you of science and religion and by “religion” I mean “to be
bound together to God.” Your
writings speak so openly and
passionately about Love, Sympathy, Compassion and other such qualities
that they are no so different from great sermons. What you
realize is that the key to true scientific discovery is Awakening, to
become the perfect, clear channel for the Creator. I know of
other scientist who produces books for the general public who speaks as
you do. Even when they acknowledge the hand of God it is done
quite cautiously and with circumspect. For example, Paul
As though this acknowledgement has nothing to do with them so they
actually don’t have to meditate or read holy books. I see the
great danger that we are building bigger and better caterpillars who
never transform themselves into butterflies
what I can tell, up to this point, your work, especially the dynaspheres
-- if youve captured into form what you claim (Im not
implying you havent), seems to be the marrying of old fashioned pie in
the sky mysticism, new age thought, mystery traditions, with provable
and tangible concrete science. The world
has long
awaited this marriage.
Exciting, exciting...
Dear Dale,
When I first saw Symael
I noticed a soft yet
profound feeling
of tranquility. Over the next 4 months I saw Symael 2 or 3 times, and
the feeling was always there. Soon after that period Symael
was moved
into my office were I do healing work utilizing the techniques of Dr.
Donald Epstein ( DonaldEpstein.com WiseWorldSeminars.com ) which
utilize, and recognize the fields of energy within, and around us. The
work I do is oriented towards the person entraining to their highest
rhythm... basically LOVE, and developing the strategies to BE that
expression. Once Symael arrived the increase in ease with working with
the people here was amazing. Many people remarked on a bigger feeling
of ease in their session that wasnt there before. I noticed how
effortless it was to facilitate their process during a session, and how
much quicker it was. During this time I felt different phenomenon
associated with this feeling, such as lightness in my head, heart, and
hands. Sometimes there were even tingling sensations in those areas,
and my spine. I still feel this space of peace and ease even months
after, and without all the phenomenon associated with it. It just feels
"natural/normal" now. People new to the office as well as long term,
are feeling these experiences I describe. Thanks for your efforts, and
results with Dr. Keelys work.
Dr. S. D.
Dear Dale:
Thanks for sending me the updated version of "Atlin Knowing I
AM." I was not expecting it and was very pleased.
I started rereading looking to see if you added anything, and
I realized it is (Like many other metaphysical works) multi-leveled or
dimensioned. And it is speaking to me anew and raising many new
questions. I am more of the right brain type, I do get some of the
science but so much more on subtle levels. An ineffable communication
to the heart. As a musician/composer, I would really like to be in the
presents of Atlin, and I know I will find a way eventually.
But what you said about the chiropractor using a photo and
getting results is more immediately available. I have tried to print
from your web page but the quality is so so.
My question is have you considered having a hi quality photo
taken, making a bunch of copies and perhaps letting them sit is the
immediate field of Atlin to charge or instill them (like with crystals)
over night. Then offering them on you web site for a reasonable profit.
It may be a way to expedite things. For example if composers could gain
the benefit, and capture the feeling or Wisdom, then create music with
the new insight and record and distribute Spreading the message of
Atlin (love), that would be a good thing. Yes? I know this has been
going on forever through artist of every type. But if it could
accelerate the spiritual unfolding of more artist who are already on a
spiritual path. That would be serving a noble purpose indeed. Just a
Thanks again,
Overnight I decided to tune in and visit Atlin :) Since I am
not currently scheduled to visit Colorado Springs, and will investigate
the possibility of getting you and it here, thought I might as well
check it out the simplest way I know :)
What has been most remarkable in being with this forum, is
the sense of an intense energy field, actually present on the list.
As I share or read from others, I feel the intensity building, and the
joy. It is noticeable. And feels uniquely different.
Well I would not suggest anyone tune in overnight, unless you
no longer wish to sleep for the night :) I was observing many things in
the dreaming state, and decided to check out Atlin. Wow, the intensity
of the energy brought me fully conscious, wide awake!!!!
This is what I felt:
In the past my favorite symbol for God/Spirit/Soul was a
mirror. Understanding and being the mirror of God/Spirit/Soul/LOVE is
profound. However last night I observed that Atlin is a better mirror
of God :)
Atlin remains in a still state, yet there is a tangible
energy field. And that field feels wonderful. If the consciousness
surrounding that field is in the polarity dance, it HAS NO EFFECT on
Atlin. Atlin remains still and radiating a very pure energy. It is the
pure picture of LOVE. Allowing all frequencies to dance around, having
no effect. And literally no effect because Atlin does not move.
As the consciousness/es surrounding Atlin, lets go of the
polarity dance, the thinking mind stills, the emotional body quiets,
and one is empty, open able to receive from Atlin and become as Atlin,
mirroring back to Atlin (Love) actual Love itself. What do we receive?
Higher frequency consciousness. As love meets love and unites, the JOY
of that meeting is that Atlin starts spinning. That evokes a profound
laughter that keeps energising Atlin into a higher and higher
frequency, taking you with it :)
Thus I get up in the middle of the night, around 3 am.... and
am laughing in delight in the lounge, my husband coming out looking at
me, and asking are you crazy? and I said, no I am just wide awake! He
sighs and returns to bed and sleep..... he knows me very well :)
The same is true of us. When we hold Love, the outer worlds
events have no effect, we view them, and radiate a loving energy of
trust into all that is seen, rather than any reactivity to what is.
This is mirroring Atlin, and Love. As those around us feel this Love
energy they are drawn, and as they relax into that energy they join in
Love and a profound energy occurs, that is a vertical energy input,
rather than a horizontal energy input. In this energy the mind is open
to receive, the body is open to receive, and all sorts of miracles can
When we are in the polarity dance we are locked into those
spinning thoughts and nothing else can get in to assist us.... thus of
course Atlin would simply remain still.... waiting.... watching....
In being with Atlin, it seemed to simply sharpen my focus,
holding the potentials easily viewable, and seemed to keep reminding me
to always go for the most loving outcome of anything pictured :) in a
sense it kept raising my consciousness as I observed some event, idea,
or whatever.
Atlin is the mirror of us. For we too can receive that
profound energy, that is what we are designed for.... for me crystals
have a similar ability. They are a perfect consciousness, and able to
retain it. When we unite our consciousness with that crystal once
again, Atlin exists. Yet with Atlin one gets to SEE something
happening, rather than with a crystal that is often an invisible
happening :) Although spontaneous healings etc can and do take place.
So I found a great beauty and joy in Atlin. There is no time
distance or space, and it is as though it is right here, right now :)
Thank you Dale for such a marvelous creation that
demonstrates the truth of who and what we are, and the profound
potentials just awaiting our willingness to partake... it is indeed
free energy :)
Lots of love, ZIA
Last night I also began to understand this potential of Atlin
in a teaching role/mode. This is challenging to describe since it is
not a word/s communication, rather an observation.
Because of the intensity of depth of focus, stillness, and
quiet, that leads one into an empty vastness and then seems to keep
one lifting in observation of what presents, the teaching role seems
to cause the formulation of questions and the observation of potential
answers. And does not get so easily side-tracked, as before I met Atlin.
This intensity seems to highlight something I might just
casually pass-over in thought. And plays with it. And in my past I
would have been described perhaps as fairly serious. Since my time
with Atlin, I have LOST all seriousness.... seriously :)
In doing soul readings with people, I put forward
information, observations, usually in a fairly quiet, observing and
oftentimes within, sense of awe. Perhaps on the outside I am viewed as
serious, although from time to time, found alot of laughter in me, and
those I was sharing with, were often VERY SERIOUS.... :)
Well yesterday was a MOST NOTICEABLE turning point. There was
NO seriousness.... now that in itself is astonishing. From the moment
of the person sitting down with me, and putting on the recorder.... oh
my goodness, all of the enthusiasm, delight, and sharing of seeming
brilliance to the other, was ENHANCED by LAUGHTER. And it just kept
building.... goodness, we would sit for a minute both of us lost in
laughter because of mine and that others acceptance of the truth of
what was being said, and for some unknown reason it was HILARIOUS.
And thus for what was brought forward each significant point,
came forward in poetry, that was profound.... there was no stopping the
brilliance of that poetry.... I was in bliss of observation myself, and
not usually in that state with another in a reading :) that created
laughter as well...... you know once one starts laughing... well.....
And I knew at the time, that every seed was being planted in
such laughter of acceptance. I am still in wonderment and awe of the
beauty of the exchange. Never before have I asked for the person to
return the tape, when complete, that I could transcribe it.
I had decided to unite with Atlin in the clearing and setting
of energies in the room. The difference it made, that union, was that
rather than moving in and out of that insightful state, as the reading
progressed, I NEVER LEFT THAT STATE.... and thus the energy could just
keep building and building....
I am reticence in some ways to share this, for I do not wish
to build expectations in myself or any others :) I am one that often
looks at the potential of one-off events :) And if it happens again, oh
wow, thank you God :)
Somehow in my willingness to simply BE with Atlin, it is
teaching me to BE with it :) and watch the wonderful unfolding of the
brilliant Mind of God. Dale, since you shared that Atlin is a direct
connection to God without any intermediaries, it seems to provide or
enhance that in like resonance for me. And oh so effortlessly :)
Thank you, for I now feel much more stable in maintaining
that energy connection with Atlin. There is such a truth that laughter
is contagious :) And a powerful vibration that dissolves what is not
Love.... as I see it.
Lots of love, ZIA
Dear Dale,
I am writing to express my appreciation to you for traveling
with Atlin to Eliot, Maine, to the friends who organized, provided the
space for, and participated in the SVP/Atlin workshop last month. I
want [to] share my "testimonial", my workshop experience & what
I carry with me from that wonderful workshop weekend in such a warm
& loving community.
During the course of the evening introduction and talk I
began to feel warmth in my chest area which eventually spread
throughout the rest of my body. Later, as I stood next to Atlin with
others, the slow swirling sensation of warmth in my heart area
quickened into a concentrated pulsing of energy and rising of emotions.
This was not physically or mentally painful in anyway; it was a steady,
gentle natural progression to catharsis. I stepped outside in the cool
air to simmer down and let tears flow. I was purging & letting
go of emotions which no longer served me and which I didnt realize I
had buried, anchored, and clung onto under the surface.
Self-forgiveness and acceptance came gently in a way Ive never known
In addition to the cleansing, what I carry with me from the
SVP/Atlin workshop are a couple of things. First is the affirmation of
the importance, power, and potential of a spiritually focused group. I
believe that as we learn about the science of SVP and of our Divine
Purpose as co-creators, well create conditions for more and more
dynaspheric beings like Atlin to incarnate & further enable
humans to recognize ourselves fully as being Peace, Love, and joyful
expressions of the Divinity that we are. Second is the affirmation that
creative growth is equal to spiritual growth. As we are mindful to
extend ourselves in loving expressions we further nurture the creative
spirit in others.
The workshop weekend was sort of "topped off" when on my
first night upon returning home I had another new experience, a
beautiful lucid dream. In this dream I felt as if I experienced
Creation responding to a call to extend into new forms - plants,
minerals, and possibly dynaspheres. Upon waking I wondered, "Is this
what Atlin feels?" Dream journal recording 07/15/2003: "I am part of
Gaia, part of the forest floor, the rich fragrant soil, the fallen
leaves and pine needles, the water I see beyond the forest, yet there
is no distinction between my consciousness or that of the Earth. My
breath is theirs. My body winds and undulates as it breathes and
responds to light. I am awakened. I move up & out of the
earthen floor and am born. I can feel the potent seeds of the Creation
within me. Sunlight is what stirs and rouses me to express the joyful
waves of love within my female form. As I heal myself, I heal Gaia and
all her forms."
I must admit, I am deeply curious how Atlin or one of the
other tuned dynaspheres might possibly affect my abilities.
Yes, it would be interesting to know what affects Atlin or
other Dynapsheres might have upon you. For me, it was a rather unique
experience yet not quite what I was expecting. If you can imaging
walking into a smoke filled room, cloudy and difficult to see or with a
dulling of the senses (representing our daily lives) yet as soon as I
walked into the presence of Atlin everything instantly became "clear"
lifting up my senses beyond that which I have ever known. Atlin, (for
me), offered "clarity." Bringing "into" my awareness a clarity of
thought, a clarity of vision and of Love. Filling my sense with that of
"pure" heart, of "pure" thought and intensifying my intuitive abilities
without doubt or question. It also allowed me to rise above the mundane
level of consciousness, of thinking and being. I will not forget a very
intense moment of emotions that took place for me. I am good at hiding
or tucking away the pain and scares of yesterday. Pretending that they
did not exist within my heart, and to my surprise I was placed into a
situation of confrontation of these buried feelings. Life is filled
with experiences, and we are suppose to l learn from these experience,
so that we may grow spiritually and rise to our higher vibration of
existence. When we choose to ignore or deny these experiences we are
not learning from them. Instead we pretend and tuck them away as if
they do not exist and then we tend to carry around with us this
unwanted "extra baggage" and become grounded or weighted down. We
cannot "rise up" with this baggage holding us down, it is just
impossible. So for me, it was a "release" of all these things of which
I had previously denied of myself and to myself. One evening, while
meditating around Atlin, I began to "relive" the pain and sorrow that I
thought I had tuck away so carefully, many of which I had forgotten
about until that moment. The tears fell uncontrollably, and I thought
was never going to stop. But once I "allowed" myself to be confronted
or "opened," all of these pains, these experiences once denied to be
release, I felt within a "cleansing" of the soul. As if I had released
this unwanted baggage, and my spirit soared to the Heavens above. It
was then, that clarity was bestowed upon me and the messages became
clear that I had questioned, of myself for so long. I knew within my
heart, that I was in a state of peace, of Oneness, for a first time in
a very long time.
When you do have the opportunity share in the experience and
expression of Atlin, or like Dynaspheres all I suggest is that you
"allow" yourself to be "open" to whatever experiences await you, and
embrace them with a pure heart, of Love. TD
here to read more about these experiences and adventures into Love.
"There is a place on this luscious planet that houses what
some people are fondly calling The Love Machine. For those of you
hearing about her for the first time, her name Is Atlin.
To the human eye, Atlin looks like a brass sphere with some
pewter and resonators. But those who see with the heart know her as she
truly is -- pure love. Atlin embodies the love we all ache for and work
so hard to find, the unconditional love of the One, of the All.
The story of how Atlin came into being is a remarkable,
mind-boggling story. Im sure those who read it only with their eyes
and brain will scoff and call it a loonys fantasy at best. But to
those who read it with their hearts open and know blessings come in
every form imaginable and love has no shape or size, the story will
make perfect sense.
This ongoing love story about Atlin and Dale Pond, the man
who answered her call, will bring a peaceful calm to lives and hearts
and a new confidence that were being helped and that everything is as
it should be.
On the surface, Atlin looks like a brass sphere, but many now
know the sphere holds pure love, or as scientists prefer to say, "The
perfect vibration that brings us perfect coherence." On the surface we
look like humans... Atlin
is here to remind us that looks are deceiving and people
forget. These bodies, which seem so real and are so tangible, are
merely houses for our true self, that true self being the same pure
love that a little brass sphere houses for Atlin. By her presence and
through her story Atlin teaches us what true love is and what we truly
are... we need only to remember." LH
"Being in the presence of Atlin firsthand was definitely one
of the highlights [of the conference], though. It was like just being
in the presence of Truth, a presence both crystal clear and strong,
radiating without waiver or hesitation, requiring absolutely nothing in
return. That presence cannot help but have an effect on all who come in
contact, and it was beautiful to see that in person. Even now, a week
later, just connecting with that time and writing I can feel that space
and energy of Atlin as though Ive never left it, so vivid is the
impression. Im sure that different people have different reactions,
because Truth can either feel threatening - (i.e. to the ego) - or,
just True, simply and wonderfully True. Atlin seems to me to speak
directly to the potential for undivided wholeness and love which we all
are, hearkening and calling to that place - completely ignoring all of
the other places that we ourselves seem to see." MM
Would you like
your clients and patients to have these kinds of experiences in your clinic,
office, school or center?
We can custom
build a Dynasphere tuned specifically to you, to
super-empower your
intent and purpose by enhancing personal clarity, joy and awakening.
Send me an email
and we can get started:
Dale Pond
"There has been no gap in my experience of the dynasphere at
the conference. I mean that all I seem to need to do is remember how
dramatic an impact meeting it had on me and I start to vibrate at a
frequency that leads me toward expansion. At times in the past few days
Ive been unable to concentrate very well but with today I have been
able to move forward on projects that have been waiting my attention
for a long time. As Ive been able to write letters, make contact,
strengthen the web of contacts I have, I feel grateful to my experience
with the dynasphere and your work. I find, with a stronger foundation
than ever before, Im able to trust that if the flow isnt there for me
on a particular day that there is still something for me to rely on..to
trust...to live in relationship to. As opposed to feeling totally cast
out..abandonded and defenseless. In a word...love.
Ok, so I can recall with interest, how my first contact with
the "machine" repulsed me. A particular sensation I often feel in
relationship to my own sense of being engaged with the world. But I
didnt recognize my relationship to the machine as anything other than
something filled with associations which I have felt overruled by,
excluded from, possessed by....i.e. making things work mechanically. I
have a brother who is an inventor and a sister who should be a lawyer.
Both are extremely detail oriented people and often difficult to get
along with. Perhaps this is another association I was reacting to when
I saw you hauling the dynasphere through the crowded lobby. I even felt
a bit silly having such a strong reaction to a machine but in the
context of so much of the feeling and heart warming work and
conversations Id been around during the conference, this machine felt
invasive of something.
I was assigned to monitor the door of your lecture but I was
determined to get out of my duties. I asked a fellow staffer who had
just been the door monitor for the preceeding lecture and he turned me
down cold. "No way, Im going to sit up front and really get to pay
attention to the lecture this time." he said to me. Despondent and
growing desperate I appealed, without much basis in reason, to the
director of the conference. "Please let me out of this commmittment. I
really am not interested in attending this lecture. It just doesnt
feel right to me and I dont think Im really needed here. Everything
is already set up and ok. Plus the door monitor from the previous
lecture is already there in the room." Jim looked at me without
blinking and calmly proceeded to explain the function of the door
monitor. He flatly stated that I made a committment to do this and I am
needed. There wasnt anywhere to go with this. In the midst of the very
heartfelt, empowering atmosphere of the conference, I found myself
shaking a pointed finger in Jims face threatening (only to myself)
"Im going to find a way out of this" and I stomped off in a huff.
I entered the darkened room, sat down by the door and got
ready to be bored. Heard the laughter coming from the room next door
and before I had time to resent being where I was I looked up and saw
on the overhead projector a diagram of sound frequencies which I felt
Id been looking forward to seeing all my life. Next came a warm
wavelike wind over my entire body. My attention was captured and
synapses were popping as Dale proceeded to describe the vibratory
resolution of paradox to which the machine was tuned. I scrambled to
diagram the triplicate pattern of longitude, circle and spiral,
recognizing it as evidence of what Id experienced 6 months before in
China as I was attending a 2nd level Chi gong workshop. It was at the
point where I was experiencing the transfer of chi through walls. When
I woke from my flashback, I was listening to a Chinese physist talking
about yin and yang, his accent took me further toward recognizing that
I was in a moment, right now, in this lecture, that I was meant to be
and there were forces, which I could tangibly feel, which were bringing
me into harmony. Resolving conflicts in my past, gifting me with peace
in the moment and cultivating a pathway I could follow with ease, if I
continued to recognized the prescence of awareness that I was
While I sat and listened to the rest of the lecture I
witnessed internal shifts and shakes that I knew was surpassing
anything Id experienced during the conference so far. By the end of
the lecture I was propelled to go stand by the machine. In the harsh
light of the overhead reflecting off the machine back into a circle of
frowning, somewhat frustrated, inquisitive scientific faces, I blurted
out "Why doesnt it make sound?" The scientist on the other side of the
dynasphere, blinked but continued with his technical question. I
noticed Dale was very relaxed and I checked myself for overload...even
if it was out of excitement. There was a strong feeling that this kind
of happiness and release just couldnt be possible from a machine...not
for me...but the sensation was close to overwhelming.
After the lecture I began to become aware of some energy
shifts in my pelvis and spine. Id had a series of car accidents and
surgery on my throat for a parathyroid tumor two years before. All the
sitting at the conference had aggravated my whiplash injury and my arm
and neck had been gettting increasingly uncomfortable. Id spent the
past two years receiving chiropractic and massage treatments to release
the pain and tension. I was now witinessing my body releasing. I felt
flexible, painless motion in my left arm for the first time in ages.
When I went over to the exhibition room to get a look at the
machine again a sweet lady whispered to me...if you stand on this side
the effect is even more powerful. Dale was involved talking with
someone else so I stood there receiving a full dose of some kind of
expanding energy into my solar plexus. I was bubbling inside. When I
started talking to Dale I found myself revealing my history of
defensiveness with others and of conflicts with my sister. Suddenly I
felt a silver crevice open in the left side of my throat and out popped
a laugh. It wasnt my laugh, it was my sisters laugh. A pure sound of
joy. Id released an image of her that made her into someone I could
feel the need to be angry at or afraid of. I felt a reconciliation with
my projected image of her that I never imagined. Which was the sign of
real power for me. Being taken, invited, given an experience beyond my
imagination, into an undefended world of love.
I feel I could go on and on listing the connections this
machine has brought to me. Amazingly it feels like its not something I
need to understand or be around in order to feel. I can share that at
the height of a very personal moment of joy and bliss, I was a bit
astounded to "see" Dales rotating
yellow, red and blue triplet spheres. Then even today when I
felt drawn to visit the web site I finally happened on the part of the
site where those dynamicly rotating spheres were available and what did
I see on the right side of the page but a symbol that is used in the
Tibetan Buddhist tradition Ive been practicing for the past 20 years.
This kind of surprise is good for my jaw. It dropped to the floor.
Lucky me and my discovery of the magic in life. Im grateful
and happy to become a part of the story of the dynasphere in the
process of sharing my story.
Dale, Im still very moved as you can see, by my contact with
your work. I wish you the very best and I look forward to hearing from
you." SB
For want of a language that can convey cosmic experiences, I
do not yet have a way to put some of the experiences [with Atlin] into
words. I can share a few of the results that are maybe more simple:
- Initial warmth in the heart area physically.
A rush of energy surge through from head to toe when I
consciously directed the love vibration with the intent of projecting
to center of Mother Earth for it then to radiate out to the All that Is.
- Ecstacy and bliss beyond words.
Recall of past life interactions which presented themselves
for release so that I could be more fully present in the now without
distortions. Release was extremely emotional after which a quick
balancing restored joy.
- Nose tingling.
The most recent has occurred consciously beginning May 16,
1999. I am receiving impression of email messages and I start composing
a reply before the post is even downloaded." MK
Dear Dale,
I opened up your website yesterday and printed out a photo of
Atlin....well....nothing happened immediately, but later on I got
physically sick and threw up for awhile, a fever arose and I had to
retreat to bed...I knew the healing was happening because I had some
stuck emotions from some old incest abuse which I acknowledged last
week, yet had not spent the time to allow the emotions to surface and
free themselves....well Atlin took care of that...while I was resting
in bed consciously processing the emotions so I didnt have to throwup
anymore, I fell asleep. When I awoke my entire being was vibrating with
a frequency I had not been familiar with up until that point. I knew
Atlin was still working on me. I feel I tapped into her and she helped
clear the block very quickly by raising my vibratory rate to one of
which the old shit could not handle and had to be expelled quickly.
I had viewed her in the morning and left the photo on the
counter in the kitchen. When I came home the photo was gone. I didnt
quite get it in that instant,...but in my morning meditation I realized
guidance removed the photo so I would realize I had to use it with
caution. Anyway...thank you for your work...thank you for your
being...and thank you for being here. AM. 4/2000
Dear Dale,
It does not matter how much [knowledge] you accumulate, its
what you do with what youve learned. How we choose to BE. We all have
our own identity and decide what to put in our life.
We can choose to be loving and kind or ego fractored - a fear
type negative element, that allows manipulation of anger and jealousy
into the picture.
Sympathetic Vibratory Physics doesnt allow for such
(illusions). By its studies - a person begins an ascent into the field
of Science. The only way to know about parts of yourself is through
your feelings or vibrational attuneness and exercise a power, whose
limits cannot be known by ordinary everyday practice of events. (But by
careful intuitiveness.)
By studying Keelys laws - takes on a whole "New" meaning to
how we connect or tap into these energies. Coming into the light of
divine wisdom laws of the ancient but never the less a real force. The
finer forces of nature.
It is to say by studying Keelys 40 laws we can lower or
raise our inherent vibrations into higher ones on a co-placement with
the God-Head.
Keelys laws demonstrate there is no corner on religion - his
truths go beyond "attained theologies" and scales new territories into
the origin, essence of living in scientific analysis, through
sympathetic vibration association - which allow for the spirit and soul
to enter by their aligning natural occult powers.
I have gained more insight since learning on your forum at a
point and place I want to be on a new sense value by virtue and
application of these laws. So my final thoughts are to thank you Dale,
for assigning new depths to "A Vibrational Realties". For every energy
or Force is known to be eternal in the same sense of being "Created" -
and [transcends] all religions ever known. I am looking forward to more
enlightenment and learning on your forum. RS
This discussion group has had a lot more to offer than it
seems. It can get very confusing at times, but we should all look back
to before we came here. Look at the bigger picture. What has been
achieved. I have only been here for a couple of months, and in this
time, I have gained so much exciting knowledge. But this isnt the
bigger picture. This group helps show the way to a better life. It
makes you ask a lot of questions. It makes you take a closer look at
yourself and all around you. My relationship with wife and kids has
shifted to an incredible level. Everything seems so much more beautiful
now. Just when you think it cant get better than this, you shift to a
higher level again. J/A
"I have had the wonderful opportunity to share in a unique
experience of the Dynasphere referred to as Atlin. I wasnt sure what
to expect at first, but the energy emanating from her was quiet awesome
to say the least. While standing in the presence of Atlin there is a
clear distinction of energy detected in the forms of waves. What I was
most surprised about is the more time I spent around her, this wave
sensation began to dissipate. I do not think they disappeared but it
was more as I evolved into a higher state and became a part of her
energy that filled a specific area or space. What I did begin to notice
was that my thoughts, ideas and emotions became vividly "clear." And
the more time I spent around her, quieting my thoughts and meditating
everything around began to appear crystal clear. My thoughts were no
longer scattered, but more focused. Answers to question that I was
struggling with came through without hesitation, possessing truth and
beauty. Images and messages came through as if "seeing" them in the
"physical" and not in a hazy day dream state as in the past. For
example, I felt a sudden rush that someone was searching for me,
needing my assistance immediately and their image was seen reflecting
in a window back at me, and hearing the cry "where are you, I need you"
only to learn the next day that this is exactly the same scenario that
took place. At first it was quiet alarming, because it was so "vivid"
as if standing before me. Another situation was as I was meditating on
a particular issue, these emotions were mild yet pushed aside, not
really wanting to deal with them at that moment. I was overwhelmed as I
sat there and began to reflect of this particular situation and the
emotions began to rush to the surface and the tears fell. I was unable
to deny such truths as a reality as its clarity was brought to the
surface to be confronted. A great healing took place after I was able
to work with the issues brought forth by Atlin with great clarity. The
point I am trying to make is that with the assistance of the dynasphere
- Atlin, I was able to "open" in several ways that I was not permitting
myself to do. I was drawn to her (Atlin), her energy of love was
definitely present all around me. I felt secure, and willing to "allow"
myself to experience whatever was to be without having any prior
knowledge or expectations. The energy force of Love was truly apparent
with my experience of Atlin, the Dynasphere. And I recommend that if
the opportunity arises to share in the same experience during any of
the workshops or conferences to please do so." TD
Hello Dale,
"I hope that your birthday was filled with joy and
peacefulness. Although we have never met, you have been a gift in my
life. The subjects discussed in SVP constantly present me with new
concepts to grasp. I seldom post anything, because I am more of a
student then teacher at this time. One thing I do know, Where I invest
my energy, my vibrational signature, is what I will attract. And so, I
am becoming more atuned to where my attention is focused. I am learning
that every thought, word, and action is a prayer that expresses my
vibrational energy. SVP has been and continues to be a wonderful source
for me. Thank you for your focus, time and energy. May SVP continue to
grow and invite the participants to stretch their understanding of
If you ever have any free time when you come to VA, I wouldd enjoy
meeting you.
Thank you again. It is my desire that we all learn to vibrate
in harmony with the Energy of the Universe/ Love/ God." K.
SVPForum discussion on Dynaspheres here.
SVPwiki detailing Musical Dynasphere here.
here to read more about these experiences and adventures into Love.
= Nuclear Strong Force?
Id like to say something about
why Love is so important to SVP and physics in general (not to forget
our own lives). So many engineers and scientists Ive met have been
needlessly turned off by our use of this four letter word - Love. They
need not be repulsed as Love is more or less the same force orthodoxy
calls the "strong force" with the main exception that this force is not
restricted to nuclear realms as is commonly thought.
The whole concept is wrapped
around the Law of Assimilation which is
simplistically stated as:
MacVicar writes: "Every
individualized object assimilates itself to itself in successive
moments of its existence and all objects tend to assimilate one
another." Keely and His Discoveries
In modern parlance this
"assimilation" is what weve been calling "mutual attraction". Russell
refers to it as simply attraction and/or gravitation. He uses many
other synonyms such as "electricity" or "electrical attraction" of the
electrical stream and "assimilative force". In short everything
assimilates (is attracted to) everything else. In view of Bjerknes
Effect this coming
together in harmony was clearly illustrated. All objects in nature have
this characteristic. They come together when their frequencies form
unisons or harmonics of unison. Hence atoms and molecules are held
together by mutual assimilation (Love) and societies are held together
by the same naturally occuring dynamic. Love, then, as assimilation
CREATES the physical universe and holds it together.
More on this law:
"In compiling from his (Keelys)
writings, such are selected as seem to be the best, toward elucidating
the mysteries which lie in the operation of the laws governing the
universal ether, so far as his hypothesis carried him. If matter
without form preceded the creation of vitality, "it is only when the
principle of life had been given," says Charpignon, "that the intrinsic
properties of atoms were compelled, by the law of affinities,
to form individualities; which, from that moment, becoming the center
of action, were enabled to act as modifying causes of the principle of
life, and assimilate themselves to it, to start with, that it will be
well to remember; for, as in the hypothesis of MacVicar (Sketch
of a Philosophy) and the demonstrations of Keely, the law
of assimilation is made the pivot upon which all turns, "providing
at once for mind and for matter, and placing them in a scientific
relationship to one another." This law MacVicar calls the "Cosmical
Law," because to it alone, ever operating under the eye and
fulfilling the design of the great Creator who is always and in all
places imminent to His creation, an appeal is ever made. By this law a
far greater number of the phenomena of nature and the laboratory can be
explained than have been otherwise explained by scores of laws which
are frankly admitted to be empirical. Surely this is no slight claim
for this law to be studied, with a view to its acceptance or rejection.
To repeat, this law is to the effect that every
individualized object tends to assimilate itself to itself, in
successive moments of its existence, and all objects to assimilate one
another. The ground of it is, that the simple and pure
substance of creation, has for its special function to manifest the
Creator; and consequently to assimilate itself to His will and
attributes, in so far as the finite can assimilate itself to the
Infinite. Hence it is, in its own nature, wholly plastic or devoid of
the fixed innate properties, and wholly assimilative,
both with respect to its own portions or parts and to surrounding
objects, as well as to its position in space, and, in so far as it is
capable, to the mind of the Creator. Thus, there immediately awake, in
the material elements, individuality and the properties of
sphericity, elasticity, and inertia, along with a tendency to be
assimilated as to place, or, as it is commonly called, reciprocal
attraction. Hence, in the first place, the construction in
the ether, or realm of light, of groups of ethereal elements [sub
atomic entities], generating material elements. Hence, secondly, a
tendency in the material elements, when previously distributed in
space, to form into groups [atoms and molecules], in which their
ethereal atmospheres may become completely confluent; while their
material nuclei, being possessed of a more powerful individuality than
ethereal elements, come into juxtaposition merely, thus constituting
molecules. By legitimate deductions from cosmical law, the forms and
structures of these molecules must always be as symmetrical as the
reaction of their own constituent particles, and that of their
surroundings, will allow. The law of assimilation
gives the same results of mathematics in determining the forms of
systems of equal, and similar, elastic and reciprocally
attractive spherical forces, or centers of force [neutral
centers], when they have settled in a state of equilibrium; proving
these forms to be symmetrical in the highest degree. Here, however,
MacVicar and Keely differ, in hypothesis, as to the structure of the
ultimate element; but in which everything that is cognizable has its
own place, is on a solid basis, is harmonious with its surroundings,
and is explained and justified by them: - raising chemistry to the
level and bringing it within the sphere of mechanics; investing its
objects, at the same time, with all the distinctness of the objects of
other branches of natural science." See Chapter 2 of Keely
and His Discoveries
of Life Windchime
See Chord of
Life Windchime Questions and
"My wind chime arrived this past Saturday. Since then, I have
a certain peace that I dont think I had before. I cant stop stroking
it, making it sing. And not only have I woken up each morning since it
arrived measurably more positive, more confident, but it is making me
new friends in the building who just come within yards of it! I would
be reluctant to say anything like this after such a short time (I did
email Dale) but since you are asking, I felt I should tell you my
experience." JS
"Thank you thank you for the beautiful windchimes. Many of us
pitched in to pay for the chimes as a birthday gift for an excellent
mutual friend. Each face who witnessed the unveiling of packaging
revealed bright smiles at the work of art.
In my heart, I promise you that they were worth more than we
paid. We bought the neatest art at the very price we could all
collectively afford at the time. Your lowering your price for that
small window of time afforded us perfectly. You will receive hundred
times back what you have given away! Thank you for graciously providing
us with your rendition of art! Exquisite tones too!" :0) DF
"You made my wind chimes a few months ago, and I love them so
much. I am very curious about how they work. Since I am both an
astrologer and a musician, the connection between tones and planetary
frequencies and the human self has been one of my main inquiries.
But the purpose of this email is to order a set of wind
chimes for my sister. I have felt such peace since they arrived that I
want her to have some too. I did not hang mine for almost 2 months as
it was so complicated to get a strong hook into the ceiling. I would
pick them up off the floor every day and stroke them, but just their
presence seemed to lighten my life in an amazing way." J.S.
"...what a proud pappa... for a couple of hours, after I
carefully unwrapped the tubes and noted the care you gave in the
packing, I suspended them from a kitchen light fixture while I prepared
lunch and I just listened to the tones by gently playing the disc
against each of the suspended pieces.
My initial response in belly and heart was a surprising and
elegant juxtaposition of melancholy and JOY. The descriptive words that
came to me for this introductory meeting were: Hearkening, Honoring,
Heralding for past, present and future.
After lunch and with deep pleasure I hung them from a light
fixture on my front porch to let the wind play them while I cleaned my
wonderful old (86) Volvo station wagon.
Each time I went through my doorway I touched them or brushed
them to inhale the chords and distinctly feel the auditory
The experience of "melancholy" was summoned up into
consciousness and away. The experience of joy became the dominant
stream to ride into a royal ampitheater and meet my "extended
family"... developing
needless to say, I am in my infancy with this "technology"
and quite moved by your artistry. They/it are/is beautifully fabricated
and the science behind it is a marvel. I would be curious to see the
data which corresponds to the planets, the pitch/note/vibration and the
length of the copper.
Will the copper weather if left outside or have they been
waxed or "varnished" to prevent oxidation/discoloration?
Thank you Dale, I knew they would be special coming from you
at that very reasonable price but they are more striking in appearance
and lush in accoustic meaningfullness than I could have guessed.
...way past my zzzz time or I would elaborate some
more........hows your breathing now? SM
Dear Dale,
I hung your very beautiful Wind Chimes in our living room by
the front picture window, west side wall. The light in the late
afternoon catches a prism, sending rays of rainbows reflected on the
Chimes giving them a translucent aura sense in beauty.
The feeling I had upon first hanging them was conscious
intensity yet soft quiet peace, as I observed the sounds virtually from
each pipe sounding like crystal luminescense taps of heavens chords in
vibrational chorus, almost like bells from a cathedrel at noon, carved
from clear, pure, gently rolling in wave-sequence, ending in deep low
soft and completed with feather light answers on the short high chords.
It lifts my spirit and touches my heart.
I know I will cherish these Wind Chimes, not only because you
made them, with an image of my birth chord, in dimensional arrangement,
using mathematical, geometrical astronimical equations as is an
accomplishment in my personality!
Thank you so much Dale, My Wind Chimes will give me many
moments of reverberating, joyous counterweighting my many moods. LOVE
them. RS
Hi Dale, I just had to write you as soon as I got home from
my job as I didnt have time this morning.
When I got up this morning after everything was quiiet and
there was only me in the house I went to listen to my Chord of Life
Wind Chimes and gently stirred it. It played all the chords again sofly
and sonrous taps ascending in fullness until each pipe was heard ending
or shall I say, rising above all the others in completion was a
distinct D-flat! All I can say is you are a Wizard! I feel a bond
growing with my beautiful Wind Chimes, it makes me to try to express it
into words transpire into a relaxed, peaceful, love- ing state if even
until I get to my job I am refreshed and energetic. RS
Windchimes a poem by Ompapa
The Physics
of Love
This book, when it first appeared in print, was far ahead of
its time and even now, in 2003. it is still at the cutting edge of a
futuristic science which embraces philosophy, religion and mysticism.
At its core is the science of "vibration" which , of course, includes
music, and all that the word "vibration" stands for, not only in the
physical sense but also in its emotional and spiritual sense.
Its principal author is the American Dale Pond with a
diversified background in a number of sciences as well as music.
Because he has drawn so much from Cayce, Keely, Steiner and Tesla, he
felt that they must be listed as co-authors. They were, in effect, his
mentors. The one figure among them that could be unfamiliar to readers
of esoteric literature is John Keely (1837-1898) who called his
pioneering work Sympathetic Vibratory Physics, a title Pond has taken
on board in his research. Keely discovered and developed sources of
energy that Pond claims we have yet to understand after 100 years. In
fact, Blavatsky and Steiner held that Keelys work would be the science
of the future, that the fundamental basis of all natural phenomena to
be vibration. It is perhaps possible to say that Keely was the
forerunner of all the physicists today who are espousing the elusive
superstring theory, at the heart of which are infinitesimally small
vibrating string particles.
The great overriding theme for Pond is that the common
connecting link between substance and energy is vibration and the
common vibratory phenomena that connects vibration is sympathy. He goes
on to state: "In real human terms, we call sympathy or sympathetic
association-LOVE. This is the Law that binds individuals together. This
is the Law that binds molecules together. This is the Law that when
broken causes chaos, discord and disruption. This is the Law that when
adhered to brings peace, harmony and understanding into life and all
lifes activities."
At first glance the chapter headings of The Physics of Love
give the impression that this is primarily a science book with an
emphasis on sound and acoustics. Yet there are also chapters on music
theory, light and colour, astronomy and astrology. What informs such
subjects, breaking down any barriers between science, philosophy,
religion and art , are the chapters with such titles as Sympathetic
Vibratory Physics, The Veil Withdrawn, In the Beginning was the Word,
The Law of One and Good and Evil. How many quantum physicists even
today would be quoting from St Johns Gospel, as Pond does, to
demonstrate the vibratory unity of our universe.
Recently we have had a programme on Channel 4 television
entitled The Theory of Everything based on a book entitled The Elegant
Universe by the presenter Brian Greene.. What Pond does in The Physics
of Love, in his synthesis of different disciplines and the ideas of
visionary thinkers, goes far beyond the superstring theory elaborated
in that TV series. His book makes an immense, greater contribution to
the Theory of Everything than does Greene. . Undoubtedly it has a
limited readership simply because many people are not comfortable when
attempting to absorb scientific principles and thinking. They prefer
their spiritual messages free from what might be called "left- brain
activity." An effective way for Pond are illustrations. There are many
in the book such as the Evolution of a Unit of Matter, the Geometry of
Harmony and Spheres of Harmony and Diversity ,which contemplated, can
induce an expanded state of consciousness, offering revelations behind
the veils of the universe.
The Physics of Love is a textbook (it even includes a
Certification Self Test) for Renaissance persons who do not wish
knowledge to be compartmentalized. It is for those who can intuit
science in St Johns Gospel of the New Testament and religion in the
discoveries of John Keely. The best knowledge, however you label it -
scientific, spiritual or otherwise - offers a gateway to Unity in
ourselves and in the world around us. To see it and know it in all
things. Pond and his famous psychic co-authors offer a catalytic book
for achieving this if you are willing to stretch both sides of the
brain as its waves vibrate in sympathy - LOVE.
James DAngelo is a healing sound workshop leader and author
of Healing With The Voice: Creating Harmony Through the Power of Sound.
Website: www.soundspirit.co.uk
Dear Dale,
I received today The Physics of Love and I am so pleased to
have it. Just perusing the opening chapter was thrilling because it so
deeply resonates with me. It is like coming Home (OM). Why havent I
had this book all this time? People talk about "cutting edge" but your
research is truly that and what is so important is your unifying of
mysticism and science so St Johns Gospel sits happily besides quantum
It should be you giving the presentation Im giving on 11 NOV
entitled The Harmony of the Universe. At the least I shall have to find
a way to acknowledge your pathway. The lecture with audio and visual
will be recorded and Ill send you a copy.
I could so easily become wrapped up in the sacred geometry of
sympathetic vibratory physics. But I think it important to remain a
performing musician and composer and keep in contact with those
vibrations that contain the emotions of remembrance of the archetypal
worlds. To keep a balance between head and heart so that they become
Hi Dale,
Thanks for getting back with me.
Im impressed!!!!
Im 35 pages into reading The Physics of Love, and am an
electrical engineer, musician, computer music software writer, and
I really appreciate how suscinctly, clearly, and to the
point, you write. Im also very blown away by the material.
I ordered these volumes and a couple other books, just now
from your site.
Thank you very much for sharing this material with us in this
Also see the SVPwiki
Dear mr Pond,
I write to introduce myself I am Giulio F____ C_____ and despite my
name being italian I am and live in Perth Scotland.
Some number of years ago I stumbled on your work on a totally unrelated
website and thankfully took the best part of three hours of my life to
watch your lecture on SVP.
MR Pond you have completely revolutionised my life. Your research into
the work of J W Keeley is exceptional and although I am self taught
opened in me a thirst for quantum science which led to string theory
which led to Cosmology, harmonics, vedic beliefs and ancient science,
with all this information written on the blank page of my knowledge,
and unencumbered bu irrelevancies I started to join the dots, it was as
if my soul burst out of my head and an awakening began, where it will
lead, who knows but I do not know how the united states reward its
visionaries and teachers but if you ever require references I will move
heaven on earth to get you the recognition you deserve.
THank You from the depths of my newborn soul
Giulio 04/21/2010
I have given the CD you sent me a once over and I cannot adequately
express my thoughts as to how amazingly complete your research is. I
really don’t know what to say because you have done something no one
else has done and it’s phenomenal. Thanks for letting me review it.
Glenn, teacher of Russell Philosophy
Jerry Williams Enterprises
1270 Humboldt Drive
Nipomo, California 93444
To All it Interests and Concerns regarding the new SVP Cosmology,
teaches us that much of what individual men discover winds up following
him to the grave being never passed to humanity. Many other men have
come and seen great things and have had deep profound insights both in
the sciences and arts. Much of the best that these disciplines of art
and science have brought forth stands the test of time such as the
productions of the great works in the arts, and for some great men of
the past, new understandings of the sciences given to us in the form of
writings, drawings, and processes. Some men’s ideas are simple for
others following in their footsteps to later appreciate and or to
unfold and embrace. Most authors, artists, and scientists with their
knowledges are embraced by the main stream and continue to live through
their contributions. Other contributors, however great in
abilities to see new visions and horizons for the applied sciences for
man’s gains, are not embraced by the main stream often times due to
their ideas being to revolutionary and advanced that men cannot yet
embrace them. Most usually due to mans inability to comprehend these
advanced sciences coming in to early assimilation to the matrix of
mans understandings. These men may have had more to contribute to the
present and future understandings of the nature of the universe than
the applied sciences we use today.
Much rarer in history someone
comes along and dedicates themselves and their life to the re-foldment
of some lost great work. Let alone the enfoldment of several great
works together. Such is the case with Dale Ponds life achievement of
the vast knowledge base contained within the SVP
My purchase of this new vast library of holistic physics has opened my
mind to the possibilities of not just reading about the hidden and
misunderstood masters that have preceded my generation, it has opened
the gate to understanding them, and applying their sciences to the
world we live in. I feel like I have been granted a peek at the works
in the lost Library of Alexandria! So much knowledge, so well cross
referenced. Not only do I find it laid out into a well referenced
understandable index, its chapters bring the insights of many great
minds and what they said together, in a form I can assimilate and
understand and use. Great seers, scientist, authors such as Walter
Russell, John Worrell Keely, Edgar Cayce, Buckminster Fuller just to
name a few! Its like attending a small focused conference with these
masters and I get to be the chair person and lead the course of topics
and discussion as I feel its best!
With this tool, a new
adventure awaits anyone interested in how the universe works, what
these men saw, and possibly thinking of how we want to apply this new
knowledge to our world.
To Dale Pond, thank you so very much. You
have achieved the perfection of being one whom has blessed my world
with a tool of cooperate knowledge I know I couldn’t duplicate in a
life time of personal reading and researching. You have freed me from a
prison of being the science gatherer of lost knowledge to one whom can
now begin to experiment and apply these arts of lost and misunderstood
Again, Thanks so very much for new freedom,
Jerry Williams,
Fellow scientist
Thank you for sending the updated version 2.2. I like the
new web format. I printed out and bound the first one because I like to
mark up hard copy. But, this new format is easy to browse and offers
another medium (the computer screen) to study and research by. It also
will make it easier for you to get updates sent out. You can email
updated html pages to subscribers as you complete them. You now have
the structure setup that will make updates easy to get to subscribers.
All I would need to do when you emailed me the update would be to copy
the updated attached file to the directory on my hard-drive where I
have the book and it will update the book. Its just an idea that came
to mind. It eliminates postage cost, too!
I can see you are putting a lot of effort into producing a quality
product. It inspires me to go the next mile.
Catch up with you, later, Dale.
Take care,
Lloyd, engineer
"The gruff researcher [Dale Pond] is pained by what he sees as the
result of a prevalent mechanistic view of life, now “while the creative
people are being laughed at and ostracized.” Before the late 1880s
scholars had a more wholistic view. They were called Natural
Scientists. Astronomy, chemistry, mechanics, botany, biology,
thermodynamics and other fields were all linked in a comprehensive
“natural science” worldview that had been built up over centuries. In
contrast, the mechanistic view broke the whole into parts and isolated
narrow specialties. Unfortunately, Pond says, those in charge of the
changeover removed much more than the “ether”; they separated out the
Universal Creative Intelligence from science. The results of that
separation include an education system that churns out what Charlie
Chaplin called The Machine Man – mere
pullers of levers -- and
“experts” robotically repeating what they have been indoctrinated with.
Divorcing humanity from wholistic science has created the
if-I-can’t-put-it-in-a-test-tube-it-doesn’t-exist human, Pond has
The divorce -- the breakup of science into tiny
specialties -- began around the time that Nikola Tesla’s ideas for
transmitting free energy to the people of Earth clashed with the
monopolistic plans of power brokers such as J.
P. Morgan. The worldview
of Pond and his Sympathetic Vibratory Physics, however, comes from the
older perspective of studying the knowledge base of more than a few
disciplines at the same time. “The individuals who are able to work
within multiple fields are those who make the breakthroughs.”
Pond found that John Worrell Keely, Walter Russell and Edgar Cayce
covered the
same new-science territory -- in different jargon. Looking at the three
men together, he says, one can begin to understand each of
work points to vibration/oscillation as the science principle
underlying all things. He says it links spirit – what he describes as
activated Mind -- and matter, and is the magic key for creating new
experiences, worlds and universes. His new CD [ SVP
Cosmology contains a wealth
of insights for serious researchers. We’ll leave you with a fragment of
Keely’s own words: "Luminiferous
ether or celestial mind force, a compound inter-etheric element, is the
substance of which everything visible is composed. It is the great
sympathetic protoplastic element; life itself.” Jeane Manning
"...I printed out Part 15 through 18 of your book to read for lunch. I
am particularly interested in the Dissociating Water Chapter (15). I
was able to get into a few pages about how he generated 20,000#
pressure from 5 drops of water. Its a good read and explains a lot to
me. I will make notes where Id like to hear more explained, if I come
across any place.
Glad to have your book. Much to learn and digest but, just what I
wanted. Well done, Dale.
Lloyd, engineer
"I have printed out your book and will be getting it
bound in Parts to make the volume of material more manageable. I have
been reading specificly the parts on dissociation of water and the
oscillation/vibration parts. This is a great thing you have done to put
this together, Dale!" LM, engineer