- Sympathetic
Vibratory Physics - It's
a Musical Universe!
- Table of
- IN 1734 an old student of Occultism re-incarnated. His life
was not dissimilar from the life of his associates except that he
had the benefit of a better early education, and an opportunity to
study medicine later on in his life. He attended a medical college
in Vienna and graduated in 1766, and soon after that time resumed
his study of Occultism under the same Master who had taught him in
the previous life. It required but a very short time, after he
began the practice of medicine, for him to learn something about
the deficiencies in the system of therapeutics, as it was then
understood. In 1778 he moved to Paris, which was then the
scientific world, and began the practice of a system of magnetic
treatments of the sick which startled the scientists and brought
down upon him the condemnation of many of the medical men of that
time. He cured many cases that the physicians had pronounced
incurable and, of course, aroused the jealousy and hatred of many
of the medical profession. I am speaking of Friedrich Anton
- The cures this man performed were so very remarkable that all
the wealth and intelligence of the world went to Paris to be
treated by this new system, and as a result, the medical
profession began to wage war against him as they did during this
last century against the Christian and Mental Scientists and the
Osteopaths. For human nature was then no better than now, and the
green-eyed monster of jealousy cut a very conspicuous figure with
the treatment of Mesmer, as it does with all other persons who
innovate old methods. After Mesmer's fame became unbearable to the
scientists, an investigating committee was appointed to look into
the new system. It reported adversely to Mesmer, of course, and
soon his clientele began falling away from him.
- In 1783 he founded the Order of Universal Harmony, a secret
order built upon the lines of Occultism, under the direction of
his teacher, who was also in Paris, giving many great
demonstrations of his Occult powers. I refer to Count Saint
Germain. This Order of Universal Harmony was the gateway through
which all persons could enter, who were prepared at that time to
take up Occult studies. But as time passed, many of the members
dropped out and the Order gradually grew smaller and smaller until
but a very few were left. To these faithful ones Mesmer taught the
Occult system of therapeutics, Occultism, and the manipulation of
that force which he designated as Mesmerism - naming it modestly
after himself. After the public had deserted him, and most of his
students had turned their attention to other things than
Occultism, he removed to England, where he met with very little
success, and finally went back to the Fatherland, where it is said
he died in 1815.
- After that date, for many years nothing was heard from his
students, or from his system; but in 1841 Doctor Braid, of
Manchester, England, commenced to investigate along Mesmer's lines
of thought, and inaugurated a system somewhat similar in
principle, which he called Braidism, but which subsequently became
known as hypnotism. Later, some scientific students in Paris and
elsewhere began investigating along the lines laid down by Dr.
Braid, and just about a century after Mesmer had been condemned
and called an impostor by the French scientists, his teachings
began to receive the attention they deserved, although many
persons, while accepting the teachings, discredited the
- There was a difference, however, between Mesmer's and Braid's
systems. Mesmer taught that mesmerism is an emanation of certain
particles called animal magnetism, from one person which affects
the will and nervous system of another. Braid taught that there is
no emanation from the operator, but either through the will of the
operator, or through mechanical processes, an artificial mental
condition is awakened in the subject, and that during this
condition the volition of the subject is under the control of the
operator. In other words, it is the influence of one mind over
another. How one mind can affect another without an emanation is
beyond the comprehension of the lecturer, but perhaps hypnotists
can explain that condition satisfactorily, at least to themselves.
These are the supposed lines of division between the two systems,
but Mesmer really taught two systems in one. First, that there is
a flow of magnetic force, which he, designated as animal
magnetism, and that this emanating force is curative in its
nature; second, that there can be coercion of mind by mind. He
practiced the first and warned his students against practicing the
other. The world, of course, confused his teachings, as it usually
confuses anything of an Occult nature, and remembered the second
system without his caution.
- At the present time animal magnetism is known as Mesmerism,
and Hypnotism is known as sleep, artificially produced. So we
shall try to follow out the modern conception of it rather than
the presentation of Mesmer, although reference may be had from
time to time to Mesmer's teachings. He taught that Mesmerism is a
Cosmic Force which is a part of the law of love or the law of
attraction, and that it flows through man and may be directed by
his will, as an emanation from him to another. For example, he
showed that the force flowing from his hands was a force that he
could draw into himself and then give to another. He also showed
that he could get approximately the same effect by using large
magnets, thus proving that this is a general and not a personal
force which he used.
- The law of gravitation is a part of this magnetic force, and
so is love in all its gradations, whether it be human love, animal
love, or passion. The law of attraction manifesting through an
animal body we now designate as animal magnetism. This Cosmic
Force, passing through an animal, is nothing more nor less than
the Universal Life Principle, the orange vibration, which you will
be taught in the next lecture how to use. Passing through man as
human-animal magnetism, it manifests itself as that peculiar
vibration or force which his development permits.
- There is, however, a physiological condition necessary to a
body in order to make it magnetic, just as there is a physical
condition necessary to make any mass magnetic. For example: Glass
is not magnetic as compared with iron or steel. The rate of
vibration of glass is so different from that of magnetism that it
does not make a good conductor for that force as it flows over it.
The condition necessary to make a proper basis for the animal or
human magnetism to manifest is the excess, above the normal, of
the number of red blood corpuscles in the body; and these red
corpuscles must vibrate at a high rate. With these two conditions
there is established the physiological basis which enables the
Cosmic Force to manifest; and having the proper physiological
basis, a person, either consciously or unconsciously, draws within
himself this Cosmic Force through the left side of his body, and
passes it out through his right side, the left being the negative,
and the right the positive side of the body.
- Animal magnetism can be utilized by man through the blending
of his aura with that of another, or through transmission by
physical contact, laying on of the hands, etc. Most persons, such
as faith curers, or magnetic healers, use this magnetic force
without an understanding of the law which underlies it. If an
Occultist desires to transmit this force to another person by
physical means, he places his right hand on that other person;
then, after drawing into himself the force, he permits it to flow
through him into the other. This force can be used advantageously
in all nervous troubles, because it is the nerve fluid, or life
force, which restores depletion; it is also helpful in cases of
consumption of any of the physical organs of the body, and if
properly directed, will build up diseased cells and restore wasted
tissues. Many persons possess this magnetic force to a great
degree, but do not know how to use it, while others perform cures
unconscious of the power they possess, and without the action of
their own will.
- A person who makes a practice of using his animal magnetism or
life force for the treating of disease must become greatly
depleted at times, since the natural inflow of life force is never
so great as the outflow. If the natural inflow of the life force
were throughout life as great as the outflow, our bodies would
last forever, because this would make an even exchange of atoms,
and no robbery could be perpetrated. There is an actual emanation
from one person to another, and this emanation causes an exchange
of physical atoms. Remember, please, that I am not speaking of the
higher Cosmic forces which can be used for healing purposes
without depleting the healer, and which I shall teach you how to
use in a subsequent lecture; but I am speaking of the natural life
force within the physical body, that can be used as a curative
agency, as Mesmer used it.
- It is because of the outflow exceeding the inflow of magnetism
that many drugless healers suffer so much depletion after their
professional manipulations - which are very good for the patients,
but hard for them. Sometimes the drugless healer absorbs the old
diseased atoms from his patients, through manipulating with both
hands at the same time, thus forming a complete circuit for the
magnetic force, which carries from him his best atoms and returns
the cast-off ones from his patients. It is not conducive to the
good health of the drugless or magnetic healer, to use both hands
while treating the sick; but in severe cases, where it seems that
a life should be kept from going out, it may be done. But
immediately afterward both hands and arms should be bathed in hot
water, rubbing the arms and hands from the elbow downward to the
tips of the fingers. In this way it is possible to remove, by aid
of the hot water, many of the low vibrating atoms which have been
taken into the system.
- When a Mental Healer begins to lose his force, or power to
heal, as many do, the world says: "If Mind is infinite, why has
this healer failed?" The reason is this: First, his brain has
become tired by continuous concentration, and its material atoms
have taken a slower rate of vibration because the outflow of
magnetic force has been much greater than the inflow. Through his
intense interest in his cases perhaps his sympathies have gone out
to his patients with his treatments, and there was an expenditure
of emotional force. Without understanding the reason for his
waning power, he tries to go on with the work of healing when he
should rest and sleep, and in this manner draw back to himself the
life force he has given away. After a time he finds himself
depleted and is compelled to retire from service humiliated and
chagrined, perhaps, because of the unkind criticisms he has
received from those to whom he has given his life force.
- There is a better and a higher way to treat the sick than by
the magnetic force which made Mesmer famous, and that is to remain
in a positive condition of mind, control your sympathies, and thus
hold your own magnetic force as a basis over which you may draw
the higher Cosmic forces, and pass them on to your patients
without so greatly depleting yourself. If you can control your
sympathies, and remain positive, you can treat without serious
depletion as many patients as you can entertain during office
hours. If you cannot remain positive it is then better to direct
mentally the Cosmic Forces without physical contact with the
patient. But, you may say, this is not the aspect that modern
science is investigating. It is true that it is not practiced
along the lines Mesmer laid down, except by the physicians who are
beginning to use electricity in their practice, and who attempt to
do with their batteries precisely what Mesmer attempted to do with
his magnets; and I am not sure that they are anymore successful,
because Mesmer also used the greater force of mind to assist these
- And now we come to that particular aspect of the subject which
modern science is beginning to investigate, which is known as
hypnotism. Hypnotism is artificial sleep, which may be produced
upon one's self or upon another; and it may be produced by the
power of will, by mechanical processes, or by the will
supplemented by mechanical processes. The mechanisms that are used
to produce hypnosis are revolving mirrors, bright lights, or
anything which will serve to excite the optic nerves and raise
them to a rate of vibration which will enable the subject to pass
into hypnosis, or sleep. Unnatural stimulation of the nerves of
the eyes, or of the nerves at the base of the brain, or by
focusing the sight at an angle of forty-five degrees, and then
gradually raising it until the pupils are turned upward above the
upper lids, will produce an abnormal nervous excitation; and while
the subject is in this condition he readily accepts the mental
suggestion of sleep, and passes into hypnosis. In this manner he
is forced out of his physical body, is under the control of the
operator's mind, and is also exposed to any or all influences upon
the subjective plane which he has abnormally invaded. If the
hypnosis is complete, then both minds of the subject are
absolutely under the control of the operator; but if the hypnosis
be only partial, then nothing but the objective, or lower mind, of
the subject is controlled. But while in this condition, and
passive to the will of another, the subject must accept as true
everything suggested to him by that controlling mind; and whatever
command is given to him in sleep he will obey when he wakes, and
without knowing why. From the first moment the subject yields his
will to another he becomes that other's slave, if that one desires
to make him so. So long as the operator lives in this world, so
long will he be able to control that subject, unless his power is
- It is contended by the modern hypnotist in France and in
America that the mind of the subject is not dominated to the
extent of coercion, or beyond the power of the subject to act
independently. In other words, that he cannot be compelled to do a
wrong against his will. Cases are cited where subjects refused to
stab a man when the operators gave them real daggers and commanded
them to do so. Other cases are cited where the same subjects were
given paper daggers and were told to strike designated persons.
This command they obeyed with alacrity; and because they obeyed in
the last instances and refused in the first, it was supposed that
they could not be coerced to commit a crime against their wills.
The Occultists say these cases do not prove the theory advanced,
but only show that both minds of the subjects were not under the
control of the operator; and that if they were, the subjects would
have obeyed in the first instances as quickly as in the last. Then
too there were in the former cases mental reservations in one or
both minds of the operators which affected the subject. Occultists
who have made a study of the power of mind for hundreds of years,
say that nothing will prevent a hypnotized subject from obeying
the commands of the operator, or controlling mind, when once the
subject is fully under his influence.
- Some of you may have seen the account in one of our local
papers where a man was hypnotized and compelled to deed everything
he had in the world to another man. After the victim became
conscious of what he had done, he appealed to his attorney, who
took the matter into court, but when the victim appeared to
testify, the hypnotist would not permit him to speak and the man's
throat was paralyzed in the presence of the room full of people.
The hypnotist was incarcerated in jail until the paralysis passed
away from the throat of his victim and when his influence was
removed and the true testimony was given, the court decided that
the property should be restored to the original owner. And only a
few months ago here in New York City, you remember how Patrick was
tried and convicted of the murder of the millionaire Rice. It was
proved that it was the old man's valet who had killed him while
under the hypnotic influence of Patrick; and these are only two
cases that have come to the public's notice. It is gradually being
understood, however, that morality does not enter at all into the
question of control, but that it depends wholly upon whether or
not both minds of the subject are controlled. Occultists believe
that there is no disease, no trouble, nor anything in the world
that can justify a person in attempting to hypnotize another. If a
person consents to be hypnotized, then it is because he does not
know the dangers he incurs by consenting, and his ignorance should
not be taken advantage of by one who knows better.
- There is another phase of this mind controlling mind which is
more subtle and dangerous than that of mechanical hypnotism,
because it can be used without the knowledge of the subject, and
without the immediate presence of the operator. This branch is
called by the Occultists Mental Dominion, and is just beginning to
be understood in the West. Hypnotism by mental dominion is
produced by mental suggestion alone, without physical contact or
mechanical aids. It makes no difference whether the subject he
present, in the next room, or in the same State with the operator,
he can be reached equally well at any time or place. The method
formerly adopted was to suggest sleep to the subject, or victim,
and when he had received and obeyed the suggestion, then the
operator impressed whatever he desired upon the mind of his
subject, who had to obey his will upon waking. But after a time
the American Hypnotists discovered that putting the subject to
sleep was not essential, and that just as effective work could be
done by repeated suggestion until the subject should accept and
act upon it, believing it to be his own thought. This process of
mental control can only be called hypnotism by courtesy, since
hypnosis is now omitted as a necessary condition in its
accomplishment; however, it will continue to be called by that
name until a more suitable one shall be adopted.
- Unless you have made a study of this practice of mental
dominion, you have no idea of the extent to which this subtle
power is being used in the United States. It is flagrantly and
openly taught by "colleges," chartered by various States; all
newspapers, and many magazines, contain their alluring
advertisements offering to teach "Personal Magnetism, Hypnotism,
The Secret of Power," etc., etc. Under various names each of these
teachers, colleges, professors, and doctors offers for a monetary
consideration to teach you how to dominate your fellow men, how to
enslave another Son of God, and how to "positively enable any
intelligent person to exercise a marvelous influence over anyone
whom he may wish to control." I quote from one of the largest and
most persistent advertisers of this branch of education.
- Traveling salesmen, doctors, lawyers, brokers, real estate
men, and, in fact, persons in every branch of business are
studying and using mental coercion.
- In my own personal experience, in the practice of law, I have
had a dozen or more cases in which the malign influence of persons
had been used to get money and property away from others. In three
of these cases stock brokers had used mental coercion compelling
my clients to entrust money to their keeping with the permission
to use it as the broker saw fit. The money had been appropriated
by the hypnotist stock broker for his own purposes, and my demand
for restitution was met with the assertion that it had been lost
in speculation by my client. In two of these cases, after the
arrest of the respective brokers, the proceedings had to be
stopped, because my clients had again yielded to the influence of
the men who had coerced them and refused to prosecute them
- There is a member of this class who heard these lectures last
year and said that such an influence could never come into her
life; yet within a few months afterward, while her husband was
away and she was alone, a stock broker called, and asked her to
place in his hands a large block of valuable stock with full
permission to dispose of it as he thought best. After urging the
matter for an unreasonable length of time, he finally left her,
after gaining her promise to let him call the next day for the
stock. After he had gone the woman began to realize that the man
had influenced her against her will and judgment and she wrote to
him refusing to see him or to let him have the stock. Then for
three days she had to fight his mental suggestions to change her
mind and accept his offer, but finally succeeded in saving her
- Another member of my class, who heard this lecture last year,
thought she was exempt from such influences because of the quiet,
retired life she was living. She discovered her mistake when a
stranger called one day and persuaded her to give him a large
contract for advertising a book she had written. After securing
this he called again in a few days, and tried to coerce her into
giving to him her rights and copyright to the book; and had it not
been for the sudden recollection of what she had heard about
hypnotism and also for the aid of another member of her family,
who was a student along this line, the hypnotist would have
succeeded in getting what he wanted. As it was, he very nearly put
her to sleep and she had a hard battle to resist complete
- When the Countess Wachmeister was in this country, several
years ago, she told of the following case: There were three men in
this city who had studied hypnotism and decided to combine their
efforts and victimize a wealthy man. They each took a turn in
working upon him mentally during each day, sending suggestion
after suggestion to him, until he became absolutely under the
influence of the trio. After a time he became so sensitive that
the picture of the face of each of his tormentors would rise
before his mental vision while he was being worked upon. Then he
could hear them speak to each other, but continued to resist them
until he went to sleep from weariness. But when he awoke he was
impelled to write a check and send it to the address that had been
impressed upon his mind. This kind of robbery continued for some
time and finally the victim went to the Countess, and asked her to
deliver him from the power of his tormentors.
- There is no limit to the power of mind, nor to its field of
operation through suggestion. In the beginning of the use of
Occult forces, suggestion is one of the most powerful of the
mind's instruments which the student learns to use. It should not
be identified with hypnotism although it can be used to produce
hypnosis. Like any other force, it can be used for good or for
evil, and the line that lies between the right and wrong use of it
is as narrow as the edge of a knife, and is just as sharp. In the
practice of magic these two ways diverge, and we find what is
called White and Black Magic. The first is a straight and narrow
path which leads to the mountain top of power and wisdom, and to
reach it is salvation. The other is the broad road which leads to
pitfalls and destruction; and I regret to say that many souls are
enticed to travel therein. It was the wrong use of this power of
suggestion which destroyed us as Atlanteans, and from the present
indications it would seem that we did not learn, through that sad
experience, that we have no right to enslave the minds of
- Mind must be reached by thought, if the thought be constantly
repeated, and nothing can prevent a suggestion from reaching its
destination, because telepathy is based upon law. But whether the
suggestion shall be accepted and acted upon depends upon the
recipient to decide; and it is upon the acceptance or rejection of
suggestion that the freedom or enslavement of a mind is
determined. There are different kinds of suggestion, two of which
are known as audible and silent. Audible suggestion we are
constantly indulging in, and is something we should learn to
control, because it may be either constructive or destructive, and
if the latter, we may do much harm to others. For example: We meet
a friend who looks tired, and we say: "How bad you look; are you
ill?" This is a destructive suggestion, and may have the effect of
really making our friend ill if he accepts it as a truth. Parents
and teachers are constantly making audible suggestions to children
which have a great effect upon them. If a teacher calls his pupils
dunces and dolts, and tells them how stupid they are, he is pretty
sure to find in them just what he suggests. If a parent tells his
child that if he misses his lesson he will be punished, that child
will remember the suggestion of punishment and probably miss his
lesson, because the suggestion of punishment brings an element of
fear with it which makes an indelible impression upon the child's
mind. It is a destructive suggestion, because it destroys the
child's ability to learn his lesson. But if the parent were to say
"You can learn your lesson, because you are a bright, intelligent
child," the suggestion would be constructive, and the child would
respond to it by having a desire awakened in him to learn, since
the mind of a child is plastic, and is easily impressed by audible
- The objective mind is always ready to see the dark side of
life, and will readily accept any audible suggestion of a
destructive nature; and since there are constructive suggestions
which can be made to help others, why should we be continually
hindering instead of helping our friends? Why is it not better to
bring sunshine rather than shadows into their lives? Suppose a
friend of yours is about to make a business connection with a Mr.
Jones, whom you slightly know, and you say, for the sake of
gossip, "Mr. Jones is a dishonest man." This suggestion, whether
true or untrue, will have a tendency to make Mr. Jones dishonest
if he hears of what you have said, because the thought dishonesty
has been impressed upon his mind, and he will think he may as well
be what people think he is. Then your friend to whom you made the
suggestion will think of it when he sees Mr. Jones, and the
unfortunate man will get both silent and audible suggestions.
- Silent suggestion is of two kinds, Hetro and Auto, the former
meaning suggestion to another, and the latter meaning suggestion
to one's self. There is greater power in silent suggestion,
whether it be used for right or wrong, than there is in audible
suggestion, because the silent thought sent to another is subtle,
and the recipient knows nothing of its source, and is often unable
to combat it, thinking it originated in his own mind. Silent
suggestion can be used for the benefit of another so long as it be
suggestion, and is not carried to the extent of coercion. For
example: You may have a friend who is likely to give way to
temptation to do wrong. You would have a right to say to him: "You
are good and true; you can resist that temptation because your own
divine nature has asserted itself." And your friend will come
through his struggle victorious.
- You may always suggest mentally to a person what you have a
right to say to him audibly - and it is often inexpedient for you
to say audibly what you have a moral right to say. For example: If
a person calls and is taking up more of your time than you can
spare, it is morally right for you to say mentally, "Why don't you
go?" You have a right to protect yourself from intrusion upon your
work. Or perhaps someone has borrowed money from you, and you do
not like to ask him to return it though you really need the money.
It would be perfectly legitimate for you to say mentally: "Return
the money you borrowed." Again, you may be seeking a position and
perhaps several other persons are trying to secure the same
position. 'When you are called into the office to state your
qualifications, say mentally to the person who is examining you,
"You had better give me a chance."
- You have a right to help yourself through life by the aid of
suggestion, when it is not at the expense of another person; and
you have no conception of the number of obstructions this silent
power will remove from your path, or how much good you can
accomplish with it. Like all other forces, this power grows with
use, and you can use silent suggestion legitimately as a moral
stimulus. Suppose a person makes a contract with you agreeing to
give you certain things in consideration of certain money. After a
time you perceive that the contract is not going to be kept by
him. You have a right to say mentally to that man, "You are an
honorable man and you want to keep that contract," and in this
manner you will create within him a desire to keep it.
- Silent suggestion can be used as a defence. For example: When
you are conscious that a person is trying to influence you, refuse
to accept his suggestions and declare that he cannot accomplish
his purpose. This will turn his force back upon himself, and
render him impotent to affect you. If you know a person in
fiduciary matters is trying to take an advantage of you, commence
to work upon his moral nature until you quicken into activity all
the latent good there is in him. In this manner you are doing a
double good; you are working for yourself and are also bringing
out the best in another. But you have no right to coerce another
person under any circumstances. You may suggest strongly,
forcefully, but not to the extent of coercion, not even to develop
the moral nature of another. You may suggest to a friend, "You do
not want to drink liquor; you never will get any pleasure from
drinking. You do not like the taste of it." And in this manner you
may help to destroy his desire and taste for drink; but you have
no right to say, "You shall not drink liquor; your hand will be
paralyzed when you try to raise a glass of it to your lips; your
throat shall close when you try to swallow any intoxicating
drink," because such declarations are coercive. Should you succeed
in coercing him to stop drinking, you would but hypnotize him, and
it would be your will, not his, which would control his appetite
and his body; and as soon as your will is removed his taste will
reassert itself, and will remain with him till he overcomes it
himself. You may help him to overcome his desires, if he wants you
to, but you have no right to dominate his will.
- You may suggest to a person who owes you, "Give me that money
you owe me," but you have no right to say, "You shall return to me
that money; you shall never sleep again till you have paid me."
You have no right to coerce another, either mentally or
physically; and though the line of demarkation is very fine, yet
it is clear.
- It will be well to remember these two rules which may help you
in using suggestion. First, when you are suggesting to another to
do something for you, speak of yourself as a third person. For
example: Suppose Mr. Jones had given you his note, and you wanted
him to pay it. He may have given his note to a dozen other
persons, and if you were to say mentally to him, "You want to pay
that note," he would not know which note was referred to. But if
you were to say, "Pay Mr. Blank the note due at such a time," your
suggestion would be understood, and very likely be acted
- In olden times it was often the custom of physicians to meet
their patients with a frown and a discouraging remark; but the
modern physician is beginning to understand the value of
suggestion, and meets his patient with a smile, and the optimistic
remark, "You are looking better to-day, and are feeling better."
This is an audible suggestion. Suppose a friend says to you, "I am
feeling miserably," you should reply mentally to him, "There is no
reason why you should not feel well." If you were to make this
statement audibly, after he had declared to the contrary, he might
be offended, because some persons cherish their ills, and resent a
refusal of anyone to recognize them. But the silent, optimistic
remark helps to make positive those who have favorite ills, and
they become hopeful and healthy.
- Second, whenever you make a mental suggestion, suggest doubly.
Make one suggestion for the subjective mind and one suggestion for
the objective mind, and by doing this your object may be
accomplished in a much shorter time. In suggesting to the
subjective mind, tell it the truth; when you suggest to the
objective mind, advise it along the lines of personal interest.
For example: A man has leased an apartment, but finds the owner
does not intend to keep his agreement to renovate that apartment.
Having a contract, he has a moral right to insist upon the terms
being fulfilled, and he says mentally to the subjective mind of
the owner of the apartment, "You are an honest man and you will be
glad to keep your promise, to Mr. Blank." Then say to his
objective mind, "It is to your interest to keep your promise with
Mr. Blank; he will be a good tenant and it will be a great loss to
you to lose him." The man has been told two aspects of the truth,
and each aspect appealed to the mind which was able to appreciate
and understand it best.
- Auto-suggestion is suggesting to yourself, and you should
always let the auto-suggestion be made by your higher mind to your
lower self. Let the subjective mind give, and the objective
receive the suggestion. The greatest objection an Occultist has to
hypnotism is that it emphasizes the objective mind, and teaches it
to make its dominion stronger over its subjective mind. Suppose
you wished to break a habit; you should say to your objective
mind, "Now you cannot do that thing again." Sometimes the
objective mind will answer, "Why can't I do that?" You should
reply "Because it is not to your interest to do it, and you do not
want to; you have no desire to; all your desire is gone forever."
And the objective mind will begin wondering where the desire has
gone, and at that moment accepts the suggestion made; and in this
manner you can break any habit if you will but persist in making
- Deity does not coerce Its children and no child of God has a
right to coerce another, because it is morally wrong to do it.
Whatever exists on the mental plane must become embodied upon the
material plane sooner or later, and a man's body is a limited
expression of his mental traits, as are also the tendencies and
habits of his body.
- Suppose a mother comes to you, crying, "Save my boy from
becoming a gambler!" and you undertake the task of stopping the
boy from gaming. You may make your passes, and your mental
suggestions, and say: "You shall not gamble any more; you shall
suffer an agony of fear every time you attempt to make a wager or
touch a card. " You may prevent the boy from gambling, but you
have not destroyed his love for it, and you have really only
delayed his evolution, since he will have to come back to face the
same conditions at another time; if not in the same body, then in
another one, in a future life, or whenever your will has ceased to
control him.
- Hypnotism or mental dominion never cures disease; it merely
prevents the temporary manifestation of effects. The limitation of
its so-called curative power depends upon the will of the
hypnotist, and the extent of the hypnosis produced. Henry Wood, in
"Practical Ideas," for December, 1900, points out the fact that a
percentage of the Christian and Mental Science patients have a
recurrence of their diseases within a well-defined period after
they are cured. This is because either conscious or unconscious
mental dominion was employed by the mind of the practitioner in
holding back the manifestation of the trouble; and these returns
occur in periods or fractions of seven-year cycles, according to
the power of the practitioner. Even though a patient be actually
cured, not by mental dominion, but by bringing new elements into
his body, unless he puts himself into a new condition of mind and
bodily habits, the old disease in course of time is likely to
return. On the death of a hypnotist the disease he has held in
abeyance usually returns, because the magnetic cord which connects
him with his subject is then broken, and, the stronger influence
being removed, the weaker mind, with its old line of thinking,
reasserts itself.
- There is a great limitation in the therapeutical use of
hypnotism since its best effects are upon nervous and kindred
diseases. In chronic cases, blood diseases, or independent growths
within an organism, such as cancers and tumors, it is not
successful. In cases of insanity it is more successful, but even
there it is subject to limitation. Continuous hypnotic influence
upon a patient not only destroys his mental poise and makes him a
negative, vacillating creature of impulse, but it also depletes
his nerve fluid, and while the operator may seem to temporarily
neutralize this weakness, there come great reactions in course of
time and the nerves controlling the circulation of the capillary
blood vessels become weakened, and the entire circulation becomes
irregular and imperfect. Cold hands and feet, with sometimes an
intense rush of blood to the head, are the physiological evidences
of this condition.
- It should, not be forgotten that hypnotic influence has a
reactionary effect upon the operator. For example, suppose a
person attempts to throw his hypnotic influence upon you and you
are so positive or your vibrations are so high that his influence
fails to affect you, then as a natural operation of law that force
which he sent out, not reaching its intended destination, returns
to the sender. If it be a malignant force it will do for the
sender what it was intended to do for his victim. The greatest
crime known to the Great Law is the coercion of an individual
center or mind to do evil. No one ever coerced another or used
suggestion to the detriment of another; no one ever brought
disease or misfortune upon another, that he did not have to drink
to the dregs the cup he held to that other's lips. He may escape
punishment from the human law, but it will be impossible for him
to escape from the Divine Law. In order to send malignant
influences to another the sender must hold in his mind the picture
of the disaster he wishes to create for the other. It is
impossible to do this without creating a matrix in his own aura
and this matrix will draw back to the sender just what he has
created, for the Great Law works automatically and impartially and
irrespective of the fact whether he has succeeded in bringing down
disaster upon his victim or not. Did you ever see a person
supposed to be a witch or a black magician who was handsome,
graceful, happy or wealthy?
- Hypnotic influence may last till the operator desires it to be
broken or till a stronger will than his, at the request of the
subject, shall break it. If a person submits to complete hypnosis
but once, in the course of time the influence will become
dissipated; but an intense hatred for the operator will become
engendered in the heart of the subject when that influence is
destroyed, and it will never be eradicated during the lifetime of
either. The law works in the same manner in cases of coerced love.
If a person succeeds in compelling the love of another through
hypnotic influence, that love will turn to the bitterest hatred
and then there is nothing that the victim will leave undone to
avenge what he believes to be his wrongs. It is right to ask for
honest love or to suggest that another person should give you his
love; you have a right to picture another's love flowing from him
to you, but you have no right to coerce another into loving you.
Hypnotic influence can be broken by a person who is stronger than
the hypnotist. For example: A may coerce B, but C can break A's
influence at B's request even though he is no stronger than A,
because C is working for the right and has the Universal
Consciousness to aid him.
- There are certain conditions of mind which if you will make
use of them will make you immune from this malignant force:
- First. Be mentally positive; then you are not what the
hypnotist calls "suggestable." A person who is suggestable is in a
passive condition of mind and receives suggestion easily. If you
make a practice of concentrating your thoughts upon whatever you
are doing, your mind is active and positive and thoughts foreign
to you cannot find lodgment with you. Few operators are persistent
enough to continue with their suggestions when they fail in
reaching the subject after a considerable length of time.
- Second. It is accepting the suggestion which enslaves.
You cannot prevent the suggestion from coming to you if the
operator is persistent, but you need not accept it.
- Third. Be on your guard against all suggestions.
Examine critically all thoughts that come to you, and test each
with this question: - "Is it true?" There will be no one who will
come in contact with you for many years who will be strong enough
to make a suggestion to you and accomplish his purpose
immediately. The effort must be repeatedly made before he can
succeed. If you examine the thoughts which come to you and find
them undesirable, repudiate them and declare you cannot be
influenced by them. For example: Suppose you were to suddenly
become dissatisfied with your present home. You have always been
pleased with it, but suddenly you are seized with a desire to move
from that neighborhood and buy somewhere else. Examine those
thoughts and ask yourself why you should change your mind without
any apparent cause. And if in a few days or weeks a real estate
broker meets you and offers a piece of property in the
neighborhood you have been thinking of moving into, it may be well
for you to consider whether it was his thoughts that have caused
your change of mind or whether they were your own.
- Fourth. Do not entertain visiting thoughts until you
know their character any sooner than you would entertain persons
whose character you know nothing about.
- Fifth. Select only such thoughts as you want, and
reject such suggestions as you do not desire. Few people are able
to do this, but are constantly being swayed by the influence of
those with whom they associate. Other people's manners, words and
thoughts mold our lives to a much greater extent than we imagine,
and this is because we do not think for ourselves; we do not
generate our own thoughts, but accept whatever comes floating
along to us. A woman goes shopping. She knows in a general way
what she wants, but with her mind full of indefinite thoughts she
comes to a positive saleswoman who wants to sell all the goods on
her counter. In a vague way the shopper tells the woman she is
going to buy a dress and the saleswoman sees an opportunity to
dispose of something she is anxious to get rid of. She immediately
makes a selection for her customer and impresses her mind with the
thought that this is just what she wants. The shopper does not
know what she wants, and although this does not seem to be quite
the shade or kind of goods she had thought about getting, still
she is not sure it would not do. She wavers and the saleswoman
sells her the dress, and when it comes home and the
positive-minded saleswoman is not present, the woman is
disappointed and dissatisfied with her purchase.
- A man goes into a restaurant and an obsequious waiter suggests
by his manner that a liberal tip is expected. He gives the man no
more attention than the proprietor pays him for giving to any
other customer, but he wants a tip and he thinks, looks and acts
tip till the man cannot, dare not refuse to give it. He is for the
moment under the mental dominion of that waiter and even though he
be a Judge of the Supreme Court he must yield to the will of a man
who perhaps can scarcely write his own name.
- That no hypnotist can succeed permanently in life is true. No
person can retain possession of a thing gained through black art
or by dishonest methods. A thief may seem to prosper for a season
but eventually the Great Law will make the proper adjustment and
his ill-gotten gains will be swept from him, because Divine
Justice does rule the Universe.
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