- Sympathetic
Vibratory Physics - It's
a Musical Universe!
- Table of
- Lecture Twelve
- The Law of
- IN the preceding lectures you were taught how to acquire
spiritual perception and mental qualities through the use of
Cosmic forces. You have also been taught how, by the power of
Divine Mind, to use your mental forces, not only for your own
benefit, but for the benefit of others; and now, having learned
something about the spiritual and mental planes of being we shall
take into consideration the third and last plane. This is where
man acquires or fails to acquire an abundance of worldly goods,
and where he must understand something about the law of Opulence
if he is to succeed. Since many persons believe the possession of
material wealth is as essential to happiness as is the possession
of perfect health, and since there are no accidents in the world
and every detail of our lives is governed by law, it seems
absolutely necessary that we should thoroughly understand the law
governing Opulence, so that we may control our finances instead of
becoming victims of circumstances.
- If you have not possessions then it is because you have not
used the law of Opulence for your own benefit. It is a well known
fact in Occultism that everyone has now just what he deserves, and
this is as true relative to Opulence as it is to spiritual and
mental qualities. But before we discuss the law of Opulence in
itself let us consider certain other aspects of the law of
evolution which may have a bearing on what I shall say later.
- If you have studied the creatures in the animal kingdom you
know how a mother bird will work to feed her young until they
reach a certain age, but when the time has come for each little
bird to work for his individual self, she crowds them all out of
the nest and throws each one upon his own responsibility. Other
animals are devoted to the care of their young until they reach a
certain age and then desert them or quarrel with and drive them
away to learn independence and to act for themselves. A wise man
gives to his child a proper education and training during the
years when its character is forming; but when it reaches its
majority he sends it forth to assume the responsibility it must
assume if it is to become individualized. And the great Universal
Consciousness, Father-Mother, during the first part of the
evolutionary period on a planet, stands behind man as the
evolutionary impulse pushing him onward in his career until he
develops to the point where he becomes self-reliant. Then this
impulse is withdrawn and from that time on man must develop
through his own inherent force, and through a knowledge of the
laws of nature and their uses.
- According to the Occultist's estimate such first part of the
cycle of this planet was reached in 1898; at that time the
childhood of the race ended. Before that the evolutionary law
provided for Its children, but since that date the Cosmic
Consciousness has been gradually relaxing Its effort, and
henceforth each individual must learn to rely upon his own
strength and knowledge of law for his success in life. This may
seem cruel at first thought, but it is really kind and just,
because it gives each man an opportunity to develop his best
- It is of the greatest importance that we who represent
principles somewhat in advance of the race should realize that all
things are governed by law and that not one of the least of these
is the law of Opulence. Deity does not give attributes or things
to us because we are good. It does not give opulence as a reward
for Spiritual acquirement; but if we want Spiritual qualities we
must use certain laws to receive spiritual things, and if we want
material things we must use the laws which govern the distribution
of them.
- In the first part of the period which ended in 1898 the old
Adamic curse was upon humanity. "In the sweat of thy face shalt
thou eat bread." But as the race advanced in evolution some men
came from under that curse and were able consciously or
unconsciously to use the laws of nature for their individual
benefit. They found that by thinking and planning they were not
obliged to earn bread by hard manual labor, but could assume the
relationship of employer to other men and have the work done by
those who had not the faculty for planning and managing. In this
manner there arose between men the relationship of employer and
employé. Please do not understand me to say that the
employer, the thinker, ceased working when he laid down his tools
and became the manager of his own business, because I do not wish
to be so understood. Cessation from work means retrogression; and
retrogression soon becomes degeneration and stagnation. Stagnation
whether it be spiritual, mental or material causes death. The
great Consciousness Itself works during each Cosmic Day and each
and every child of God who desires to progress must also
- A great mistake most people make is in limiting the meaning of
the word "work" to purely physical labor. Work does not
necessarily mean physical effort. Man is mind, and mental strength
and growth can come only through the exercise of his mental
powers. The misapprehensions of the meaning of the Scriptural
quotation, and of the laws of life and the law of opulence are due
to the misconception of the meaning of the word "work."
- Last year when these lectures were first delivered several
persons said, "It is very wrong to teach that you can draw
material things to yourself by the use of mental forces; you
should teach that people must work for what they get."
- It is obvious that these cautious souls have not developed
beyond the physical plane and are unable to appreciate the fact
that there may be mental as well as physical labor. Then there are
other persons who do not desire to use Spiritual forces to draw to
themselves material things and therefore protest against teaching
this knowledge. It is quite reasonable to suppose that such
persons find it difficult to manipulate spiritual forces and
because they do not understand how to use them, they object to
others using them. To such persons I have nothing to offer except
good wishes for their progress along the lines of development they
have chosen.
- Man's evolution has enlarged the meaning of the word "work,"
and we now say, "In the sweat of thy face or through mental effort
shalt thou earn bread." Employers, capitalists, and thinkers plan
day after day and work very hard mentally, yet many of them never
raise a hand to do physical labor, but leave that part of the work
to be done by those persons who still believe they must earn bread
in the sweat of their faces.
- There are three classes of workers; first, the physical
workers; second, the physico-mental workers; and the third, or
purely mental workers, and each of these classes marks a period of
human evolution. By purely physical workers I mean the hewers of
wood and the drawers of water - the mass of humanity. The
physico-mental workers are those who, while recognizing that the
laws of mind have a wonderful power to aid a man in his
development and resources, use their minds for planning and
enlarging their work and drawing Opulence to themselves and yet
use physical means also for the purpose of manifesting it. The
third class embraces all who are purely mental workers, those who
have learned to use their minds along all lines and who use mental
forces so fully and so completely that they receive whatever they
desire without manual labor of any kind. These are conscious users
of what is commonly called the Law of Opulence or the law which
brings opulence. Some students call this the law of Demand and
Supply. It really does not matter what it is called, it operates
as unfailingly on the plane of mind as it does in the realm of
- Each person places himself in one of these three classes of
workers, according to his evolutionary development. In the first
mentioned class the law of opulence never manifests. Those who
only work physically and individually can never acquire opulence.
They earn a living, plus a little more than an actual living and
that is all. The law of opulence commences to manifest in the
second class, the physico-mental workers, and passes by slow
gradation up through it to the third class where it manifests in
its fullness. Every person in the course of his evolutionary
career must pass through each of these three classes, and most
persons who have reached our point of development are in the
second class. This class is working with the laws of nature
consciously while having a center through which to draw opulence.
By a "center" I mean a certain definite vocation or avocation
through which money comes. For example, suppose you have a small
business - a news-stand perhaps. You have learned that there is
such a thing as the law of mental demand and supply and you desire
to use this law for your financial betterment. The small business
is your center, and having a center you wish to enlarge it. You
make a mental picture of a larger business and see yourself with a
cigar and news-stand combined. You continue to look at that
picture day after day and mentally demand that it shall be yours.
If you never destroy your picture, in the course of time your
demand will be met and the ways and means will be provided for you
to get what you want. But you should not stop with the news-stand
and cigar store combined, because it is never well to be content
with a little. You should immediately go about making another
picture, as soon as your demand has been met, and in this one you
should see yourself supplying other newsstands; you should become
a dealer and distributor.
- Or perhaps you do not wish to have a newsstand. You may be
engaged in another kind of business and are working for a salary.
Perhaps you would like an advancement in your salary and a better
position. Then you should make a mental picture of yourself
occupying the position you want and drawing the salary you
require, and by using this position for your center you will work
upward and onward to any height you desire.
- For illustration let us look at a woman who stood before the
public as a teacher of metaphysics. I refer to Mrs. Mary Baker G.
Eddy. She began her work as a practicing physician and after
studying under Dr. Quimby learned that it was possible to make a
practical application of the Berkeleyan philosophy for the purpose
of healing the sick. She started with a very insignificant medical
practice, which gradually grew to large proportions because of the
remarkable cures she performed through mind. By the use of
medicine and the knowledge that Dr. Quimby had given her, she
proceeded to enlarge her center, to draw more people to her from
different parts of the country, whom she healed and taught,
receiving large sums of money for her services. Her center grew
until, it is said, she died possessed of more than a million
- If we do not like our occupation, there is no reason why we
should continue to work at it forever; but we should hold the
thought that we shall use it only for the present until we can
draw to ourselves a better and a higher one. Faith in the law and
the power of mind enables us to demonstrate over adverse financial
conditions and make them what we desire.
- A master of this art, whom I knew, was once a newsboy. Born of
poor parents in one of the poorest quarters of Paris, he lived
like all other children of his class in great destitution. His
father and mother were rag-pickers and lived in a cellar. One day
when he had reached the age of eighteen or twenty years a great
Soul came into his life, and after engaging the boy to do some
work for him became interested in his welfare, and commenced to
teach him something about the power of mind. He also gave him a
manuscript and told him to study and practice the teachings he
would find therein.
- The boy took the manuscript home and spent his last penny for
a candle to give him light while he read about the Law of Demand
and Supply; and as he read he began to believe that he could use
this law to help himself out of his wretched condition. Looking
around the tiny place which he called his bedroom, with its bare
walls and stone floor, he said: "I shall commence now to create
opulence for myself and the first thing I need to make me
comfortable is a piece of carpet three feet long, that I can stand
on while dressing when I get out of bed on cold mornings." He made
the mental picture of the carpet and held steadily to his
creation. After a while a piece of new carpet was given him by a
woman whom he had served and from the moment his first
demonstration was made, his faith in the law never wavered. He
became a master at making demonstrations and when I first met him
was possessed of a great many hundred thousand dollars.
- Faith in something we cannot understand is hard to acquire and
rarely amounts to anything more than a hope; but faith based upon
immutable law grows to be knowledge. The small demonstrations made
in the beginning of our work with the law are often the most
important, because they prove to us that we have the power to put
the law into operation.
- In the class of the physico-mental workers we find the
progressive student increasing his center and also attempting to
make demonstrations independently of it. Such persons have made a
marked advance in their evolutionary progress. For example, let us
take the attorney who knows how to use the law of demand. He says,
"I want a good law practice," and pictures clients coming in large
numbers into his office. After a time the clients come as he has
pictured, and then he begins to make a distinction between them.
He says: "I want to represent only those whose cases I can win,"
and in this way he works for the mutual benefit of all who are
interested. Then he begins to create things separate and distinct
from his law practice. He wishes to go to Congress, perhaps, and
makes a picture of himself representing his district at the
Capitol, and after holding the picture for a while and earnestly
making his demands that it shall come to him, an opportunity will
be given and his pictures will materialize, because the law has
been put into operation by his power of mind.
- In the third class are those individuals who are able to draw
to themselves whatever they desire irrespective of any center.
Constant practice has made these persons skilled operators of the
law and with them faith has grown into absolute knowledge. When a
person has reached this point in his development he may go out of
business and go wherever he desires because he can draw to himself
anything he wants at any time or in any place he may happen to be.
Many students pass through the second stage, that of the
physico-mental workers, very slowly. A few pass rapidly since some
have more faith than others, and after all it is largely a
question of faith, for "Whatsoever a man thinketh in his heart so
is he."
- Mrs. Helen Wilmans-Post, the leader of the Mental Scientists,
started, as you know, penniless in the world. She went to San
Francisco with but a few dollars in her purse. When she arrived
there she demanded and secured her first position on a newspaper,
then she gradually drew to herself through that center money
enough to enable her to live more comfortably than previously.
After a while, in answer to her demands she got a better position.
In the beginning she used the law of demand unconsciously - by
following her own intuitions. Then she began to gain something of
a knowledge of the working of the law and soon her brilliant
career began as a conscious worker with the law. From a journalist
she became an author, wrote several books and finally added
healing and teaching to her long list of accomplishments. Through
it all she continued to draw more and more opulence to herself
until she was very rich. By her own example she has shown that she
belongs to the second class of workers and makes the statement in
her book, "The Conquest of Poverty," that no one can draw wealth
to himself independently of physical effort.
- Dr. Emily Cady is said to be a member of the third class. She
has performed very remarkable cures and has helped the world
through her writings. Dr. Cady had used the law in healing and her
faith was great enough to believe she could make other
demonstrations of a more material nature. She passed into the
third class it is said when she showed her implicit faith in the
law, by demanding and receiving a large sum of money, which she
needed to reimburse herself for the time and money she had given
to suffering humanity. She pictured the amount that she wanted and
then claimed it for her own and within a short time after she made
her creation, a stranger brought to her what she had demanded.
According to her picture and her faith was it given unto her.
- To put this Law of Opulence into operation it is necessary to
realize three things.
- First. That everything you want exists now in Divine
Mind. Do you want jewels, gold, silver? They are all in the
market; besides, there are in the mines as yet undiscovered all
these things in great abundance. All these things exist and you
can put into operation the law which will bring them to you. The
history of the world shows that every mental demand of man has
been met. Man grew tired of walking and carrying things and the
cumbersome ox cart was eveolved to supply his needs. But he was
not satisfied with this crude vehicle and demanded something
better. Then came the horse and a lighter wagon, and after that
came steam cars, bicycles, and automobiles; and still man is not
satisfied; he wishes to fly and flying machines are in process of
evolution [written 1902]. By degrees, from the boat made
by burning out the center of an old log, has the modern steam
yacht been evolved, and from the slow, tedious process of sending
verbal messages by footman from place to place has been evolved
the wireless telegraph. There is no lack of anything in the world;
and there should be no envy or jealousy between men, because there
is enough to everything for everyone who lives.
- Second. Realize that all things belong to Deity and
that you can only have a temporary use of them. We should not be
so vainglorious as to think we own anything. We came into the
world destitute of everything and go out of it with nothing except
character - and some even go without that. While we remain here we
may borrow of Deity something or nothing according to our manner
of thinking.
- Third. We should realize that all things are
distributed by the Universal Consciousness according to law. One
man is not poverty-stricken and another man a millionaire by
chance, fatalism or caprice; but everything is distributed
according to the law of mental demand, or of asking and receiving.
Those of you who are Christians know what the Nazarene said on
that subject. Everyone who stops to think knows that the
successful man of business has always been, is, and always will
be, the man who can demand - i.e., make a positive picture of what
he desires. If you want anything, create it mentally, demand it
and according to your faith be it unto you.
- There are certain rules whereby you may hasten your creations
whether you work with or without a center [business, etc.]
, and your experiences will demonstrate the accuracy of the
- Rule First. Meditate and ask Deity if there is any reason
why you should not have the thing you desire to create.
- This removes all uncertainty from your mind abot the
advisability of creating it. Uncertainty produces a negative
condition, disturbs your aura and therefore delays the
materialization of your creations. When you have received the
answer from the Universal Consciousness that it is right and
proper for you to have the thing that you desire, you are then in
a positive condition of mind and can forcefully put the law into
- Rule Second. Having decided to create something make your
mental picture of it and demand it unfalteringly until it
- A person after having received a favorable answer from Deity
often commences his creations, but abandons them after a time
because his objective mind suggests that he may have been mistaken
about his answer from Deity, and it is not best to continue with
his demands. Do not listen to the suggestions from your objective
mind, but once having decided upon your creations go on with them
to the end.
- Rule Three. A positive demand accomplishes more and better
results than a request or a petition.
- The mental attitude while making a demand should always be
reverential but very positive. The Lord's Prayer is an excellent
example of the proper attitude of mind to be assumed while
demanding and we will analyze that prayer. Jesus said: "After this
manner therefore pray ye:
- "Our Father which art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy
Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in Heaven." The
attitude of mind manifested by the Nazarene while making the first
part of this prayer was reverential, and His words expressed His
desire for perfect harmony between Himself and the Father. Having
established harmony between His individual mind and the Universal
Mind He proceeded to make His demands in this manner:
- "Give us this day our daily bread: And forgive
us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not
into temptation, but deliver us from evil." After this
manner therefore pray ye."
- There is not one negative thought in this prayer. There is a
positive demand for everything desired rather than a petition. We
can almost say that the demand was a respectful command that the
things desired should come, and you will find that those of you
who ask of the Universal in this manner and with this mental
attitude will always receive what you ask for.
- Now contrast that mental attitude that the Nazarene Occultist
had when He prayed, with the mental attitude of His so-called
followers of the present day. He said: "When thou prayest thou
shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing
(kneeling) in the synagogues" (churches and cathedrals) * * * "But
when ye pray, use not vain repetitions as the heathen do; for they
think that they shall be heard for their much speaking" (chanting,
litanies and masses). If you wish to witness the contrast between
the Master's and the modern forms of worship, go into some of the
Churches on or near Fifth Avenue and listen to the words of the
modern prayers. On Sunday you will hear Public Confessions of sins
something like this:
- "We have left undone those things which we ought to have done;
and we have done those things which we ought not to have done: And
these is no health in us." "Health" is defined by the Century
Dictionary as meaning in this connection, "natural vigor of the
faculties, moral or intellectual soundness."
- If we were to say about these same good citizens what they
publicly admit about themselves - that they are morally and
intellectually depraved and are secretly doing things they ought
not to do - we should very likely be sued for slander. But we do
not wish to say or to believe that these good people are guilty of
what they unthinkingly say with their lips in their forms of
worship. The illustration given is but a type of modern prayers,
for they are all more or less self-depreciatory if not
self-condemnatory. The thoughts behind them are negative and the
prayers are repeated as a matter of form more than of faith. Many
of these same good persons have their prayers answered, but the
answered ones were not the formal prayers read from prayer books.
They are those that were sent forth from the heart and were
expressed in a positive form; they were whispered in the silence
of the night when there was no one near to hear but God to whom
they were addressed. These are the prayers that are efficious, for
prayer to be efficious must be a mental and not an emotional
- Rule Four. Demand specifically what you want.
- Every word of this rule is important. First you must make a
demand. Then that demand must be specific. Make your mental
picture clear-cut. The clearer your picture the sooner will it
materialize. Demand specifically what you want - not what some one
else wants you to have, not what you think you ought to have, not
what you believe it your duty to want - but what you, yourself,
wish to have.
- The converse of this rule is equally important. Never demand
what you do not want. If you want money do not demand work, but
always be ready and willing to work for it - if necessary. Almost
everyone in the beginning makes the mistake of demanding what he
does not want, because it is difficult to break the customs of
many years. Unpleasant environment is the result of demands we
have made in the past for things we do not want now. Diseased
bodies and unhappy conditions of mind are but the realizations of
demands made in ignorance.
- This rule is very likely to be misunderstood by some
metaphysicians. A local teacher of metaphysics who heard this rule
given in last year's lectures said it was misleading; that if a
person had a drug store, for instance, and wanted money, he should
demand patrons because they would bring money. To an Occultist
this is strange logic. The druggist might have a thousand patrons
and sell his entire stock. If all his customers bought his goods
on credit and neglected to pay for them afterwards, his desire for
money would not be fulfilled although his demand for patrons had
been fully met. It is best to demand the specific thing you want
and then you will make no mistakes.
- A member of last year's class who thought she understood this
rule, said to me several weeks after the lecture course that she
had created a trip to Europe. When I asked her to describe her
mental picture she said, "Oh, I just created a one thousand dollar
bill which I shall use for my trip." She had not created a trip to
Europe, but had created the money to pay for one. This was no
surety of her getting the trip, because when the money came an
infinite number of things might occur to prevent her going. She
should have created the picture of herself on board ship crossing
the ocean; and should have seen herself landing safe and well on
the other side.
- Rule Fifth. Demand only when your desire is
- When you feel the need of a thing your desire for it is
strongest. Many students begin enthusiastically to make their
demands, but soon grow lukewarm. A good way to intensify your
desires is to think of the pleasure the possession of the thing
would give you, and when the desire for it comes sweeping over you
then make your demand for it. Do not demand because the hour set
apart for demainding has come, or because you regard it as a duty
you have assumed. Demands made under such conditions amount to
nothing, and the time put into work of that kind is wasted.
- Rule Sixth. Mind works best when the body is
- If you are drumming with your fingers or swinging your feet
while making demands, a part of your mental force goes into the
physical motions you are making; and your forces being divided the
mental work is robbed of much of its power. You should conserve
your force. At intervals during the day you may think of your
demands and you can hold them subconsciously in mind much of the
time; and while this kind of picture making does not accomplish as
much as when the body is at rest, yet it does have an effect.
- Rule Seventh. Never demand when excited.
- You may have a strong desire but no excitement. A demand made
during intense excitement is always met forcefully. This is an
important rule, the oberservance of which may save you much
inconvenience. We are quite likely to become impatient at times
and are often tempted to make violent demands. It is a dangerous
thing too, as I shall show you in an illustration.
- There was a student of Occultism in this city who had met with
several misfortunes. Disasters followed each other till everything
he had on the material plane was swept away. But he was possessed
of a great deal of force, and knowing how to make demands for what
he wanted he commenced making new creations. He demanded ten
thousand dollars, which to him was financial opulence. The demand
was not met immediately, and the young man became impatient and
finally angry. And when he wakened one morning to find himself
without money enough to pay for his breakfast, he walked to the
park, threw himself upon the ground and lay there for several
hours with his teeth set, hands clenched and with the perspiration
standing out all over his body, so intense was his excitement
while making his demand for the money he had pictured. The next
day he boarded a freight train and, after the usual delays and
inconveniences attending upon transportation of that kind, the
student of Occultism managed to reach a Western town. But he had
no sooner entered the place than a cyclone came along and swept it
off the face of the earth. When the young man of the violent
demands came to consciousness he was lying on the ground some
distance from the place where he was at the last moment of this
recollection. His body was a mass of bruises, and when he tried to
rise to his feet he found one leg broken. Bodies of dead animals
and men lay all around him, and wagonloads of debris were strewn
in all directions; but just within reach of his arm lay a
plethoric leather wallet. The young man reached his best arm out
and got the wallet and immediately examined its contents. There
were just ten one thousand dollar bils in it and not a scrap of
paper or a card to tell to whom it belonged. He placed his prize
in the pocket of this ragged coat and crept on his hands and knees
for some distance till someone came to his relief. He was cared
for and finally got well. The owner of the money could not be
found, and the young man kept it as an answer to his violent
demand, which so nearly cost him his life.
- Please do not understand me to say that the young Occult
student's violent demand created the cyclone, because it had
nothing to do with its creation. But the student was drawn into
the cyclone, and suffered the horrors of it, because of his own
tempestuous mental condition when making a demand, which had to be
met after the manner that it was made.
- Rule Eighth. Always be deliberate and quiet but positive
when demanding.
- Never demand in a hurry. Mental perturbation engendered by
hurry, delays the materialization of your creation.
- Rule Ninth. Avoid speculating on the time when or the way
in which your demonstrations will be made.
- When you begin speculating about the ways and means by which
your demnstrations will come, immediately your force becomes
scattered or divided and a repellent expectancy arises. There is
an expectancy that draws and also one that repels. The quiet
expectancy, such as is used in meditation, is helpful in drawing
to you whatever you have demanded. But the impatient expectancy of
the objective mind is repellent, because it causes your aura to
become disturbed and then nothing you want can reach you.
- For example: You have made a demand and have commenced to
wonder through whom that demand will be met. Your objective mind
suggests Mr. Blank as the most probable person, and if you accept
the suggestion when you meet Mr. Blank you are not mentally poised
because of your impatient expectancy. Mr. Blank feels your mental
condition and if he were inclined to form a business connection
with you he would hesitate and become uncertain because of your
perturbed condition; thus the ways and means that you expected to
bring your demonstration would not be used because of your
repellent expectancy. The person who violates rule nine is likely
to make very bad investments.
- Rule Tenth. Anger, discontent, envy and lack of
self-control repel and delay a demonstration.
- If you make a mental picture of a thing and hold it for a time
it will materialize, but it will be delayed if you indulge in any
of the mental attitudes just mentioned; because any of these puts
your aura into a perturbed condition, which is repellent. Divine
Mind may be likened to the ocean which is bearing a boat laden
with your creations to you who are standing upon the shore. If you
are perturbed your mind acts upon Divine Mind as the wind off
shore acts upon the ocean. It is forever driving back the craft in
which are the things you desire.
- This rule is one of the hardest to observe, but like anything
else it can be followed. It is the disregard of this rule which
leads investigators and beginners to disbelieve in the law or
power of mind, and which makes so many students finally abandon in
despair their efforts to use the forces of nature. But if we do
not use nature's forces then we shall be used by them.
- Rule Eleventh. The earnestness with which a demand is made,
the frequency with which it is made and the persistency with which
the mental image is consciously held in mind hasten the
- In another lecture you were told how your mental picture
becomes a matrix, and that from this matrix goes forth a vibratory
force like a blue magnetic cord which connects with the thing you
desire. The material thing is then drawn by this blue magnetic
cord closer and closer to you every time you concentrate your
thoughts upon your creation until the thing finally reaches you.
The earnestness, the frequency and the persistency of your demands
and concentration draw it faster and faster. An Occultist never
destroys any of his mental pictures.
- Rule Twelve. The realization that you are using an
immutable law hastens your demonstrations.
- Get out of the old theological belief that because you are
good God is going to give you a reward. Get out of the thought
that you are a chosen child of God and that He is looking upon you
with special favor. Get into the thought that you are a student of
Occultism and that by working with mental law you are going to be
able to make quick demonstrations and a better environment.
Realize that you are using an immutable law and that what you
demand comes to you because you are using a law and that nothing
can prevent its coming, that God Himself cannot prevent it without
violating His own nature - a thing inconceivable.
- Rule Thirteen. After your creation is made and you have
demanded it, the declaration, "God has met my demand," hastens the
material manifestation of the demonstration.
- For example, suppose you have made a picture, have held it,
have demanded that it should materialize and you have followed
faithfully all the foregoing rules. But after a while your
objective mind says: "That demonsration will never come." Then I
would suggest that you change your form of demand, and instead of
saying "Give me this," say, "God has met my demand. It is mine
now." Claim it. You know your demand has been met on the mental
plane, and since it is law that you are using, it is yours as much
before it has materialized as it will be afterward. This
declaration gives you a positive realization of possession which
has a tendency to bring more quickly your creations and removes
anxiety and perturbation from your mind.
- If this lecture on opulence has been made clear, you will
understand that I am not teaching a mental-get-rich-quick
affair, nor the getting of something for nothing; but that you
must work mentally in order to accomplish whatever you desire. The
particular advantage of this system of mental work over physical
work is this: you can select your own time to do it, and arrange
your own compensation. The results are absolutely certain if the
law is complied with. But when a person says he has complied with
the rules given here and has not got results he has made a mistake
somewhere. He has not complied.
- Your experiences with prosperous business men and all
successful persons in the world show that unconsciously they work
along these lines. I say unconsciously because the majority of
them as yet only unconsciously put the law into operation.
Observation of the metaphysicians of the present day who are
semi-consciously using the law - and their name is legion - will
show that even with their limited knowledge they are repeatedly
making remarkable demonstrations. A large per cent of those who
listened to these lectures last season have been enabled to
demonstrate health for themselves and many have brought health to
others; some have demonstrated happiness, others have enlarged
their business and many have drawn to themselves money. All have
increased their store of knowledge and a few have become ennobled
in character and have gained spiritual qualities. This shows that
the law has worked on the three planes of being with this band of
students and if a few can accomplish many can.
- If you will but persist in your faith there can be no limit to
your possibilities. If you can demonstrate a piece of carpet three
feet long you can demonstrate a million dollars. If you can cure a
headache you can cure in the course of time any disease; if you
can demonstrate a seat in the street car you can demonstrate a
seat in Congress, in time. If you can be happy a week you can be
happy for a lifetime, because what can be done in a small degree
can, with persistency, be done in a large degree.
- It rests with you whether you will or will not use this law
consciously. There are some of you who will. There is always a
percentage of persons who succeed and a percentage who do not.
Each of you can do with your knowledge what you choose. This much
is true, if you persist for two years to consciously use these
laws in your daily affairs of life, by the end of that time your
environment will have changed sufficiently, and demonstrations
enough will have been made, to prove to you that you are dealing
with Law.
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