Sacred Science |
John Keely's Sacred Science |
Topic: Jokes Section: Schwartz Table of Contents to this Topic |
ÊA mortician was working late one night. HeÊexamined the body of Mr.ÊSchwartz, about to be cremated, and made aÊstartling discovery. Schwartz had theÊlargest private part he had ever seen!Ê "I'm sorryÊMr. Schwartz," the morticianÊcommented, "I can't allow you to be cremated withÊsuch an impressive privateÊpart.Ê It must be saved for posterity."Ê So, heÊremoved it, stuffed it intoÊhis briefcase, and took it home Ê Ê"I have something to show you won't believe," heÊsaid to his wife, openingÊhis briefcase. Ê Ê"My God!" the wife exclaimed, "Schwartz is dead!" |
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