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Topic: Dale Pond
Collected Articles Section: What Charge Is Table of Contents to this Topic |
What Charge Is. Dale Pond 2002, 11/02 In considering what "exactly" takes place during the creation of a charge in a simple electrical generator some interesting observations are to be noted. Of imminent interest is the question "Just what exactly is charge? and how does it come into being?" Two major theories clash: that of Russell/Keely and conventional theory or the electron model. We have been told electrical generation is the accumulation of electrons which then travel along a wire to a resistance. When queried about traveling electrons, Keely said this idea is not correct but that it is the "influence" that travels from center to center. To resolve this seeming conflict let's examine the parts and workings of a simple generator. In it's simplist configuration there is a copper wire moving in a magnetic field supplied by magnetized iron. In real terms the iron need not be magnetized but may be polarized by an electric field (electromagnet). The iron may be on the armature or on the periphery with the copper at the core or vice versa. The copper wire may be in the field and not moving which "generates" no electricity. Or the magnetic field may be moved about an immobile copper wire and does generate a flow. We also know the copper need not be in the form of wire as solid copper plates are sometimes used. The iron can be thin plates or solid larger pieces. To summarized the basic elements of a generator we have 1) copper 2) iron/steel 3) motion and 4) magnetic field. These are ALL the elements used in ALL generators in current use. The differences we see are simply variations of these elements or substitutions, alloys, more or less numbers of field coils, size and so forth. So the only elements we have to consider are the four elements as presented. Materials Of prime interest is copper and iron. Other elements may be blended with them or substituted entirely such as nickel, zinc, steel (iron plus carbon), etc. This paper will stick with copper and iron as they seem to be "most basic" and familiar. Russell classes iron as a "charging" element which means it is cohering or accumulating energy within and about itself. It is in the generating phase of Mind Force into matter. Copper on the other hand is on the opposite side of the Neutral Line. It is a "radiant" element in process of disintegration or "discharging" back into the Inertial Plane. Iron and copper do not perfectly balance each other out in this model as iron is one step more energizing than copper is de-energizing. However they are in the same octave (zone of pressure) in such a way that if energy could be discretely added to iron it would become in successive steps: Cobalt, then become radiant it becomes Nickel, Copper and then Zinc. We can say from this close relationship there is an underlying similarity or sympathy in their consitutent or aliquot vibratory configurations. This is an important aspect of the two elements. An addition of Carbon to Iron as in low or high carbon steels and magnets would bring Iron that much closer to the Neutral Line which is where Carbon resides. Primal States There are only three Primal States: charging, discharging and neutral. In their natural states Iron is charging and Copper is discharging according to Russell's classification. Russell informs us the charging state is the same as "electricity" (gravity or mutual affinity) while the discharging state is "magnetism" (repelation or mutual repulsion). Magnetism is the same as what I've been calling the Dispersion/Dispersal Field or Field of Dispersion. We may consider the Magnetic Field and Dispersion Field one and the same. In Keely's jargon the Dispersion Field is the Celestial Realm while the Charging Field is the Terrestrial Realm. There are many more synonyms used by these two discoverers and others but we want to keep things simple. Polarization Polarization is a state exhibiting two poles seemingly opposite to one another but of the same source. The simplist example of this state is a bar magnet under some degree of magnetization. Pure iron does not accept magnetization or polarization well. Soft steel (iron plus carbon) does however easily magnetize/polarize. Soft carbon steel has the added feature of "remembering" magnetic influence. It will remain magnetized or polarized once submitted to that influence. Copper on the other hand is not considered a magnetizable or polarizable element. This, I find, is an error in thinking. Copper may easily be polarized by electrical influence (as in AC current) but copper will not remember or retain that influence. It naturally reverts to a neutral state when the electrical or magnetic influence is withdrawn. Copper then functions like an empty air chamber that may be easily pressurized or depressurized in a periodic fashion. According to Russell increased pressure equals increased charge while decreased pressure equals decreased charge or discharge. Therefore or thereby copper is an ideal conductor or inductor of electrical (charging and or discharging) influence. Charging means the same as increasing pressures. Discharging means decreasing pressures. [NOTE 5/11/03: The above reference to copper perfectly states the nature of femaleness. Female may be impregnated and depregnated. Male can only impregnate. Indeed, iron is male and copper is female.] Soft carbon steel, when magnetized, exhibits a radiant attribute while retaining its concentrative natural state. It becomes bi-polar in two distinct manners: 1) concentrative and radiative vibratorily speaking and 2) magnetically bi-polar. When copper is brought into this magnetic field it comes under the field's magnetic or radiant influence. The magnetic field is "acting" or active which means the copper then "reacts" to that Creative or active influence. Copper "absorbs" or is modulated by same to exhibit similarity. The radiant component or aspect or attribute of copper is enhanced by such an influence. Copper becomes more radiant. If the soft carbon steel is reversed in direction so its other pole is influencing the copper the reaction in the copper is to reverse its polarity to conform to the impacting influence. If this reversal is done consistently and persistently an alternating influence or current is established in the copper. The key to understanding this process or energy transmission from discharging magnetic field to charging electrical stream or flow is the Principle of Reproduction (The Universal One, page 30). This principle or law dictates that an active force or influence will reverse polarity when received or absorbed by a reactive object. In our case the discharging magnetic field from the soft carbon steel will reverse polarity once it impacts the copper and becomes a charging electrical flow. It is for this same principle that electrical flow impregnating a piece of soft carbon steel converts it into an electromagnet. Just so a discharging magnetic field will convert into a charging electrical flow. Charging means the concentrative notion or action is increasing. Discharging means the decentrative or notion or reaction is increasing. To the molecules in the copper charging means decreasing in diameter (which explains exploding electrodes under extreme tension), slower rotation and increased revolution velocities, etc. The only way this process of dispersion becoming concentration can work is through the Principle of Focalization. This principle is inherent in spheres. Focalization is similar to refraction in that an impacting force upon a media of different density will change frequency and direction. An outside dispersing force impacting upon a sphere will convert into a focalizing force that will move to or seek the sphere's center. This phenomena is natural to all spheres. This is what Keely called Focalization. Center seeking force is electrical force. Once at the center the force is again cenverted by its impact on a media of greater density (the Neutral Center) and converts into radiant energy and flees from that center. As the center seeking energy increases the spherical copper molecule will shrink and become more dense and more energized/charged. As the center fleeing energy increases the spherical copper molecule will expand and become less dense and less energized. This contracting and expanding motion will be in synch with the reversals of the soft carbon steel magnetic field. And is what we commonly call Alternating Current and is transmitted from copper molecule center to copper molecule center by sympathetic vibration on a level or frequency range not customarily considered. There is a bit more to this but the above should be sufficient for developing a new working awareness of just what charge is. |
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