Got this idea this morning about meditating in a different way. Seems to me nearly if not all 'spiritual' efforts center around the idea of doing away with the erroneous idea of separation. Once that misperception is undone then one is seen again as being one with the Whole. In my meditation I began seeing how each individual is a center (ala Keely) from and to which go energy waves (think ripples on a pond surface) come and go. These energy waves are really a composite of Love (sympathetic transmissive), Mind/Consciousness, Spirit and Will. These energy waves go and come in all directions, up/down, side to side and back and forth. This idea is not unlike in visualization terms) Einstein's Space-Time Continuum, even though his idea lacks depth, spirit and comprehensiveness. This energy field or matrix then is a highly responsive inter-etheric gel-like structure whose mainstay is a Neutral Matrix or Stratum interspersed by these individual centers of egoic mind. These centers cause a disturbance in the Neutral Undifferentiated Stratum of Whole Mind (which is God). Depending how these centers are disturbed (by egoic thinking) they attract and repel accordingly and conforming to Keely's Laws of Attraction and Repulsion. This meditation helps me hold a concept of Oneness throughout all and lets me see that the only constituent of individuality is WHAT ONE THINKS. Therefore the essence of Oneness (lack of disturbance) is non-thinking. I doubt there is anything new here in this except it aides me in picturing a non-fractured dynamism as associated with all this Mind/Spirit/Matter we've been dealing with.