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Topic: Dale Pond
Collected Articles Section: Tuning Atlin (also Symael and Altea) to Rotate Table of Contents to this Topic |
Tuning Atlin (also Symael and Altea) to Rotate or how to work for and achieve so-called Free Energy. In contemplating achieving dynaspheric rotation I refound this earlier message from Dawn. What impacts me is the similarity to what Cayce said (see Cayce quote further below) about the earth and sun and their relation to the Mind and Spirituality of Humanity. The next question is of course 'How does one achieve an "Unconditionally Loving Consciousness" mentioned as a requirement for successful and happy rotation'? Each will have their own path to this crowning human achievement as perhaps there really is no set process or method that will work for everyone. For the longest time now I've been suggesting to those ones who impatiently insist on Free Energy NOW that the world needs more Love far more importantly than it needs Free Energy. Few have agreed with that idea. There is a listening audience however small. Most turn aside when what they deem "touchy-feely" topics are mentioned. In my ongoing studies of just what Love is are encountered numerous explanations why so many turn so quickly aside from Love. The reason is fear in its diverse forms. Fear is but an idea held by the intellect or ego. It has no validity outside of the mind that embraces it. However it does have effects as mentioned in these two readings below. If Cayce is correct and by correlation Dawn's Message about the earth being in chaos because of humanity's negative (fearful) thinking then at issue is 'How does one abate the fearful thinking?' and by reciprocality move into "Unconditionally Loving Consciousness" (or vice versa)?' I could write an entire book on this - indeed - many have done so. In the meantime I'll leave this open-ended question for you to contemplate.... Life, Light, Love & Laughter, Dale Message from Gaia, Mother Earth Dawn Stranges 1997, 09/01 "My Consciousness addresses yours this day and time regarding the state of turmoil which is observable around you. The times we are experiencing now are swirling around in what looks like chaotic fashion. However, appearances can deceive. What is chaos? It is an attempt to create order from disorder, yet it often takes the disorder to greater extremes initially. This can be seen in the graphically computer-displayed mathematical models. Such "chaos" can be seen in human behavior, geological shifting, weather patterns, population and ecological displacements, and scientific advances. In particular, let us think about how this concept may be applied to the journey of the Dynasphere. Atlin is a model of the earth. Both are spherical, both are feminine in characteristic. There are many other similarities. The chaotic symptoms seen around Mother Earth ("abnormal" weather and geological patterns and population shifts) are a result of intricate networks of immeasurable forces which contribute to these outcomes. One of those subtle force components is Love. Specifically, human Love for one another, Gaia, the co-inhabitants of Earth (plants, animals, soil, land and water), and the Universe as a whole. To jump ahead in the lesson, I assure you that if people became more Loving, the environment would respond by becoming "healthier". How does this apply to Atlin? Well, the dynamics are very similar. Atlin requires certain ambient levels of "Lovingness" or Unconditionally Loving Consciousness patterns around her for her to be healthy and run. The Lovingness needed is quite different than exists in the culture proper. So, those who will work with Atlin will need to experience and "radiate" a Loving nature. Anything less (fear) will throw Atlin into a chaotic attempt to rectify the Love deficiency with aberrant field configurations which, as with Gaia, will result in compromised function. And so, if one wishes to work with Atlin, or other Universal dynamics found in New Energy devices, one must emphatically extinguish the lower behaviors, transmuting them to a Higher Self. That means that the fears and old patterns need to be purified in the fires of Love and compassion. Thus, the music of the Soul will sing clearly and Atlin will respond by rotation. The tuning is done with the Heart. [emphasis added] Atlin can thus be seen as a very good teaching tool as to the human condition. If rotation is achieved, then harmonious Heart energy has been generated. The tinkering one can do on the Heart, Head and Will Forces is an art, and cannot be reduced to a science. Those who wish to engage in scientific protocol best work elsewhere. It will be necessary for those who seek to construct and operate such new generation devices to live Lovingly. Such is not for the faint of Heart, which, contrary to the old definition, rules out those who are living in Fear, living in Ego, or living disconnected to their Spirit. What could be more delightful than to witness the subtle forces of the Earth called into exquisite motion by harmonies from the Heart? It can happen if the Love of the Universe is both taken in and given out in abundance and without condition. Please do so with my blessing." Cayce Quote on Sun Spots: TEXT OF READING 5757-1 This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at the Hotel Warner, Virginia Beach, Va., this 21st day of June, 1940, at the Ninth Annual Congress of the Ass'n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc. P R E S E N T Edgar Cayce; Mrs. Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. R E A D I N G Time of Reading 4:00 to 4:30 P. M. Eastern Standard Time. 1. GC: You will give at this time a discourse on what are known as Sun Spots, explaining the cause of these phenomena and their effect on the earth and its inhabitants. 2. EC: In giving that as we find would be as helpful information in the experience of individuals gathered here, many conditions and phases of man's experience in the earth are to be considered. 3. When the heavens and the earth came into being, this meant the universe as the inhabitants of the earth know same; yet there are many suns in the universe, - those even about which our sun, our earth, revolve; and all are moving toward some place, - yet space and time appear to be incomplete. 4. Then time and space are but one. Yet the sun, that is the center of this particular solar system, is the center; and, as has been indicated and known of old, it is that about which the earth and its companion planets circulate, or evolve [revolve?]. 5. The beginnings of the understanding of these, and their influences upon the lives of individuals, were either thought out, evolved or interpreted by those of old, without the means of observing same as considered today necessary in order to understand. 6. Astronomy is considered a science and astrology as foolishness. Who is correct? One holds that because of the position of the earth, the sun, the planets, they are balanced one with another in some manner, some form; yet that they have nothing to do with man's life or the expanse of life, or the emotions of the physical being in the earth. 7. Then, why and how do the effects of the sun SO influence other life in the earth and not affect MAN'S life, man's emotions? 8. As the sun has been set as the ruler of this solar system, does it not appear to be reasonable that it HAS an effect upon the inhabitants of the earth, as well as upon plant and mineral life in the earth? 9. Then if not, why, how did the ancients worship the sun AS the representative of a continuous benevolent and beneficent influence upon the life of the individual? 10. Thus as we find given, the sun and the moon and the stars were made also, - this being the attempt of the writer to convey to the individual the realization that there IS an influence in their activity! For, remember, they - the sun, the moon, the planets - have their marching orders from the divine, and they move in same. 11. Man alone is given that birthright of free will. He alone may defy his God! 12. How many of you have questioned that in thine own heart, and know that thy disobedience in the earth reflects unto the heavenly hosts and thus influences that activity of God's command! For YOU - as souls and sons and daughters of God - DEFY the living God! 13. As the sun is made to shed light and heat upon God's children in the earth, it is then of that composition of which man is made, or of that termed the earth; yet, as ye have seen and know, there is solid matter, there is liquid, there is vapor. All are one in their various stages of consciousness or of activity for what? Man - GODLY MAN! Yet when these become as in defiance to that light which was commanded to march, to show forth the Lord's glory, His beauty, His mercy, His hope, - yea, His patience, - do ye wonder then that there become reflected upon even the face of the sun those turmoils and strifes that have been and that are the sin of man? 14. Whence comest this? 15. All that was made was made to show to the sons, the souls, that God IS mindful of His children. 16. How do they affect man? How does a cross word affect thee? How does anger, jealousy, hate, animosity, affect thee AS a son of God? If thou art the father of same, oft ye cherish same. If thou art the recipient of same from others, thy brethren, how does it affect thee? Much as that confusion which is caused upon the earth by that which appears as a sun spot. The disruption of communications of all natures between men is what? Remember the story, the allegory if ye choose to call it such, of the tower of Babel. 17. Yea, ye say ye trust God, and yet want to show Him how to do it! 18. These become, then, as the influences that would show man as to his littleness in even entertaining hate, injustice, or that which would make a lie. 19. Be honest with thyself, as ye would ask even the ruler of thine earth - the sun - to harken to the voice of that which created it and to give its light IRRESPECTIVE of how ye act! For, as given, the sun shineth upon the just and the unjust alike, yet it is oft reflected in what happens to thee in thy journey through same. 20. The more ye become aware of thy relationships to the universe and those influences that control same, the greater thy ability to help, to aid, - the greater thy ability to rely upon the God-force within; but STILL greater thy RESPONSIBILITY to thy fellow men. For, as ye do it unto the least, ye do it unto thy Maker, - even as to the sun which reflects those turmoils that arise with thee; even as the earthquake, even as wars and hates, even as the influences in thy life day by day. 21. Then, what are the sun spots? A natural consequence of that turmoil which the sons of God in the earth reflect upon same. 22. Thus they oft bring confusion to those who become aware of same. 23. Let not your hearts be troubled; yet believe in God. Then just act like it - to others. 24. He has given thee a mind, a body; an earth, and land in which to dwell. He has set the sun, the moon, the planets, the stars about thee to remind thee, even as the psalmist gave, "Day unto day uttereth speech, night unto night sheweth knowledge." 25. These ye know, these ye have comprehended; but do ye take thought of same? 26. KNOW that thy mind - thy MIND - is the builder! As what does thy soul appear? A spot, a blot upon the sun? or as that which giveth light unto those who sit in darkness, to those who cry aloud for hope? 27. Hast thou created hope in thy association with thy fellow men? 28. Ye fear and cringe when ye find that the spots upon thy sun cause confusion of any nature. 29. How MUST thy Savior feel, look, appear, when ye deny Him day by day; when ye treat thy fellow man as though he were as dross and trash before thee? 30. We are through. T0254-106 * [Pg 2] 13. (Q) Can a discussion be given through this channel on the sun spots, cause and effect on the earth? (A) This might be given. As to just what its value might be, - it will be valuable for the young if it is preserved, for it will be a very helpful influence that might well be given, and would show particularly the variation of subjects that might be treated by or through such information. [See subsequently 5757-1, 6/21/40.] |
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