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Topic: Dale Pond
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Transformation Dale Pond - September 19, 1997 A pamphlet titled Conversations with John by David Spangler says the earth will be going through massive changes until the year 2000 beginning in 1980. It continues when this divine presence known simply as John spoke of the world dividing into two worlds.: "Over the next two decades (beginning in 1980) this division will become increasingly evident as a differential of energy, vision and creativity between different segments of society and of humanity. It will primarily be a division between those whose vision of the future is one of birth, opportunity, unfoldment, and joyous creativity and those who see only death, fear, and destruction about them. The quality of life and actions of the former group will be more radiant and magnetic, while that of the latter will be depressed and angry, though powerful in its despair." What I see in this description of the divided energies is a shift from the end of one cycle into the beginning of a new cycle. In the study of cycles we are presented with the idea of each cycle being divided into seven phases or periods. Each of these phases or periods is distinct and separate from the others. Should we take a cycle of a year's duration as an example we could divide that year by seven and arrive at seven periods having 52 days each. Any cycle of any length can be so divided by seven into equal parts. Each cycle has a beginning which is usually marked by a birthday or some other significant event of the life line of that under consideration. The first period begins at that date and goes 52 days (for our yearly cycle) where it ends and period number two begins which continues for another 52 days and so on for the other periods. The crossover from one cycle to the next is evidenced by the ending of the seventh period of one cycle and the beginning of the new cycle with its own first period. Each of these periods has its own unique character. That is the subtle energies of a period is distinctly different from the subtle energies of the other six periods. Should we do a vibration analysis of these periods we would see discrete chords of notes forming each of the seven periods thus showing how they are different in character. Events occurring within a given period are therefore "colored" by the energetic influences of that period and this coloration changes from period to period. In a nutshell the character of each of these periods can be summed in the following manner: 1st period: birth, expressive, newness, creativity 2nd period: tempermental, quickly changing 3rd period: energetic, power 4th period: expansion, progression 5th period: fruition, success 6th period: completion, rest, vacation 7th period: destruction, ending, tearing down These descriptions come from ancient texts as presented in modern times by the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC of San Jose, California in their book "Self Mastery and Fate with the Cycles of Life" by Dr. H. Spencer Lewis. A brief analysis of events over many years reveals these descriptions to be very accurate. The energies of the seventh period are destructive and lead to a tearing down process in making ready for the new cycle beginning with its new first period of birth, renewal and creativity. This is like the tearing down of an old house to make ready to build a new one in its place. In this regard it is not a negative energy per se but one that works hand in hand with those of construction in a manner of preparing the way for the new. It can be said then that those who adhere to the old cycle, whose seventh period we are currently feeling as destructive forces, are influenced to be negative, destructive and lacking positive expression and these lead to negative mental and emotional states of depression and despair. Thus showing how all things take on a coloration of the period in which they primarily reside by virtue of sympathetic association or coincidence. Sensitive people and those now incarnating to enjoy their future lives are sensitive to and influenced by those subtle energies of the first cycle already making itself being felt while society is making its transition from the old seventh period traits into the new beginning first period of the new cycle. Those under the seventh period influence may stay in that energy pattern (etheric matrix) and suffer its negative energies because they are not in tune with the new energies now making themselves manifest. Those already in tune with these new energy patterns will experience exuberance, joy, creativity, birth and unfoldment of potential - exactly aligned with the natural tendencies of the new first period energetic influences. Those in the old can change. People are adaptable. This is the challenge then to overcome the old patterns and allow the new to permeate the system thus bringing it into a state of harmonic coincidence with the new forces and patterns of birth and creativity. A continual visualization of birth, newness, rejuvenation and creativity will help an entity to realign their etheric matrices to the new energy patterns. Letting go of old habits, adapting new ones and allowing any newness to flow through and about one's life would help in this process of shedding the old skin of degeneration and allow the new skin of joy in the newness to manifest. Living in the NOW, which would be the neutral phase of these cycles, allows a free flow through the influences without being overly influenced by them. This would be a letting go of the old patterns and not adapting any real new ones but simply flowing without coherence to any patterns yet adaptable to them all as required. This would be the ideal of finding a state of neutrality shaded just a little with positive mental attitutes while living in the freedom of none alignment to either the old or the new. This high neutral state is often referred to as Unconditional Love. This neutral positive state will bring one automatically into coincident alignment with the new period influences as they gain hold on the totality of mankind. One cannot fight the negative influences and change them because emphasis on them causes them to augment. If it is true that we are what we think then even thinking about the negative gives them energy and makes one coincident to that thought. Think negative - be negative. By going neutral and not thinking about them but visualizing the positive the negative falls away by its own lack of coincidence and the new flows in freely and seemingly without effort. It is far simpler and more profitable to ignore the negative with neutrality while visualizing the positive attributes of where one wishes to go. This comes as the art of PRACTICE. By living in the NOW of a practice session of those ideas, ideals, traits and attributes, which are aligned with the new state of being, they automatically become one with that visualized and the goal takes care of itself - perfect harmonic alignment. Therefore one only needs to learn to live in the present in a neutral positive state (joy) in the NOW because that is the only place one can live and be. Practicing those mental thoughts and states taken to be aligned with the new period influences will automatically raise one into harmony with them through a state of ease and joy. This is a simple thing to practice if we were in total control of our thoughts and environments. However, the negative has held sway for so long and with such force and tenacity some of us have been saturated with the negative and this has become the totality of their existence. They cannot even visualize the positive without help. In some cases LOTS of help. This help is presented in a number of ways. The first and foremost is the religious which has such great bearing on the spiritual side of wo/mankind's existence. These spiritual influences are subtle and permeate the etheric matrix of the individual. This etheric realm of force and energy is the spiritual realm of subtle creative forces and states of mind. The great spiritual teachers have long taught these principles of mind as the builder and spiritual alignment to higher ideals. This has ever been the ideal of all great religions. In our modern times, a large part of the orthodox religious approaches have been stripped of their rituals, superfulous attachments and left bare with the simpleness of the process. These new looks at old methods can be found in Science of Mind teachings, Rosicrucian instructions for personal development, some of the new metaphysical works, etc. This neutral state is a state of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. This has come to be recognized by the Christian community as the Christ Consciousness as it permeates the higher etheric realms and to which any individual may realign themselves by any number of processes. This is the realm of the soul which is aligned concordantly to the High Neutral state and manifests through the heart. Generally it is a letting go of the old patterns and mindsets and allowing an alignment to this etheric field condition to take place within one's vibrational chord of mass (etheric matrix). Other religions or spiritual practices use concentration and meditation techniques to hold the mental imagery and visualizations sufficiently long enough for them to repattern the old matrix. Sometimes meditation is used to sense the Grand Neutral field of the universe and thereby allow a coincidence to it to take place. This is the familiar Cosmic Experience or taking on of the Holy Spirit. In essence this alignment is of the human etheric matrix to this Grand Neutral state which permeates everything, everywhere throughout the universe. By holding a neutrally positive mental attitude our etheric matrix automatically finds its balance or zone of equilibrium within that highest of subtle energy fields. Simply visualizing this state of neutrality is not sufficient however. The thoughts must and will be carried into action. Visualization (focused prayer and meditation) will induce the process and keep it in process but one needs to do more. Here come in the admonitions to speak kindly, gently, with peace, freedom, patience and brotherly love. The thought pattern held in mind should be reflected in speech and action as these build up actions and reactions in others and the local environment. One literally builds their own universe by the thoughts held, words said and actions made. The Grand Neutral of the universe is everywhere and is completely plastic having unlimited potential of manifestation. It will give back to you everything you demand of it the way you demand it to be. So as one thinks, talks and acts so too will the echo or reverberation from the Grand Neutral be. These resonance evoked responses are the returned grace or mercy as accepted by orthodoxy. This builded and acted out process of holding to those higher ideals and their accompanying returned energies becomes the world in which that individual lives and has their being. If one were joyous, happy, kind, gentle and loving those encountered react similarly and the local environment takes on that coloration. This world you deliberately build becomes then the true Kingdom of Heaven on earth. This state of affairs is referred to in the Christian texts as The Way. It is The Way or path you literally create yourself minute by minute of every day by the thoughts held, words spoken and actions done. This Way or path is literally your future being created in the NOW because of what you think, say or do NOW as you live life from moment to moment. It then behooves one to carefully watch every thought, spoken word and action to assure these are in alignment with those highest ideals of kindness, gentleness, peace, lovingness and patience. It has been said there are but three primary states of mind: neutral, love and fear. These latter two states are the basis of the two worlds mentioned in the beginning of this article. Those who hold closely to fear take on those negative aspects of it such as inhibition, destruction, anger and despair. These are enharmonic and have a repulsive dynamic driving things apart into destruction or chaotic entropy. Those who hold onto thoughts of love begin to radiate kindness, gentleness and peace which has a magnetic quality which is centropic and constructive in its dynamics. It may be readily seen that the great shift now upon wo/mankind is a moving from one mindset of fear and its destructiveness into a new mindset of love with its constructiveness. This one simple practice of closely guarding and guiding the thoughts, speech and actions will transform one's life in short order. As this is practiced from moment to moment the environment immediately begins to echo back these same states of peace and love. One then begins to experience more and more love, peace and joy in direct proportion to how much is held in the mind, radiated from the heart and spoken by word. The environment, made up of people, things and events, responds sympathetically to every thought, word and action. As one thinks, speaks and acts so too do the people, things and events echo back the same to its source as a simple matter of action/reaction dynamics. The question then becomes 'What does one wish to experience?' By thinking, speaking and acting with lovingness this then brings into the life of another thoughts of love, joy and positivity which immediately mirror themselves right back to the originator of those thoughts, words and actions. Likewise thoughts of hate, malice and the like manifesting through the spoken word as anger or violent actions returns similar back to the originator. The originator of these negative causitive states literally builds their own hell. Their Way becomes tangled, disturbed, chaotic, unbalanced and littered with destruction and degeneration. A simple exchange of energy takes place - like begets like every time and in every instance. This action/reaction has been long called the Law of Karma or the Law of Cause and Effect. The result or sensation attained through positive alignment would be peace of mind, body and life's experiences as the neutral state of harmonic convergence is more or less wholey without dischords and disturbances. The state of peace, joy and freedom is the Cosmic Consciousness of the Rosicrucians while in process but becomes The Way in experience. It is the Nirvana of the eastern teachings. It is the abiding with Christ as in the second coming of that Christ Consciousness resulting in the knowing one is One With the Grand Neutral of the universe. It is beauty and harmony personified in those who seek alignment to and by way of the High Neutral realm of harmonic subtle energy known as UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. |
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