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Topic: Dale Pond
Collected Articles Section: The Angry Little Wizards Table of Contents to this Topic |
The Angry Little Wizards 2003, 03/21 Anger is fear coupled with a feeling of helplessness to abate that fear or simply in not knowing how to deal with it. Some don't even realize they have fear. Some don't know they are angry. The are many living in perpetual fear and anger though. The quantity of fear balanced against an inability to deal with it varies by degrees. Some are a little fearful. Others are greatly fearful. The ones who have deeply embedded fears of great proportion are the bullies of the world and other types of control freaks. You can know who these ones are by how they treat others: bullying them, scaring them, taking their property, constricting their freedoms, greed, lust, power grabbing, absolute need to be right, etc. These ones are the war-makers on the innocent (those in less fear or without fear). Fearfilled bulies are not consigned to a single classification or label. In fact the bullies of the world masquerade behind labels and masks of every type and stripe: These Terrified Little Wizards present deceptive masks as Democrats, Republicans, neo-conervatives, socialists, communists, environmentalists, experts, bankers, FBI/CIA/Mossad/KGB, preachers, rabbis, governments, Christians, Jews, Muslems, teachers and sometimes even as your friends. Any label of authority will do. They hide behind these masks and labels because they are truly TERRIFIED to be seen and known. They have such a terrible opinion about themselves filled with pain, shame and guilt. They are afraid that if others saw them the way they see themselves they would be in mortal danger. So they create these masks and labels and hide from all the world to see. This dynamic is absolutely wrong but they are too terrified to confront their self-created fears and thus realize the opinion they have of themselves is nothing more than their own twisted (unreal) self-judgement and self-condemnation. We, as dumbed down and "innocent" as we are, often think the mask or label is who the person behind the mask is. We've been brainwashed to take the mask at face value and trained not to question that presented as truth when all the time it is a deception skillfully designed to deceive and manipulate, to hide and obfuscate. We awaken in direct proportion to our ability to ask WHY?, WHO?, WHEN?, WHAT?, WHERE? and HOW? The more we ask the more we learn the more we grow and the more we awaken. We egos have an innate trait and desire to trust and take that perceived as truth. It is easier to appease fear by going along to get along than to confront those fears. The ego cannot know much being limited to its sensory perceptions and (ir)rationalizations. These are always limited and therefore misleading. Only the courageous and OPEN MIND constantly questioning those perceptions (masks and labels) can know Truth. As long as the masks and labels are taken for face value we will be deceived and controlled by those wielding those masks and labels. Question everything all the time !!! When we understand there is only Love "out there" we begin to realize there is only Love "inside" of us. Love is all there is. The only thing preventing any from knowing this is their own judgements based on imperfect egoic determinations. Every atom of every molecule is constructed by and maintained by Love (sympathetic association, vibration and affinity). Each human whether friend or foe is likewise constructed and maintained. So how could anyone knowing this maintain another human is filled with hate or is vile and violent? The bully only thinks he is vile and violent and therefore must perpetuate a masking and hiding or false front. I can see through those false fronts and masks and deceptive words and actions. I KNOW everyone is made of Love and nothing but Love if for no other reason than no atom or molecule whatsoever can exist without Love. The Little Wizards are misleading themselves by believing in their own mental creations (illusions). This is a form of insanity, if not THE definition of insanity. If they stopped waging war on the world around them and took three deep breathes and asked simply "Why am I doing this?" their nightmare would be over. Sanity and peace comes in knowing who you are - Love. |
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