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Topic: Dale Pond
Collected Articles Section: Sleep Dreaming vs Awake Dreaming Table of Contents to this Topic |
Sleep Dreaming vs Awake Dreaming February 9, 2002 During the sleep dream state it is possible to change the flow, meaning or content of that dream. This is called Lucid Dreaming and has been well investigated and written about. Lucid dreaming is when one is aware they are experiencing a dream and realize they are a participant having some degree of control over what happens in the dream. Because of this ability we have at our own beck and call the ability to change our lives more or less easily. It is premised from many sources that what we regard as our reality is but a dream - a waking dream as opposed to a sleeping dream. This idea is couched in the idea we can only deal with our perceptions of things and not the things themselves. Therefore our reality is a self-created construct - wholly in our minds. Therefore it is the equivalent of a dream or imaginary state of affairs we live and operate in. The only difference then in a sleeping dream and a waking dream is whether we are alseep or awake. During sleep our body-consciousness is "turned off" while in the waking state our body-consciousness is wide awake. In Lucid Dreaming our ego or intellect is "turned on" to some degree while in the wakened state our ego or intellect is running full tilt. These being the premises it is possible and maybe even desirable to acknowledge that during the wake state we are indeed dreaming the dream of our reality. Assuming we have some degree of control over our mental experiences it becomes logical to assume we can therefore use the principles of Lucid Dreaming to control or change our waking dream. Just as during Lucid Dreaming the dreamer decides they no longer wish to participate in that particular flow of events or experiences - one can make the same determination in our waking dream and make similar decisions about what we want that experience to be. The "Dialogue on Awakening" book and the Bashar readings detail this potential in slightly different words amounting to the same thing. In the healing portions the book refers to the idea that we have chosen to experience an illness or ailment so as to learn something from it. One can easily chose to change the way that message is conveyed - not preferring to have the pain and or suffering associated with that method of message delivery. I've done this myself with my back pain and a nagging case of psoriasis. To heal myself of these afflictions I consciously chose to be reminded of the lesson in a different format - less the pain and suffering. In this way my back problem was "healed" as was that nagging and persistent case of psoriasis. I said "OK, there is a message being conveyed from my Self to my self and these ailments were the "string on my finger" constantly reminding me or alerting me to the message. I'll go along with whatever it is I'm trying to teach myself but I no longer require the pain and suffering as part of the message delivery system." Almost as if by a miracle those conditions were no longer needed or required and they vanished from my waking experience. It is understood a certain amount of self-Love is involved - not narsicism - but a desire to treat yourself with Peace, Tenderness and Love - as opposed to inflicting pain and suffering or being agreeable to a perceived necessity to have negative experiences as a teaching method. We may believe we need to learn a lesson but we can determine under what circumstances we wish to experience as a means to that end. Why not do it lovingly instead of brutally? The above is a form of Lucid Dreaming. "I don't want to play this way any more." And so the flow of my waking dream shifted to encompass and reflect the new way I wanted to play - with Peace, Tenderness and Love as an experience in lieu of forced sacrifice of pain and suffering. The brutal way I was treating myself must have been a long-time belief picked up in a past life probably from some indoctrination received at the knee of some formalized belief system (religion) where I was apparently taught I was required to suffer in order to gain spiritually or in the eyes of God. This was all a misbelief. I'm glad to be ridding myself of these misdirected belief patterns. The new one feels a lot better! Try it. Look at your waking experience as a dream going on in your mind. Say something like "OK, this is cool. But I would like to grow and know my life same as before but without the pain and suffering I've been experiencing from __________." (Fill in the blank with whatever has been bothering you.) This can be physical or emotional pain, lack of whatever or too much of something else. I would like to hear of your experience with this technique. |
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