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Topic: Dale Pond
Collected Articles Section: Selling SVP Table of Contents to this Topic |
I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything or convert them to anything except one thing: To encourage those so inclined to ask "WHY?" To always ask "WHY?" This includes questioning every kind of authority. And those that are not asking why to encourage them into doing so. The ones who ask why are "on the path" to greater understanding. These I can be of some help to. Those who are not asking why are to whatever extent in some kind of belief system that satisfies them and any efforts on my part are mostly ineffectual and generally a wasted effort. There is not time in one lifetime to go after convincing anyone of anything unless something is being offered for sale for instance - a religion, a product or service, a vote of support, etc. Maybe I should be treating SVP as a product and or service to promote and sell? Maybe there would be better cash flow or more research success or more subscribers. I dunno. That's not my thing. I present my stuff - people can take it, leave it or ask "why?" and get more info. If they are already asking "why?" they are students-in-earnest and fertile ground for new ideas and new understandings. Their understanding (enlightenment) will always grow according to the intensity of their desire for more Light. As a for instance, during the past couple of weeks I've been getting an idea about something Keely MUST have done but I wasn't sure he did do it even with my constant reading of those old materials. In rereading the old literature with my specific questions in mind I found substantial confirmation he did exactly that (and more!). So Light comes when we demand it and never give up. Those who are not asking for, demanding and digging after Light will not receive it. No amount of verbal skill or effort on my part can impart Light to such a closed mind. I will go to almost any length to help someone expand their Light, answer their questions and generally encourage them to keep after whatever it is they are seeking. Another interesting observation I have from dealing with so many people with so many different backgrounds and understandings (educations) is they are not prepared intellectually to grasp Cayce, Keely or Russell. Cayce is a special case. He uses an unusual form of sentence construction. Until this sentence construction is grasped most of his readings are not understandable. So no matter what I say about Cayce he will not be fully understood by people (in general) until they get a handle on his grammer, vocabulary, jargon, etc. Pretty much the same can be said for Keely, Bloomfield-Moore and Russell. These materials do not make much sense until one has considerable background for understanding them. Case in point is my recent exploration for a little suspected aspect of Keely's work. A further support to this idea is the more I read these three fine fellows the more I get out of them. Last week I reread Russell's "A New Concept of the Universe" I think for the third time. It was like reading it for the first time! and I got so much more out of it, reading things I have no recollection of ever having read before. I reckon what I'm saying here is something like: people are not going to understand these three fine writers first time out. (It took me 6 months of continuous effort to BEGIN to understand "The Snell Manuscript"!) Nor are they going to readily understand them if someone tries to explain what they wrote. The newbie simply does not have the background ideas, vocabulary and understandings. These ideas are difficult to grasp no doubt about it. Letting go of prior held ideas (belief systems) is equally difficult for most. I see no easy solution. The best I've been able to do is reinterpret those earlier writings as best I can into more modern verbage and repeat, repeat and repeat even though I do not like repeating myself. |
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