Perhaps the bush you are beating around is the so-called Harmonic Convergence idea. Just exactly what is this in a practical physics context? To me, it is the same as "nodal coincidence". In effect and practice it is engineering the Neutral - something occuring the Dynasphere, for instance. Another analogy that may be more meaningful is seen in how a rainbow is differentiated light or musical notes are differentiated fundamental. Science endeavors to engineer the differentiations. These are resultants originating from an undifferentiated source. Supposing there were a way to engineer the undifferentiated source? This is like saying there is only Love (undifferentiated sympathy) which can be broken down into joy, peace, etc. behind those emotions is a well of pure Love. Same thing for all aspects of Mind - everything being a differentiation of the One Undivided Creative Force - some call this God. It can rightfully be said all manifestations have their origin in an undifferentiated state. Would this mean we have been dealing in differentiated resultants? Of course. Dealing in effects. So why not go directly to the Source? This then is the scalar - the undifferentiated neutral (of waveforms) that gives them existence. The closer we get to that neutral the greater is its sympathy (one withness or sympathy) with all other neutrals. This accounts, in part, for the discrepancies some experience when working with this state of energy/matter. It is sensitive to Mind, emotions, ambient influences, etc. That is why when working in these areas a sort of "Holy Space" needs to be created and maintained. Holy Space means concordant, harmonic, gentle, concentration, singleness, etc. Anything other than this type of environment will bring chaos or dispersion to the very state one is trying to create or work with. Creating this space was my original motivation in beginning and encouraging the type of thinking and attitude we now find in this forum. From this space, once created, anything and everything is possible.