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The Do-It-Yourself Unincorporated Business Trust |
Topic: Dale Pond
Collected Articles Section: Save Our Trees! Table of Contents to this Topic |
What is saving the trees is their monetary value which value is created by their very use. Paradoxical? Sound simplistic? Sure it is. Trees and their by-products (nuts, fruit, timber, paper, diverse chemicals) have become so valuable that those who participate in these values are doing everything in their power to preserve and INCREASE the number of trees deemed important to them. My sister was married to a guy who managed 1,000,000 acres in central Brazil somewhere around 1980 or so. The land was initially devoid of anything anyone would call a tree. Been that way since forever. The corporation he represented (I'll say which later) bought the land to plant TREES!! And they did. They planted the full 1,000,000 acres of prairie to eucalyptus trees which were specific to paper making. It took them only a couple of years to prepare the land and plant those trees where none had existed before. I suspect those trees have been harvested through rotation and some are probably in the third or fourth generation by now. All this activity saved Guess What? millions of acres of other trees! The project also employed many thousands of people thus encouraging them to stay where they were instead of crashing the Texas fences. Who was this corporation? Shell, the big bad oil company. Few realize (especially those that should know) Brazil instituted a tree replacement program circa 1970. This nationwide law was to plant four trees for every cubic meter of wood used whether in timber, firewood, paper making or whatever. This law created an entire industry overnight which was devoted to planting trees for tree consumers who were otherwise occupied. Millions upon millions of new forests sprung up all over the country, mostly on prairie land where no trees had ever been. Those devoted to seizing control over everything did not want the rest of the world to know this, of course. BTW, this guy eventually lost his job there and wound up in Colorado Springs at my house. It was he who typed the hundreds and hundreds of pages of old articles about Keely into the computer which we've all been enjoying all these years - for free. And he did it all for room and board...... (he liked his beer too!) There is, of course, the spiritual side of trees. No knowledge would be complete on this topic without reading the Findhorn books: "The Findhorn Garden" and "The Magic of Findhorn" which are about plant life, the devas supporting same and the interactions between the plant world and our human society. It is true plants do not possess (within our society) natural, civil, common or any other kind of right. Our society's laws were formed around human activities exclusively. Should plants be given rights? Good luck. What they should be given is respect, reverence and thanks for their continuing unselfish contributions to our desires within this world of illusion. Another thing most people do not realize.... There are millions of trees available for FREE for planting in this country. Every county has a County Agent and through this person one can access the National Forestry Service who provides tiny tree seedlings (for FREE) to whoever wants and can plant them. They provide instruction in the form of pamphlets and booklets (also FREE) for planting and nurturing trees and many other plant forms. Our national Department of Agriculture has whole departments devoted to these kinds of FREE programs. You can go there or write to them and get literally arm-loads of free instructional materials in plant husbandry of every kind. For instance Colorado Springs (and most other western towns and cities) has a magnificent urban forest. These trees were planted by people desiring shade and the beauty of trees. Old pictures of Colorado Springs when the city was founded showed no trees whatsoever, zero, zip, nada. People loving themselves and their communities created forests where there were none as an improvement in their lives. Positive ideals coupled with action can do marvelous and even miraculous things. |
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