Those proposing the idea sound or any other influence travels through the air by bouncing particles off of particles in straight lines simply has never played pool!! If a pool table were randomly covered with balls with little space between them and the cue ball was struck so as to move across the table from end to end I can guarantee you there would be NO resultant motion reaching the opposite end. All the introductory energy would be absorbed or redirected in the first few collisions - unless a very tremendous force be expended against the cue ball. Now if there were a force of attraction (assimilation) active between every ball and every other ball what was done to any of them would be experienced by them all - sympathetic motion. If that motion be periodic then we could call it sympathetic vibration. Let's say the balls were embedded in a springy or elastic substance to which they were all attached. Etheric jello? Then the motion would be communicated to the furthest ball but with a measureable delay. Demonstrating (but not necessarily proving) the universe is held together by the Law of Assimilation according to Keely's Laws of Attraction and Repulsion.