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Topic: Dale Pond
Collected Articles Section: SVP Forum Focus Table of Contents to this Topic |
SVP Forum Focus by Dale Pond 01/25/04 Brain power alone is not going to do much - especially in the areas many of us wish to see developed. Few in history had more brain power than Tesla, Keely, Ford, Russell, Cayce et al. Yet their accomplishments were not what they could have been. Tesla did indeed bring electricity to the world. Ford put the world on wheels. Cayce is considered the grandfather of the New Spirituality. Quimby is considered the father of the New Thought movement. But they all stopped short of their own dreams. Why is this? Have we not had geniuses equal to their levels that could have moved the world into greater heights of scientific attainment? Sure there were and are. These too are experiencing hinderances to their expressions. Why is that? Now is a good time to review our focus and goals. SVP Forum will experience its 5th birthday in a couple of weeks. Our Forum was created to address a number of issues. One being personal growth which many attest to having experienced. Another goal was to provide a forum where people could feel safe to explore their own being (Mind/Consciousness). Another goal was to study Keely's accomplishments that they may be revisited, understood and redeveloped. What did Keely do? He researched and understood Mind (consciousness) sufficient to harness its unlimited power to operate/power machinery. He created the ultimate Free Energy access devices. The main goal of the forum then has been to achieve a better understand of what Mind is in terms of useable engineering. All the discussions on personal experiences with Mind, Quimby's work with Mind, Russell's science of Mind in Matter, etc. were for the expansion of our understanding of what Mind is. It just so happens Esotericism has a history of hundreds of years likewise exploring Mind/Consciousness. We go where the knowledge is. Why do we (the world) not have Free Energy? If the likes of Tesla, Keely et al could not have rendered Free Energy for the world why is that? What stopped them? During my work with Atlin and related support with/from Higher Perspective we were told some key things that bear upon this question. We were informed that "Only those who transmute the lead of fear into the gold of Love will be allowed access to free energy." Why do you suppose this message came to us as we labored to achieve "Free Energy"? Because the Universal Lever, the Neutral Center, can only be reached via sympathetic vibration/oscillation. Working with anything other than the Neutral Center is working with Effects. So sympathy (Love) is the One Way, the only way to work with Cause. Not mentioned too often is another message conveyed several times during our work with dynaspheres. This message may sound strange upon first hearing of it. This message was to the affect that certain things, such as Free Energy, would not be allowed upon the planet until the time was right. Looking back we can see Keely was stopped, Tesla was stopped, Russell was stopped, Schauberger was stopped, Reich was stopped. So if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck..... I myself have been told in no uncertain terms to slow down: "Do not explain dynaspheres, just make them." [A. A. Michael] was a recent message delivered quite clearly. All this wrapped together is telling us (1) it's OK to develop our selves making the world ready for the eventual release of these sciences with all its promised Free Energy, anti-gravity, etc. But (2) it is not OK to push its application into these uses and devices until and unless point (1) is further developed. Right now the dynasphere development has reached a point where these machines MAY rotate IF the operators have achieved sufficient Love or spiritual character development. Evidence of this is the Methernita community who have done this. At various times we've seen some rotation with Atlin - indicating we achieved the requisite levels of Love but only on a hit or miss basis. Hence the focus on our forum of this topic (Love or Whole Mindedness) that it might be better understood, developed and applied. It matters not one wit that some may not agree with the above concepts. What matters is RESULTS. And the only group to achieve long standing and verified results is the Methernita community. So where is the SVP community? Right here on this forum. I've come to see our community not as one restricted to a given locale but one that is spread across the country and into other countries. When the requisite level of Love is eventually achieved it will be experienced nation-wide, at one time. There will be an explosion of Free Energy devices and related equipment from shore to shore and not in a single basement, workshop or garage where it can be stamped out (again). A dynasphere, in its current condition and state of development, enhances our consciousness and heart. Each one is contributing to the elevation of Mind, Heart and Soul of those engaged with them. Each one is moving us closer to that day when all we dream of can be real. |
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