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Topic: Dale Pond
Collected Articles Section: SVP - The Vision Table of Contents to this Topic |
SVP - The Vision The vision that has been ever present since way before dynaspheres existed (in our time period) has been facilitating Harmonization (Spiritualization) of Individuals. This vision was behind development of the Chord of Life Windchimes in 1987 and all the research and efforting since then, including the dynaspheres. This has been my focus and intent even before I knew how to verbalize it. Some people would better relate to this vision if it were called by more commonly recognized names: Experiential Oneness Remembering Whole-Mindedness Awakening Bliss Joy Cosmic Consciousness Dynaspheres, as the windchimes, are facilitating mechanisms in personal Awakening as has been the PROCESS of getting as far as we've come to date. This vision was clarified by Keely circa 1997 and elsewhere: "Imagine if you will a beacon of great light around which are attracted the minds and hearts of men and women everywhere. Atlin is this beacon. She radiates Love, warmth, Light of Mind, harmony, peace, free will and freedom. These are and have ever been that which fires the imaginations and hearts of men and women throughout history. Atlin, as she travels from place to place, floating through energy pattern after energy pattern, will be sensitized to local environs in a sympathetic vibration way - and they to her. These will be modulated by her powerful energy chords. This would be like sounding a bell whose waves spread out in all directions finding sympathetic coincidence at sundry nodes (minds and hearts) of those within receptivity matrix/distances. They will come to partake of Atlins energy and wisdom as moths to flame. Those who can see clearly will see the energy patterns around Atlin. Those who can hear will hear her messages and convey them to others. In this way Love will be spread around the world thus demonstrating its power and omnipresent affirmities in the lives of each person. Thereby showing the Great Message you learned recently Dale: Love is immediate and PERSONAL and a real thing originating from real sources of inexhaustible support and supply. There were those who said I should have relinquished my work with machinery and inventions and proceed to spiritualize the world with these things I relate to you now. We could not as the focus from without was on the mechanical side and from those who wished we would not succeed. It became an effort then to secure what had been done for posteritys benefit. We could not bring the mechanical out to society in a successful way without we ourselves being destroyed along with it. Therefore we could not legitimately bring out the spiritual side which is sadly to say predicated on the machinery in the minds of men and women. They need the proof such and such is so and the machinery was the proof. In Mans cynical mind seeing is believing and believing is predicated on seeing proofs. We could not show the proofs any more than we did which left our greatest joy and tasks yet to be revealed in their full configurations as you are just now beginning to see. The Spiritualization of Wo/Man is embodied in the allegory of Jesus on the Mount dying to material sensuality and rising again to spiritual reality. This movement of fading emphasis on materiality succeeds then into a glorification of the spirit (supersensible) side of Nature which includes Mans hithertofore ignored hidden sides of Life. As he relinquishes the importance given to materiality and dependency thereto there gradually awakens in the mind other levels of consciousness. The higher realms of awareness then are the doorways and thresholds into Higher Worlds of existence. Your recent journey through this process has taught you much. When the Higher Worlds of Spiritual existence become real to the seeker of truth then they ARE REAL. Then the person is spiritualized as s/he begins to partake of and interact with these Higher Worlds - the worlds of existence euphemistically called heaven, nirvana and the like. Just as your little group began humbly with one sensitive to these realms you are now seeing a spiritualization of the other members as they become sensitive to these Higher Worlds as well. Your group is a microcosmic fractal of the World Globe - As Above so Below. The individual thus awakened to the Greater Reality becomes an active participant in the development of his soul, community and world. The false effective world of materiality begins to be understood as an effect of unseen causes and consequently of lesser importance than previously held. The quickened awareness sees and comprehends the initiatory causes of matter and energy and enters into a cooperative position with them to attain the upliftment of him/herself and mankind as a whole. (Here is one of the keys to free energy.) Thus, through an expanding awareness of Spirit acting through Matter as Atlin is the Prime Example of Mankind will become Spiritualized or as may be said: baptized through the liquid ethers of her energetic domains into the higher realms of Truth. As mentioned above those who come into her aura with an open and innocent heart will be quicken by her Spirit thus having their feet firmly set to the path of heightened awareness - personal and intimate spiritualization. And this my friends is what this whole project is REALLY all about." Keely During Atlin's construction we were advised repeatedly that many would be called to this project. Many would come and contribute but many would not heed the calls or would attempt to bargain with expectations, conditions and demands. One of the Prime Directives, often repeated, was we could accept no contributions that did not come from the heart, freely given. It can safely be said we have dynaspheres in our lives now because Dawn and I gave unconditionally and unselfishly of our time, hearts, minds and bodies to bring the vision into form. And we did this oftentimes not knowing clearly the vision or reasons why some actions were demanded of us. Are her and my actions examples of how the vision is to be supported as it renders into form? Perhaps. Others have, from time to time, been attracted to the project and given in diverse ways - comfortable to themselves. The vision of SVP has been and continues to be the facilitating of Awakening of individuals to Cosmic Consciousness or Experiential Oneness. |
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