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Topic: Dale Pond
Collected Articles Section: Roots of the Vibratory Etheric Tree part 3 Table of Contents to this Topic |
To understand this we are obliged to review the Law of Force - "Energy manifests itself in three forms: Creative, the vibrating aggregate; Transmissive, being the propagation of isochronous waves [having a fixed time or period] through the media in which it is immersed; Attractive, being its action upon other aggregates capable of vibrating in unisons or harmony." So gravism is the Transmissive form of force and it is this that binds the universe of atomolini together into a homogenous colloidal mass not unlike gelatin having an infinite density and it may be added having a neutral polarization. The Law of Transmissive Vibraic Energy states: "All coherent aggregates are perpetually vibrating at a period-frequency corresponding to some harmonic ratio of the fundamental pitch of the vibrating body; this pitch is a multiple of the pitch of the atomole." As these atomolini are infinitely small their frequency is infinitely high with an infinitely short wave length. These highest of high vibrations cause what is known as a standing wave field (fig. 11.1). At the junctures of the waves is where these Cosmic Eggs/Buds reside and have their existence. All of the above assumes a perfectly uniform and homogeneous field strength, quality and total lacking of any localized disturbance. The period-frequency of the creative wave forms synch with each other at discrete distances from their points of origin. Synch points can be a high neutral state (scalar) when undisturbed. These synch points are always the same in all directions - unless the media is disturbed by an outside discordant (enharmonic) tone. Enharmonic here means relative to the mediumÕs chord of pitches. Walter Russell illustrated his idea of these points in his work (Universal One, pg. 155 & 157) wherein sine waves are superimposed inside of cubic spaces. These are but illustrations of the idea as fig. 11.1. A standing wave field of this magnitude and density containing harmonic waves of this nature is by virtue of the Law of Attraction - "Juxtaposed coherent aggregates vibrating in unison, or harmonic ratio, are mutually attracted." It is assumed the higher the "Q" or degree of unison the greater the degree of attraction and hence the greater the density. This may better be expressed as a degree of sympathy. The greater the sympathy (coincidence or concordance) the greater the attraction. A well-known and accepted property of infinite density is instantaneous transmission (infinite rate of propagation) of vibratory phenomena such as sound or an impact or a thought. The standard rule-of-thumb is to the effect: the higher the density of the transmissive media the higher the rate of propagation of a vibratory phenomena. Therefore gravism (possessing infinite density) is synonomous with pure sympathy, love, thought, Mind and even Christ Consciousness. This latter because thought released is instantly everywhere because as this medium transmits instantly it may be said to be as a single solid monolithic substance evidencing the initiated and transmited thought without time or discordant modulation (interference). Many if not all of the psychic events occur in this medium which accounts for instantaneous thought transference and spontaneous creation of ideas, thoughts and events. Even though it acts as if it were one limitless thing in actuality it is an infinitly large collection of an infinite number of individual parts behaving as One unit yet retaining their individuality. They are all perfectly sympathetic or concordant one to another - pure love - and at-one-ment. This simultaneous action and reaction is the result of the isochronous waves which are in reality vibrations sympathetic to the original and the recipient nodes. These may also be referred to as standing scalar waves reaching from one Cosmic Bud center to centers (synch points) around it. Each Bud center is located at the center of one of the nodes formed by these waves as they form outward propagating intereference patterns. Thus the centers are juxtaposed or equi-distant (or equal aliquot harmonic divisions thereof) from each other, in all directions, and subsequent centers are likewise located at the subsequently developed node centers. So the end effect is placement of centers at every harmonic wave interference point with relation to all centers simultaneously. This action is explained rather clearly in the Law of Transmissive Vibraic Energy - "All oscillating and vibrating coherent aggregates create, in the media in which they are immersed, outward propagated concentric waves of alternate condensation and rarefaction, having a period-frequency identical with the pitch of the aggregate. - Scholium: All forms of transmissive energy can be focused, reflected, refracted, transformed, and diminished in intensity inversely as the square of the distance from the original source." So we can see that those waves of gravism are sympathetic with/to its source as they are created by that source and received by another sympathetic body by virtue of their inherent harmonic (being in tune) quality. An analogy of this dynamic is an orchestra. As long as the players of the various instruments perform their toning in perfect or close to perfect tuning they will stay aggregated, associated and perform beautiful music together as one unit made of many individual parts. If one or more players sound discordant or enharmonic tones the cohesion will begin breaking down and dissociation takes place. So integrity of the individual parts is paramount because the whole is not a thing of and by itself but is in reality a composite of the individuals acting as one or in concert as it is often said. Social implications of this dynamic are important. These waves are also obedient to the Law of Harmonic Pitch - "Any aggregate in a state of vibration develops in addition to its fundamental pitch a series of vibration in symmetrical sub-multiple portions of itself, bearing ratios of one, two, three, or more times its fundamental pitch." This, of course, describes the law whereby harmonics and partials are created naturally from a fundamental tone. Harmonics are herein referred to as those self-generated tones multiples or divisions by 2 of the fundamental. Partials are all other arithmetic multiples or divisions such as by 3, 5, etc. Symmetrical sub-multiple portions refers to the arithmetic ratios as are used in music math and notation. Figure 11 shows how proportionate numbers of a whole base number manifest as symmetrical sub-multiple portions of a whole. These relative sub-portions are as real as the originating creative vibrating pitch. These are a manifestation of the aliquot parts or so-called quaternions. It is because of this law and the natural series of harmonics we may use to enter into the highest realms of energy and matter with adroitness and purpose. These higher realms are unattainable in convention machinery, devices and science. However by using the appropriate understandings and principles as we are discussing here these realms can be manipulated as easily as any other and with complete safety. The law simply implies that these realms can be manipulated by a sympathetic acoustic impulse (sound) of the proper chord (wave form or signature pattern) because of the soundÕs inherent and self-engendered harmonic series. Manipulation of a harmonic by using its fundamental is a straightforward concept. However it can only be done by using sympathetic tones or vibrations. A portion of this work is already done for us when using a sympathetic tone and allied constructs and therefore our Òenergy inÓ is lessened right from the start at the same time assuring greater response. Natural resonance (as opposed to forced resonance) of the participatory vibration source, vibrating medium and energized target objects are factored in using terms of concord (conductance), discord (resistance) and sympathy (inductance). Resonance and sympathetic vibration are more often confused as each other than not. They are most definitely NOT the same. For instance in McGraw-Hills's Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms, 3rd. ed., 1984; we find these two very somewhat confusing definitions: Resonance - [PHYS] 1. A phenomenon exhibited by a physical system acted upon by an external periodic driving force, in which the resulting amplitude of oscillation of the system becomes large when the frequency of the driving force approaches a natural free oscillation frequency of the system. 2. In general, any phenomenon which is greatly enhanced at frequencies or energies that are at or very close to a given characteristic value. Sympathetic Vibration - [PHYS] The driving of a mechanical or acoustical system at its resonant frequency by energy from an adjacent system vibrating at the same frequency. As can be seen the two definitions are pretty much the same thing said with different words unless read with great discernment. These definitions are descriptive of the perceived result as though each phenomenon was an isolated event. However we must make a distinction because this distinction will be all important in the pursuance of greater understanding of vibratory phenomena. In SVP we refer to a sympathetic vibration as a specific type of vibration and dynamic. We do not consider it an end result of something else although these vibrations and vibratory actions are emitted from a source and are in actuality, in their introductory phase, a result of the source's vibration. This is much like a baby that is the end result of it's mother's pregnancy. A little later in its development it is considered as a causer of actions in its own right. In the definition of resonance it refers to a dynamic as: by an external periodic driving force. This external driving force is the sympathetic vibration in its vibratory activity. The outside vibrating aggregate does nothing to the resonating receptive body as there is no direct contact between them. A media or method of contact is the vibrating media moving in a periodic fashion. This periodic motion, when in synch with the causer and the receptor of the vibrations, is the sympathetic associative mechanism through which propagate those vibrations sympathetic to the three vibrating bodies: i.e., the creative aggregate, the transmissive media and the receptive aggregate. For instance take two vibrating or oscillating objects. They are under self or natural resonance (as are all objects) conforming to the Law of Harmonic Vibrations and produce a wave train as described above under the Law of Transmissive Vibraic Energy. They are putting out a series of harmonic waves arithmetically relative to their fundamental pitches. These waves radiate outward according to the Law of Force. Therefore we have the first object in a state of vibration creating a series of waves that speed outward establishing a modulation on the medium which surrounds this object. These then, at this point are the Transmissive Waves as they propagate outward. The second object by virtue of its natural resonance is therefore subject to modulation according to the Law of Sympathetic Oscillation as mentioned above. Due to the fact that the second object has vibrations synchronous with the waves being created and propagated by the first we say it is sympathetic to the first. Therefore the vibrations traveling to and from each object that are sympathetic to each other are sympathetic vibrations. The vibrations themselves are sympathetic to the Creator object and the Attractor object. So where in the above definition there is reference to the "mechanical or acoustic system" and "an adjacent system" being two systems - in our more precise definition we acknowledge three discrete systems acting coherently as one system. The missing third system is the peculiar vibrations sympathetic to both systems. The third system is the vibrations themselves. There are also, in this particular vibrating media, vibrations that are not sympathetic and may be classed as antisympathetic, unsympathetic, anharmonic, enharmonic or discordant. These latter ones being developed by the Law of Cycles. Why there are discordant phases or cycles that appear to spontaneously appear, merge, converge and phase away is explained in the Law of Cycles - "Coherent aggregates harmonically united constitute centers of vibration bearing relation to the fundamental pitch not multiples of the harmonic pitch, and the production of secondary unions between themselves generate pitches that are discords, either in their unisons, or overtones with the original pitch; from harmony is generated discord, the inevitable cause of perpetual transformation." Secondary unions are beat tones and are generally considered very enharmonic as also secondary harmonics may form discordant intervals with primary, secondary and terciary generated harmonics. There are five sources of these terciary tones. They may be discordant, harmonic or latent (scalar) and all derive from interaction among themselves. It is this interaction that is the sympathetic nature of the universe causing it to be what it is and what it does. Beats may arise 1) Between fundamentals; 2) Between one fundamental and a partial (harmonic) of another; 3) Between overtones; 4) From the occurrence of Differentials; and 5) From the occurrence of Summation tones. This plethora of derived harmonics constitutes the real inner nature of vibratory phenonema and a properly tuned system will have a number of these harmonics identified and included in the tuning process. These numerous harmonics account for why there is no such thing a simple vibration or isolated and discrete dynamical phenomena. This arithmetic structure and dynamic of tones is more fully explored in the HyperVibes Music Reference Stacks.4 All these spontaneous tones are arithmetically relative to each other. They are derived in a way as used in fractal math and the result is always a multiple of some other set and or subset. These configurations are therefore parametric in all cases and at all times. This is the beauty of music notation. All notes of a scale, key and staff are parametric to all other notes. See figure 10.1, 10.2 and 11.) This explains why Keely used music notation so extensively in his work. For a full set of his illustrations using music notation please see Universal Laws Never Before Revealed: KeelyÕs Secrets.5 There are other principles of music just as easily and importantly applicable to vibration science. To clarify even more we would state the second object is now in a state of forced resonance or amplified resonance (entrainment) brought on by the sympathetic vibrations created by first object and transmitted by the medium as an image or reflection of its own natural resonance. Therefore resonance is an effect brought on by the modulating influence of sympathetic vibrations. This is referred to in modern audio circles as Frequency Modulated Additive or Subtractive Synthesis (as in FM radio) or at times it is Amplitude Modulated Additive or Subtractive Synthesis (as in AM radio) . So for purposes of SVP we redefine and clarify the definition of: Sympathetic Vibration - The vibrations themselves emitted from a vibrating body that are synchronous to both their creative source (the emitting body) and another body's natural resonance. This second body will naturally attract, absorb or assimilate sympathetic vibrations to itself. The second body will not be attractive or sympathetic to discordant vibrations. According to research already done(1) these attractive waves may have an effect many times greater in force than the propulsive or creative waves. You see, here is where the usual sledge hammer approach is demonstrated. Usually a transmitting body is given tremendous power of amplitude to overcome the antisympathetic conditions it is forced to operate in so it can create and then transmit sufficient "power" to literally pound or force the nonreceptive or unsympathetic second body into resonance. Its ÒbroadcastÓ or creative energy must be pumped to tremendous levels to force a propagation through an unsympathetic medium of transmission to weakly reach the target where it again must force compliance or obedience to its tune. These concepts are universal as they are applicable universally. Force of Will of despotic or tyrannical governments operate in the same way. If they would only use love instead of force it would be a different world... Usually the created waves are to be propagated through an unsympathetic media such as radio waves through the atmosphere. Recently some military applications were developed whereby certain lasers were being fine tuned to more easily transmit (propagate) through the atmosphere with least interference (resistance). It was found that a certain discrete tone or frequency of a blue laser light propagated with a greater degree of sympathy (less resistance) than others. As a result of this work the weapon was able to deliver greater power on target than hithertofore accomplished. In other words a vibration tone was found that was sympathetic to a discrete vibratory component of the oxygen atom/molecule. This is the art or finesse. The art comes in as we learn how to tune or graduate machines and devices in a multi-dimensional manner thus insuring a more perfect concordant action/reaction (sympathy between the creative source, the transmissive medium and the receptive target). SVP is concerned with the discovery, learning and application of this art and science. SVP is not intended to be used or developed as military tools for the controlling, killing, destroying or terminating of life. SVP is intended to inhance and improve all aspects of a free and expressive life for all. Low uses of this technology can be used when developed imperfectly for less than perfect uses - such as killing. However, a higher ÒQÓ tuning of multiple harmonics of a chord signature and closer approximation and unition of dynamics precludes such destructive and ill-conceived uses. We are just breaking into a deeper awareness and applicability with our SVP research. Work involves 4th and higher dimensions as working units of the dynasphere device. Please see Chart of Matter and Energy (fig. 12) which depicts these dimensions (realms) in a relative and understandable fashion. These lines fall in with the Keely intent-chi-Will factors. Our new machine is designed to encompass and utilize these paramters. Mankind as a whole is moving into realms of greater (higher?) awareness and abilities to use such. Remote viewing (far-sight; far-seeing) is gaining a public forum and acceptance. This is the ancient telegnosis used by alchemists and practioners of the mystical and occult arts. So the name is changed to get acceptance of what used to be taboo and a one-way ticket to the burning post. We no doubt will be seeing more of these cross-overs from the taboo taking place in the near future. IsnÕt this how Cayce derived a good deal of his conveyed knowledge - by visiting remote persons, places (and times) while in trance? HPB used the same technique while compiling her extensive works on etheric physics. The 4th dimension and higher do not operate within or are predicated on materiality therefore these higher realms are supra-3-dimensional which also includes TIME (being defined as the awareness of the progression of events). They are not supra-natural or super-natural as some would have them. A true view of nature is not limited to 3 dimensions. Only a materialistic view is so limited or narrow. How many of those interested in remote viewing realize they are taking up an ancient occult art? According to my work, all 3-space has 4-space (and above) inherent in it. There is no other way 3-space can exist without this latent 4-space as it is derived from the higher planes which are energetic rhythmic periodicies. Energy preceeds matter or in other words, matter is a result of certain states of energy. These states of energy are derived from conditions of vibratory activity which is to say number. Number applied to vibration is MUSIC. So at the very essence of matter is an energy driven or guided by MIND (volition) as it is MIND that assigns dimensions or quantization of perception (geometrizes). So it really is a musical universe! When the three modes vibrate as One there is Pure Undifferentiated Sympathy or Love. This is what Sympathetic Vibratory Physics is all about. References (1) Sympathetic Vibratory Physics & Vibration Research Institute & Laboratories web site: (2) Embleton, T. F. W., Mean Force on a Sphere in a Spherical Sound Field I & II; The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Volume 26, Number 1; January, 1954, page 40-50. (3) Bloomfield-Moore, Clara; Keely and His Discoveries, Delta Spectrum Research, P.O. Box 1363, Inola, Oklahoma 74036, reprint of 1893 edition. (4) Pond, Dale; HyperVibesª Music Reference stack. Delta Spectrum Research, P.O. Box 1363, Inola, Oklahoma 74036. (5) Pond, Dale; Universal Laws Never before Revealed: KeelyÕs Secrets. Delta Spectrum Research, P.O. Box 1363, Inola, Oklahoma 74036. |
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