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Topic: Dale Pond
Collected Articles Section: Roots of the Vibratory Etheric Tree part 2 Table of Contents to this Topic |
By using a positive number system for each of the three states we manage to stay within the realms of dynamical forces. This numbering system must address all parameters within the state itself and must also cross-over or hook into the other two states. Quantum Arithmetic can do this and music arithmetic can do this. (While neither of these two disciplines fully addresses all the issues found in SVP I believe a synthesis of the two and others are required to more fully express and understand the vibration work at hand.) The point being is that each of these states of positive, negative and neutral are distinct and discrete states unto themselves. They must be treated philosophically, scientifically and mathematically each one separately within a numbering system that is capable of expressing opposite quantities and dynamic qualities without using negative (fictitious) entities. This can be accomplished in music notation by using keys to develop unique and integral series (qualifications or qualities of forces) and chords (vibration signatures) to differentiate dynamics, phases shifting, etc. It follows then that the sound vibrations of this peridocially oscillating scalar medium is composed of a variety of aliquot parts functioning as a whole or having a whole effect. One set of vibratory parts (discrete tones or notes of the vibration signature) manifests as an attractive force (focalizing to the center) which periodically interchanges with the enharmonic state of radiation or possessing a radial component. The differences between the first harmonic state and the second enharmonic state are the individual tones, notes or components of the vibration signature of the chord of mass (in this case volume of air). Therefore by changing one or more of the component notes the resultant chord characteristic is changed from negative to positive and back. Thus it is possible to change an harmonic wave to an enharmonic wave by simply changing its aliquot parts. A quote from Keely shows how he went about doing just this: "Setting the instrument to the proper triple introductory positions will induce either attractive focalization or positive radiant dispersion, resulting from the relation of these vibrations to the mass chord. This is disintegration induced by intensified oscillations of the combined interatomic and electromagnetic waves." Keely, The Snell Manuscript. This quote also shows that Keely recognized and developed machinery operating on principles which matched, merged and delineated relations between acoustic (sound as compression and rarefaction waves) and electromagnetic waves. But he did not use electromagnetic waves per se; he used the cause of these which being accomplished through manipulations of photons making up electrons which in their interactions we perceive as electricity, magnetism, etc. These substates or aliquot parts are what is quantified, referenced and systemitized via the so-called quaternion mathematics. It is perhaps becoming clear why music is so important as it greatly simplifies that which was needlessly made complicated. When I say manipulating photons to cause electron(ic) effects I am referrring to manipulating the cause or aliquot part or that which makes up the sub-structure of the electron. Quantum electrodynamics recognizes the electron as a triplet of photons after Feynman. (See figures 8 & 9.) This triune structure was first mentioned by Keely in the 1880s and forms the base of all his subsequent research. The fundamental idea is always the same: it is far easier and economical to instigate (high frequency) force as modulation upon the substructure (quark, photon or electron) in order to derive a lower frequency manifestation of the grosser outer structure (atom or molecule). This means putting a little quantum energy in and getting a lot of Newtonian effects out. In this manner these structures can be manipulated with perfect safety as long as the proper laws are acknowledged and employed. Transgressing these laws, on the other hand, will cause immense and uncontrollable releases of energies of a destructive nature. How may we be permitted to accomplishing these manipulations? By developing the existing paradigm into a more comprehensive one. We can begin with a cosmological view afforded by an indepth portrayal of KeelyÕs vibratory philosophy and science. We best begin this expansion by illucidating a few misunderstood words and the concepts they are to illustrate a finer perception. There exists a confusion concerning the true nature and meaning of resonance and sympathetic vibration. It is this imperfect discernment between these two ideas that prevents a greater understanding and use of Keely's Sympathetic Vibratory Physics. Resonance and sympathetic vibration are two entirely separate and different phenomena. I feel this confusion has held back science and applied sympathetic vibration technology for a long time. What is the difference between Resonance and Sympathetic Vibration? By way of answer we must look to a greater paradigm and cosmology than usually considered because universal principles cannot be isolated but are in fact integral parts of a Greater Whole of interrelated natural phenomena. Initially a view of this larger concept is reflected accurately by Keely's first of forty Laws of Sympathetic Vibratory Physics. This is the beginning of matter as deriving from force or energy in motion. The energetic or force fields will be discussed further on under the Law of Force. We will see how a number of other interesting laws are intertwined into this whole. Law of Matter and Force - "Coextensive and coeternal with space and duration [time], there exists an infinite and unchangeable quantity of atomoles, the base of all matter; these are in a state of constant vibratory motion, infinite in extent, unchangeable in quantity, the initial of all forms of energy." There is an infinity of "ultimate particles" or those centralized states of neutralized (equilibrated) force/energy fields (sometimes reminescent of the ether of the ancients). (Negative attraction causes the centralization.) Keely referred to these ultimate of all particles as atomoles. (Please keep in mind Keely developed his science and its jargon in the 1870s and 1880s years before even the simple electron was admitted to exist by orthodoxy.) Realizing that these atomoles (quantum units of centralized force or the ancient ether) are infinite in quantity, they must be very small indeed. However they themselves are divisible, Keely goes on to say, into atomolini a yet smaller (ancient ®ther) and more energetic "quantum unit of centralized force". These are "ultimate units of atomoles, and when in a liquid state are the media for the transmission of gravism. The illimitable divisibility and aggregation of matter is a logical sequence." In our conventional orthodox terminology we refer to atomoles as leptons (positive, negative and neutral) and atomolini as quarks (also positive, negative and neutral) - generally speaking. (See fig. 7, 8 & 13.) These considered together form a vast colloidal type substance of infinite density permeating infinitely throughout all space and duration (time). Of what are these things composed? In their inner depths and at the smallest conceivable level of substance they have the idealized form of a rose bud without coloration. This symbolic rose bud pattern is simply a human consciousness conceptualization. They are not really rose buds but the form helps us to visualize meaningful dynamics. What is in these tiniest of things? The internal portion is Infinite Consciousness while the outer form manifests as applied consciousness or what we would call intelligence (consciousness made manifest through application via geometry, arithmetic, music and astronomy). The forces engendered are definable via mathematical and geometrical formulations and expressions of pure creativity in its actions of Creative Beingness. The aspect of the bud is such as to convey the concept of fertility, life, germination, flowering and the whole host of concepts that indicate the fecund nature of these Cosmic Eggs or Cosmic Buds. These creative points of infinity are the origin of the First Cause. They may well be one with the First Cause and are as scalar causitive initiating forces in a latent state waiting to be activated by a simple thought. Nature is eternally creative, renewing, growing and constantly changing. It is these that are the seeds of materiality. These being infinite in number and location indicates the infinite abundance of Nature literally at our Mind's beck and call. What connects these infinite Cosmic Buds and our Minds together as one is what Keely referred to as gravism which is "the transmissive form [of force] through a medium of atomoles in the fourth state, or a medium composed of atomolini." (See fig. 12.) |
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