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Topic: Dale Pond
Collected Articles Section: Rights, Principles and Natural Law Table of Contents to this Topic |
Rights, Principles and Natural Law Dale Pond, 12/07/08 posted to >The problem with this statement is that it hangs rights on a supernatural claim. >All anyone has to do to shoot it down is to demand proof of God. >When you fail to meet the demand, all your "God given" rights disappear. This is a conundrum statement. It is true up to a point then it fails utterly. If it is presumed "supernatural" is something beyond "laws of nature" then your statement is more or less correct. However it is held there is nothing or no thing beyond the laws of nature. A natural law is a timeless/spaceless principle, wholly invisible yet absolute in power. It is certain and demonstrable mankind does not yet know all the laws of nature. So to presuppose there are forces acting beyond the laws of nature is an unfounded presumption. It also presupposes humanity knows all there is to know about matter, energy and the laws that govern same - which is an absurdity. It is my premise, which I've stated elsewhere, < > that this non-thing so many call "God" is in actuality those known laws of nature and those not yet known by humanity as also the intelligence inherent therein. As there is nothing or no thing beyond nature, which includes all that there is visible and invisible, this thing called "God" would be included in nature and is not beyond visible and invisible nature. Some belief systems claim "God" is all of nature, visible and invisible. Even the great scientists have admitted there is an inherent intelligence in matter and energy that causes them to behave the way they do. "We must assume behind this force [in the atom] the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter. " --Max Planck, accepting the Nobel Prize for Physics, 1918 There is this inherent intelligence (consciousness) that acts, according to known and unknown laws of nature, that creates and manages all of nature regardless of Time and Space. Therefore there are further considerations of Purpose and Will.... Rights are the acknowledgement and management of a set of natural laws as concerns an individuated center of consciousness and substance; i.e., a human being. The real ontological discussion would then be why and how did all this universe with its countless galaxies and laws come into being? Is it all the result of One Big Banged up accident? That theory supposes inert unintelligent matter pre-existed the principles and laws that created it. It could be said to have been self-created by this man-created concept called "God" but ignores the origin of "God" consciousness, its substance, purpose, beingness, etc. More likely though we might be more comfortable with the concept there are some things, states and conditions beyond the kin and imagination of human consciousness. supernatural 1: of or relating to an order of existence beyond the visible observable universe ; especially : of or relating to God or a god, demigod, spirit, or devil 2 a: departing from what is usual or normal especially so as to appear to transcend the laws of nature b: attributed to an invisible agent (as a ghost or spirit) [Merriam-Webster] SUPERNATURAL, a. [super and natural.] Being beyond or exceeding the powers or laws of nature; miraculous. A supernatural event is one which is not produced according to the ordinary or established laws of natural things. Thus if iron has more specific gravity than water, it will sink in that fluid; and the floating of iron on water must be a supernatural event. Now no human being can alter a law of nature; the floating of iron on water therefore must be caused by divine power specially exerted to suspend, in this instance,a law of nature. Hence supernatural events or miracles can be produced only by the immediate agency of divine power. [Webster 1828] |
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