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Topic: Dale Pond
Collected Articles Section: Reply to Rita 2 Table of Contents to this Topic |
Q: ...then Mr. Dawkins dropped the bomb that turned me right off..with this... "No I beleive we are here for a purpose and that purpose is to evolve into something higher..who knows what preceded us on this planet billions of years ago it might of not even looked like we do today. and we are turning into a higher form of being yet with the future into the horizon of where we will stop *becoming* and just reach our penacle of our highest order." Sounds like Star Trek to me as he landed this one on his listeners. Is that to say that we are our own creators? that leads a lot of space for anything inbetween.. brutality, selection, super race, anniliation of those who don,t measure up etc etc, No, I much rather hold on to the idea of a Kind benevolent Creator who is beyond this world but who shares in our Destiny and outcome. Put it this way.. A Father who loves His Mankind because He is apart and Whole of All as One. I know your beleif in Keely speaks of Mind as One and his machine identifies or becomes a vessel or to try to be plainly...if you will a resonance of the person who wishes to broadcast his thoughts via the machine, correct? If the answer is yes than my answer is , that is what religion is about. It is a conscious desire to know and transmit 'your' mind to my mind. The matter is only a vehicle for the Thought. Peace begets Love Rita A: I didn't answer this directly in the previous post. There is an evolution going on (it's a creative process!). But not so much an evolving body as one sees in Star Trek with weird shaped heads, etc. but there is an "evolving consciousness". It is held that eventually we rejoin, reconnect or become one with God again at some point in our evolution (increasing awareness). This is not something conventional churches adhere to but seems like nearly every other religious view around the world does. That this life is not the only experience of 3D experience we get on the roller coaster of life. We get issued a multi-ride ticket as it were. The nonNewtonian Consciousness of Mind cannot die but the 3D material body can degenerate (die). If we hold that we are the image of God and God is held to be Awareness of Conscious Mind then we are as He - Awareness of Conscious Mind. The difference is WE ARE NOT AWAKE TO THAT FULL AWARENESS. We are as though we are asleep - i.e., limited awareness kinda like waking up groggy in the morning and not quite aware of everything going on. So this is where we say Jesus was asleep too but then he had his revelation with John and was Awakened to the full extent of full Awareness of Conscious Mind having no limitations imposed by beliefs of the ego. In other words he Awoke to the full Mind of God which is what he is and we are - we just forgot - while he remembered. The ego beliefs keep us neck deep in our confusions, troubles and tribulations. When we get (evolve) to where we can let go of those beliefs then we are "Awake" or have and experience the pure, unadulterated and unlimited Awareness of the Conscious Mind of Diety - the One Mind that underlies everything (including you) in the universe because everything is a creation within that One Consciousness. |
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