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Topic: Dale Pond
Collected Articles Section: Reply to Rita 1 Table of Contents to this Topic |
Q: First of all how did Keely's mind grasp these ideas without prior knowledge or the means to make machines 'Obey* his command when in modern present time scientist have not put a handle on how the mind really works but only abstractly with MRI or scans with electrodes on the brain that is color-coded. Or did he work outside the box so to speak when others said nay! will never work when hearing his ideas. A: Keely worked outside the box of conventional science and belief. The conventional box is a manipulated box containing what those in power want it to contain which is gross materialism. This part hasn't changed since Keely's day. And humanity won't come to understand Keely or Russell until it either gets outside of the materialism box or discards it all together. From where I've been with understanding Keely and Russell it is not that difficult when standing outside the materialist box. But when in the box there is not understanding in the least. Q: I heard through former SVPers that perhaps Keely was a fraud and swindled his investors, that is why he himself destroyed the evidence of his inventions before they were examined for what he said they could perform. harsh criticism indeed of someone we can neither prove or disprove. Unless his stripped machines in that museum worked at one time and he couldn't help what was done to him while he was in prison...Of course Jesus was disproved too and all scrolls or writings that his followers wrote about him during the persecution time when christianity was a threat destroyed by those who control the masses, don,t you think for a moment that we humans are capable of such deed when our own set of moral conduct is challenged for the truth? A: Keely was threatened by an attempt to force out of him his knowledge. Apparently he believed in his work so much he was willing to go to jail to protect his years' of hard and expensive research. Even today there are those in the so-called Free Energy movement who do not hesitate to attempt to FORCE us inventors to reveal our knowledge and give up (for free of course) all of what we have wrought from our work and vast expenditures of time and money. The bullying factor has not changed since Jesus' time as you've noted. Q: I don't buy into anything we adapt as a moral compass or laws because in the end result some one stands to rule over as elect when in fact we are fallible in nature. Case in point, I heard on a radio NPR yesterday that RIchard Dawkins said (himself) that he didn't beleive in a god because of all of the thousands of religions, "they can,t all be right." in summary more or less he believes and I am quite clear on this after careful pondering his logic.. of this statement he concluded with: " we are not born good, and religion plants a seed into us what way we might be better, but why are their good and not so good with religions all claiming the way to better mankind.. somewhere along the line religions become fundamentalism or narrow, and puts fear in us that we better be good or we will be punished. " "Why should a god punish us to keep us to him? seems like that type of god would make us inherently good to start with." A: Mr. Dawkins ought to do more research as he is mixing many apples and oranges in his confusion. First off it is one religion that promotes a hateful and punishing God (of the OT). The Christian religion, for instance, does not have that view (NT). Buddhism agrees with Christianity on this point and if I'm not mistaken so does Islam. But anyway, there are so many religions because there are so many people looking for comfort, Truth and healing (all different words for Love) that so many paths of investigation have emerged. That someone's investigative path becomes well accepted and well worn thus becoming rigid and confining doctrine and dogma does indeed happen. That's what revolutions are about - a breaking away from the accepted box of beliefs. Q: then Mr. Dawkins dropped the bomb that turned me right off..with this... "No I beleive we are here for a purpose and that purpose is to evolve into something higher..who knows what preceded us on this planet billions of years ago it might of not even looked like we do today. and we are turning into a higher form of being yet with the future into the horizon of where we will stop *becoming* and just reach our penacle of our highest order." Sounds like startrek to me as he landed this one on his listeners. Is that to say that we are our own creators? that leads a lot of space for anything inbetween.. brutality, selection, super race, anniliation of those who don,t measure up etc etc, No, I much rather hold on to the idea of a Kind benevolent Creator who is beyond this world but who shares in our Destiny and outcome. Put it this way..A Father who loves His Mankind because He is apart and Whole of All as One. I know your beleif in Keely speaks of Mind as One and his machine identifies or becomes a vessel or to try to be plainly...if you will a resonance of the person who wishes to broadcast his thoughts via the machine, correct? If the answer is yes than my answer is , that is what religion is about. It is a conscious desire to know and transmit 'your' mind to my mind. The matter is only a vehicle for the Thought. A: Mr. Dawkins believes in the doctrine of evolution and he has not looked beyond that though it appears he might be thinking about it. It is my belief evolution does indeed play a role but not the role assigned to it exclusively. The universe and all it contains was indeed created. The creation process is just that a creation process. It is not a one time event but a continuing and never-ending process. So is evolution. And these two work together in concert along with many other factors. We know this from our studies in music and vibration theory. Underlying all this creation and evolutionary process is a directing or governing intelligence that maintains the design, harmony and formative forces while balancing the creative process with a reforming process - an endless cycle of generation and regeneration. This underlying intelligence is what some call God as also by differing names. It is a cinch intelligence is an attribute of Mind or Consciousness. Hence God or the creative source/force is Mind, intimately connected to everything because everything is constructed of that Mind in its ceaseless effort to Be. And since there is no partitioning of any one thing from every other thing within this continuous but unextended Awareness everything is held in Love, as Love - i.e., One. So you are correct. IMHO. |
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