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The Do-It-Yourself Unincorporated Business Trust

Topic: Dale Pond Collected Articles
Section: Preserving Integrity
Table of Contents to this Topic
Q: How do we stop corporate take-over of America?

A: Make corporations illegal. Or at the least take away their "person" status and make them directly ĂŠaccountable to the communities in which they operate. Ban international corporations and interstate corporations altogether. Or every product they sell must convey some small increment of ownership of the corporation. That way everyone becomes a stockholder with a vested interest in the corporation that was originally intended to SERVE them - not prey on them or others.

I've been mulling over an idea that no property should survive its owner. When the owner dies it all gets auctioned off. But then they'd just pass the property along to whomever and into trusts before death.....

These are all "force" used against somebody. "Force is never the way." (Cayce)
So perhaps the only way is to awaken everyone to a higher spiritual perspective which is the tact I decided to take about 30 years ago.
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