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Topic: Dale Pond
Collected Articles Section: Police Brutality in Oregon Table of Contents to this Topic | Posted to People are frustrated because they no longer have a say in their lives and sense what little control they now have is rapidly being taken from them but the evil control freaks in the hotel. That is what they were protesting and that is what the bully-cops showed them to be the case. Police who brutalize are not police - they are bullies out of control and violating their oath. They should be disciplined or fired or both. They are also acting with support and acquiescence of who hired and manage them. These too are bullies and in violation of their oaths. These too should be disciplined or fired. We The People did not create our police departments and finance them and pay their pay checks to be abused by our own creation. Point in fact is we hired them to protect us from the out of control control freaks in the hotel. Since when do mature intelligent people hire and keep such irresponsible and out of control power freaks on the payroll? Get involved in your city and county government - where these kinds of goons are hired and managed. Local government is where one rightfully actions their rights as citizens. Taking it to the street is a set-up for violence and more unconstitutional control. Take off your t-shirt and put on a suit and tie. All of the above points to the fact our government which was designed to serve US has been taken over and now serves power hungry corporatism (fascism) or perhaps even foreign interests. We The People are being taken and played as fools because we have been dumbed down to such an extent we no longer know who we are and that cops are US too. Cops have no excuse not to know this other than they were deliberately and purposefully trained to misbehave this way. They think their pay check hinges on doing what they are told to do. So they do it that way. So they are being deliberately manipulated also and for the same reasons and by the same crazies - more and more control and power to the elitist NWO megalomaniacs who should be the ones the cops arrest and lock up. The NWO does not fund their pay checks so why are the cops obeying those control freaks when they say jump? A cop is a person and is being USED to further malicious control. Legitimate cops are intelligent enough to know this. The cop-bullies we see in the film are not legitimate police. They are bullies without honor and are not deserving of respect, adoration, support or a paycheck. An honorable person can not be led or coerced into beating up women and non-violent sign-holders. There are two bull fights going on in this video. The Evil Manipulators pose the civilians as a red cape to the cops. The Evil Manipulators also pose the cops as another red cape to the demonstrators. Both sides are being deliberately manipulated by the Evil Manipulators to charge the bogus cape and leave the Control Freak Matadors free to continue their nefarious scheming and manipulating all the while basking in luxury and laughing their fat a$$e$ off at how easily they fool and con the people to charge the wizard's capes fighting themselves for their pitiful few bogus FED note paychecks. Wow, what a scam and so easy to control.... When both foolish sides look/wake up enough to see the Evil Matador holding the capes the fight will change and the real perpetrators will be rounded up. Then we can all go home and be at peace. "Matador" means "Killer" in Spanish. PS: I used to wonder (but no more) why Boosh et al always appear to be laughing and having so much fun. If you were a bully accustomed to stealing everyone else's lunch money you would be laughing your a$$ off too. |
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