Planets do not influence anything to my way of thinking. The planet positions are EFFECTS of the universal forces acting upon those planets, creating them, changing them and manipulating their positions. It is these unseen forces that exert an influence because we "swim" in them every day, etherically speaking. The planet positions are or may be a key/clue to what these forces are at any given moment and place. The universe and everything in it including you, the planets and stars is ONE UNIVERSE subject to the creating forces we call God as S/He expresses His/Her thinking of idea of that creation. To address your specific question an individual coming into physicality is "imprinted" by those universal forces, is resonant to those particular forces (signature) and will, during its lifetime, respond to those forces (signature/chord). "Imprinted" is not the correct term but it conveys the basic idea. At issue then is understanding of those universal forces and what they may mean (effects) in specific situations. Planet positions simply allow us to "read" the condition or state of those universal forces in their activities. To imply the planetary positions "imprint" humans is to concede victimization. The other view, where we all exist in and have our being in harmony with diverse universal forces, implies we are co-participants. I've used the "jamming" (as in spontaneous music) metaphor to illustrate this. Foot-tapping is in response to an outside influence. But in jamming one is a co-participant in all that is going on. The first is passive while the second is active and passive - rhythmical balanced interchange.