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Topic: Dale Pond
Collected Articles Section: Not So Fast, Please... Table of Contents to this Topic |
Not so fast, please On October 9th, 2008 dalesvp says (in bold): > The recent passage of the 'bailout' bill, coupled with the additional 630 billion dollars in liquidity pumped into the markets, has led me to a stark conclusion. The federal government does not care what we want. It does not care about our futures and especially not about the futures of our children. Your writing overall is way too simplistic. The 'federal government' is a fiction. The 'federal government' does not think, care, feel or reason. What there is instead is a collection of ideas, directives, im/moral inertia and individuals implementing those ideas, directives and im/moral inertia. So to lay blame on a non-existent identity is a non-sequeter. We can however influence those individuals charged with creating and implementation of directives. > The entire 'investment' system is now a lever that is wedged into the people to divide them against one another. This is an exageration. The investment system is also about different kinds and qualities of control and personal, social entrainment (another kind of control), family and corporate enrichment. And we can even use it to improve our life quality. The capitalist system, when not corrupted, is the greatest means of serving self and others ever created. The world has been lifted out of the horse and buggy (in some cases Stone Age) era by capitalism. As any two-edged sword, when corrupted or not used as originally idealized, can harm many. It wasn't capitalism that murdered over 100 million civilians in the last century - it was government manipulated as a tool by those who corrupted the system. > Witness the AARP's endorsement of a banker bailout that the people DID NOT WANT. (Not to mention their support of the National Service Act) Guess what, the AARP are people too. Let's not divide ourselves against ourselves and by doing so aide and support our enemies. Our elders' voting is about FEAR and maintaining their status quo - continuing positive cash flow. The young have not that fear so they will vote for independence and an unlimited future. We must understand so as not to divide and defeat ourselves. E Pluribus Unum. > There is no way to stop this madness. Wow, such a closed and negative statement. Have you explored every known and unknown potential of the unlimited human creative mind? One thing, among many things we've learned in this movement, is there are a lot of creative people out there - and they are on our side. > Do not expect a significant change in incumbent reelection ratios, because it is not likely to happen. Let us not limit ourselves in negative thinking - or attempt to tell others how or what to think. Great changes have been made when most everyone was asleep. Now that millions are awakening we CAN EXPECT and rightfully DEMAND the changes we desire. I suggest reading and studying the pamphlet "As a Man Thinketh". Download free from here: > The government has manipulated the economy to the point that the old depend upon them and the old VOTE. They WILL vote for the fascists and the socialists because they are afraid they will starve without Mommy Government. Partially true. The government is a tool in the hands of the global manipulators. They direct the tool. The government as mentioned above is nothing without DIRECTION. When are we going to stop whining and begin directing? The retired people have, in part, learned to direct portions of government through their voting and lobbying. We can do the same while not scaring them. Their fear is being used against them and us. Ron Paul has been about a new hope because he has been presenting solutions that do not scare every political faction. It has been the manipulators that have introduced fear concerning Paul's solutions because confusion and fear divide and an opposition that is made afraid and confused is easily conquered. > So, what to do? Get out. Get out of the United States of America. It was great while it lasted, but it is gone now and drowning in its own massive debt. There is nothing for free men to gain by trying to resurrect this thing that has been so thoroughly perverted and sullied by our 'betters.' Look back to the suppression of the original 13th amendment to see how this has happened to us. Our country is ruled by Esquires, and this should never have happened. But it has, and they will not give up their power. Well, yes, it is a mess isn't it? It didn't get that way overnight. In the main it seems your complaint is about the foisting of centralized "government" power or jurisdiction over you and your perceived neighbors. Such a situation began with destruction of so-called "state's rights" after the Civil War. From before that war and after the destruction of the original 13th amendment and all that that meant. Then the hammer fell on us when the Senators were removed from representing states to representing people. Then the avalanche of centralizations of many powers through the last century. These can be reclaimed one by one if enough people quit whining, wringing their hands and get busy creating solutions. > It's time to put this corpse in the ground. Isn't that a bit defeatist? America may appear to be dead to you but to me and millions of my friends and neighbors it is still alive having a great future. True, America could use some TLC and chicken soup... but it is a long ways from being a corpse. > The great American experiment has ended in failure, like every other republic in the history of the world. Last I looked there are a plethora of republics out there doing just fine. Times at times get bumpy - so what? We are strong and resilient or we are quitters. Which is it to be? > It is time to strike out as individuals, and live by a voluntary order. Uhh, who is to be the one to 'educate" or "train" all the totally incompetent individuals out there? To what standard are they to follow? Who is to define that standard? Who is to police those nonconformists who refuse to live by your "new" standard? Wouldn't that put us right back at square one? > The model of coercive governance has failed every time it has been tried. It is time for something new. I agree - coercive governance does not work and has never really worked. In fact coercive governance is a fiction. Force used upon individuals only works for a time. Force is based in fear. Control is based in fear. Government, as we know it, is based on coercion and fear (terrorism). So what is the "something new" you would like to see? How about some models? The ancient Egyptian society lasted for thousands of years as a theocracy but not like any theocracy we are familiar with. Most governments [sic] were really just bully tyrant led fiefdoms having the appearance of government but weren't really. The Tibetan society "government" lasted for centuries. It too was a theocracy but again not like any form of theocracy we are familiar. England was a tyranny, still is. Hopi nation has lasted centuries... I'm sure there are many more examples. What are the commonalities of the more successful societies? What were their weaknesses? This examination and sorting out is probably not unlike what happened in 1776 when you know who created the schema for our nation. What is needed in America today is people of courage, insight, level-headedness, steadfastness, trust, faith and belief in themselves and our future/destiny. All others please seat themselves in the Peanut Gallery. |
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