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The Do-It-Yourself Unincorporated Business Trust |
Topic: Dale Pond
Collected Articles Section: Not Feeling Loved Table of Contents to this Topic |
At issue here is a firm unconscious belief in not being loved. Many people have this belief, in fact all who feel themselves as not being awake are of this mind set. Those who attack or fight and fume are simply forcing the issue and demanding love or signs they are loved and accepted. Teenagers do this a lot. Translate this beleagured and reactive attitude to groups - and we can see where many wars and conflicts come from or are perpetuated. So how does one caught in such a belief learn otherwise? A belief will manifest in everyday experiences. When we feel none love us - none WILL love us. When we feel persecuted and hated - all will persecute and hate us. Life has a purpose - and that purpose is to prove to us we are right. Our own thoughts create this scenario. We've gone over the physics of this dynamic time and again. It is FACT, proven everyday in every life. This being the case the FULL responsibility of our existence lies within our own thinking. To know one's self as loveable and loved one must give up any and all thoughts to the contrary. Watch your thinking moment by moment. When these thoughts occur simply put them out of mind - refusing to give them any importance. Because it is the importance we give to our thoughts that creates them in physicality. It takes vigilance and practice to do this successfully. It also requires a knowing it is these thoughts of our own creation which creates our problems. I'm in correspondence with many who are constantly seeking a way to do this better and better. In fact, many on this list are of this interest and occupation. Meditation helps because it quiets the outer mind filled with its self-condemnatory thinking. Working with others or rendering service to others likewise defocalizes the thinking about and from self. Aside from these personal practices one needs learn to be in the NOW. History does not exist. Be here now, moment to moment, free of regrets, hurts from the past, bad memories, slights. This is the process of foregiveness. Let it all GO! Be free in the moment. Free from what? All the rationalized and intellectualizing crap we carry around with us in our thinking. "Crap" includes (but not limited to) condemning of self, condemining others, passing judgements, fear, living in the past, believing garbage superstitions (unsupported "truths"), the need to be right, fear of being wrong, feeling unloved, feeling unloveable, etc. etc. The only thing any of us has to deal with is our own personal and intimate thinking. It is this thinking that has put us in the place and circumstances we find our selves. It will be your personal and intimate thinking that changes all that. Now, as for knowing love, it is a simple thing to discuss but at times a difficult thing to realize. This is because when we think we are unloved we are creating that experience so everywhere we look we see we are not loved. Life confirms to us our own beliefs! Since life does this then all there is to do is to affirm and reaffirm, with conviction, that which you would rather experience. Every sacred text and teaching teaches WE ARE LOVE. Get away from and stay away from anything and everything that teaches to the contrary. Hold firmly in the mind the truth that you are LOVE and cast out anything to the contrary. This will take time and requires constant repetition. Many will loose many friends because those may have been reinforcing such erroneous thought-habits. Who would want to be around such people holding such mis-guided beliefs? Take up your courage and strike out on a new life for yourself. Cast aside that which has been holding you back from knowing you are LOVE. Get real, get conviction - do it! What we do in this effort is build a new thought-habit and therefore a new way of living. The old thought-habits are holding us in bondage. But they are our thoughts. You have control over them. They are a habit - a very bad and nasty habit. Changing habits is simpler when we exchange an old one for a new one - instead of trying to terminate, cold turkey, an engrained habit. There are countless aides and helpful people out there that may help in this process. A final thought on this. Perhaps the greatest hurdle to overcome is the indoctrination we've received while young. The most pernicious and deep seated of these is religious indoctrinations. Doesn't matter which religion - they are pretty much all the same - engrained and unquestioned beliefs in a power outside of ourselves to which we are victims with no recourse. If there is a Devil it is through these kinds of beliefs that he holds us in control which is to say in ignorance of who and what we really are. YOU HAVE CONTROL. And that control comes through control over your own thinking processes. ASSUME THAT CONTROL without question and take command of your life. Until and unless one realizes they have this power they will remain the victim of false beliefs (false gods) over which they have no control - unless (they misthink) through superstitious beliefs in "sacrifice" (murder of innocents), bargaining, tithing and all the other superstitions that permeate the many hand-me-down religions and mind-numbing soul-killing tactics of mind-control. |
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