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Topic: Dale Pond
Collected Articles Section: Multi-Level Tools Table of Contents to this Topic |
In developing Atlin and a theory of it we've encountered a number of dilemas, paradoxes and assorted puzzles. Several "tools" have been developed and/or cultivated to deal with each. The two more powerful tools has been meditation (intuitive insight) and syllogistical logic. If faith can be a tool then that too. The first step to get anywhere is the idea that dynaspheres rotate even though the one in hand does not fully do so. Keely had so many verifying witnesses of scientific, engineering and social integrity that I have presumed they spoke the truth of what they thought they saw. Then the question becomes "WHY and HOW do dynaspheres function?" I've been around mechanic machines, in farming, timbering, steam, water, industry, automotive and aeronautical fields. While no expert in any of these fields I have an adequate grasp and familiarity of things mechanical, electromechanical, chemical, force, fluids, pressure, levers, wheels, etc. The first thing one notices when examining a dynasphere from any of the above perspectives is "It cannot be!" There is nothing in any of these fields that reveals the secret of rotation. Yet, as Galileo once said, "Nevertheless, it moves!" Perhaps it was Sherlock Holmes that said something like: "If all possibilities have been eliminated then the impossible must be true." One glance at Atlin tells us all possible mechanical means are not there to work - so therefore what makes it work is the impossible. So how does one investigate and understand the impossible with the idea of understanding the impossible to then make it not only possible but predictable and engineerable? There are no pre-existing mental constructs (memories, training, experiences) that allows for logical deductive or inductive reasonings. There is little stored in memory that could properly be applied to understanding dynaspheric force. One is left hanging over an abyss unless a bridge of sorts can be developed. Intuition in the various forms of dreams, insights, revelations, hunches, hints and Dawn's messaging were the formative elements of this bridge. Yet there is still no bridge - we have this ethereal bridge made of light of understanding but it cannot yet bear actual weight. To bear weight the bridge must have validating substance. We know the bridge is real in potential but little in our broad experiences seems to solidify the idea of the bridge into the reality of a working bridge. There are those who take the position of total faith. To them we do not need to have explicit engineering data and mathematical models to build SVP type machinery. We use intuition alone and all will come out OK. There is a lot to be said for this model. On the other hand there are those who propose we cannot build anything reliably without facts, figures and accurate mathematical models. As in most cases, this is not an either/or situation. Intuition is a valuable tool as we've seen and used extensively in this project. When cutting metal parts to fit with other metal parts there is a need for accurate math and skill. A very good analogy is making a musical instrument. Countless individuals have intuited the fine details sufficient to make an endless variety of musical instruments. Some were poor, some excellent but they all made sounds, etc. The other approach has been to fully understand the dynamics of sound and materials where instruments could be designed then made. The intuitive method is right brained and creative but the builder must still pick up some material and tools and render the idea into a horn, harp or whatever.[*] The "not-so-intuitive" designer uses creativity and intuition in the beginning stages then the inevitable tools and materials to render his creativity into materiality. The difference between the two instrument makers is primarily, intuitive sensitivity, knowledge of the subject(s), quality of tools and materials. Also importantly are craftsmanship, know-how, funding and social environment. Having worked in many different fields I can say each field has two sets of tool boxes. An auto mechanic will have a tool box with specific tools appropriate for working on cars and engines. An electrical worker will have an almost entirely different collection of tools. While a maker of musical insturments will have another. There are some similarities but in general no tool box will serve appropriately from one field to another. [*] The second tool box they each have and is task specific is their collection of non-material tools. Some call this knowledge, know-how, skill and training. The computer industry is a good analogy. There is the hardware or the computer itself. The non-material aspect is the software and skill at using the software and hardware combination. SVP has two tool boxes as well. The tools you will see if you look in my "real" tool box serve in several fields of mechanics, electrical, wood working, metal working, music instrumentation, etc. It bulges with tools to work with "things" in form. The other non-material tool box is likewise bulging with ideas, facts and know-how from a variety of fields collected to work with function. Ordinary non-mechanical tool boxs cannot build a NEW bridge from "idea" to materiality. They can however serve on existing bridges of, for instance, the idea of a car and building then maintaining it. The dynamics of an internal combustion engine are well understood and these tools have been developed to work with those forms and functions. These forms and functions are from mechanical constructs, chemical (fuel) and electrical. SVP machines are few and far between and even less understood. We have the idea, nurtured in the the Inertia Field of Idea (Void, Mind) but have yet to grok the full WHY and HOW to bridge the abyss to existing and material renditions. If you look into my SVP non-material tool box you will see tools gathered from countless sources to work on function on several different levels including the ethereal (mind). Dynaspheres work on mechanical, chemical, electromagnetic, acoustic, etheric and Mind. As etheric and Mind are non-material, non-material tools are required to work with them. This is why, in part, a materialist can never participate in SVP. But there are no materialists because there are no purely materialistic constructs out there. Everything uses non-material forms and functions at least in part. The bridging of idea to materiality is what Cayce referred to in: "For music alone may span the space from the realms of the divine to the spheres of activity." Cayce (3509-1) "realms of the divine" = Inertia Field of Idea (Void) "spheres of activity" = Centralized Matter So what are the non-material aspects of music? Except for the sound producing instrument it is all non-material. These include but are not limited to: intuition, creativity, number, ratio and proportion, polarity and harmonicity. These non-material tools may be used on the etheric and Mind ranges of dynaspheric force. Intuition and creativity are as important to music as the mechanical instrument used to vibrate the air. A piano will sit til it rots unless a musician sits at it and pours out his inner sense and desire. A computer will do nothing unless some creative person writes the software and another creative person puts it to use. Just so without intuition and creativity SVP could not exist. To know the impossible one uses intuition and syllogistical logic. This logic tool can work with things unseen and a high degree of reliability can be attained. Of course, garbage in, garbage out is true too. This tool is as simple as a mechanic's wrench but takes a little practice to use intelligently. A wrench is not a hammer! Syllogistic logic can bring unknowable things in known relations. The tool: If A=B and B=C then A=C. Or the way I sometimes use it is: If A=true and B=true then C HAS TO BE TRUE TOO! This makes what seems to my egoic view of things as impossible, acceptable. If not acceptable as downright truth than at least sufficient enough for use in theories, hypothecations, contemplations and conjectures in sorting out unseeable pieces of the puzzle of the bridge from infinity (Mind idea) to definity (materiality). |
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