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Topic: Dale Pond
Collected Articles Section: Mind, Consciousness and God Table of Contents to this Topic |
2003, 05/28 This morning I had an interesting email exchange with a person not of this forum who insisted on thumping his particular version of the bible at me. As some of you may have guessed I have little patience with willful ignorance (deliberate failure or refusal to THINK or do research). Seems I was born with an inability to accept what people (experts) say about anything; i.e., accepting things just because some authority says so or by rote. The Bible is an authority as are the Talmud, Torah and countless other ancient documents all created when mankind was still in its barbaric and superstitious period of evolution. Today we are not so afraid to think even though many insist on not thinking for themselves. The paramount issue each one of us is dealing with (whether you recognize it or not) opening up of our minds, consciousnesses and awarenesses to greater understandings. Some are aware of this while many are not, or more likely, refuse to acknowledge such preferring instead to believe and profess they already know it all. It is clear NO ONE knows it all regardless of the subject matter. Run, don't walk, away from such people, belief systems and so-called and usually self-proclaimed experts. When I say "mind" or "consciousness" or "awareness" I do NOT mean the brain. Many of you have grasped this vital difference while some refuse to see any difference at all. The brain is a physical organism (mostly water) which seems to act as a differentiator (refractor) of Undifferentiated Mind, Consciousness or Awareness. The brain is not the consciousness anymore than a radio receiver is the broadcast signal we perceive coming through the radio receiver. Having this vital point clear in mind we can proceed to the next idea. Everything one does is acted upon in one's mind, consciousness or awareness. Thinking is done in the mind. Formulating answers to questions is in the mind. Formulating plans or ideas is done in the mind. Dreams and daydreaming happens in the mind. Everything one considers is in the mind as that is the only "place" one can consider any thing. Many teachers have said the entire universe is in your mind meaning the only place you have to deal with the universe is in your mind. Which dealing is always composed of THOUGHT and thinking. As far as any person is considered there is nothing else to deal with except your thinking within your mind, consciousness and awareness. So far as the Bible goes, should we believe Genesis, before there was any thing there was God. OK fine. How could God exist if there were no THINGS??? Simple. God is NOT a "thing". God is a state of mind, consciousness or awareness - what some have called not inaccurately, a state of BEING, an Isness beyond definition. And this is accurate because without THINGS there can be no measure of any kind against which to compare or measure this neutral energy state called God. Following upon Genesis we learn (are told!) that this undefinable and measureless state of awareness DECIDED to create the physical universe before there was a physical universe. A mental decision was made and the only place a mental decision can be made is within a mind, consciousness or awareness. Our SVP discussions have been about how the physical universe evolved from this One Initial Thought. And we have seen how so-called matter is nothing more than circulating centralizing Mind Stuff. And all this happened in an instant and according to so-called Divine Laws. As there were no things at that time there was no time or space. Therefore it is safe to suggest the physical universe was CREATED and EVOLVED in a timeless instant and continues to be recreated and evolved ever since. The old and venerated texts were inspired by people such as Walter Russell who had a glimpse of this. They wrote in their available languages, using available terms, what they thought they saw or experienced during a lightning flash of inspiration. These original writings were edited from memory and re-edited by followers motivated by varying agendas. Some coincided with the original inspiration some did not. Some used these inspired writings to inspire others to follow whatever agenda was in vogue. They should all be questioned unceasingly. Since this Mind, which existed before creation of physicality and since we know many since then have accessed this mind we can assume it is still with us - in each of us - we are told. Mind knows not dimension in any sense be it vector, weight, size or time. As there was only One Mind then we can assume there is only One Mind now. And it is the same mind we each use - otherwise where did you get yours? In the so-called process of reuniting with God what is happening? God is not physical so there can be no physical encounter. If God is actually a nonphysical Mind or awareness then the only possible place one can find or meet God is within one's own mind, consciousness or awareness. So when someone says we must accept Jesus to be saved what they are really endeavoring to mean is allowing our shallow and narrow focused minds to expand where our mind, consciousness or awareness is the SAME AS or is undifferentiated from the One Mind. Because that is what Jesus, the man, did. He let go of attachments to focalized thinking (self, ego, sex, etc.) and allowed his mind to be as the so-called God Mind. Then he was ONE WITH that mind in mind as such an encounter could not take place anywhere else or in any other manner. It is all about Mind, consciousness and awareness. Anything else begs the questions..... The One Substance (Mind) exists in two basic states: 1) active and in motion and 2) non-active and in non-motion. The first is what we perceive as matter while the second is quiescent mind in pure latency or potential. The former is evidenced by focalization about and to a center. The latter is defocalized and dispersed away from a center. The first is like a planet formed by gravity attracting all to a center. The latter is like vacuous outer space where all is dispersed or radiated away from a center filling the spaces between the centers. In human terms our corporeal existence is the former - focalized on things and self. The latter is decentrated thought which is the Cosmic Consciousness state of rapture, enlightenment and genius. When Jesus said (Book of John) he was with his followers he was in the egoic state of focalized thinking. When he said he was then with his Father in Heaven he was in the decentrated thought of Cosmic Mind. He didn't go anywhere physically - he simply changed his thinking focus. |
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