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Topic: Dale Pond
Collected Articles Section: Mind into Form Table of Contents to this Topic |
According to Russell and Keely (and to which I agree) matter (our bodies) are our thoughts frozen in time and space. All matter is solidified thought or Mind congealed in form. In SVP we consider two basic states of Mind. There are more but let's keep it simple. The first form of Mind (big M, which we call MIND) is the Whole Mind or Universal Consciousness). This is what some call God-Mind, Cosmic Consciousness or Christ Consciousness. The Mind permeates everything everywhere. It knows not dimension, space or time. It is aware of everything that is NOW. This Mind is non-active being quiescent and All Knowing. It's mode of function is via sympathetic association on high levels of non-activity usually defined as Neutral. The second mind (little m which we call ego or intellect) are the localized thinking processes running through our consciousness on a daily basis. This egoic form of active thinking is who we think we are and only operates by reaction and by memory. This is the polar thinking as reflections of duality. The Mind is Neutral - wholly without motion as indicative of polarity either positive (assimilative) or negative (dispersive). While small egoic thinking is wholly polar moving first in contraction then in dispersion constantly oscillating from one state to the other. We live in our dual, polar egoic thinking during our daily living. To be Awakened is to quiet the chaotic conflicted thinking of the egoic polar thinking til it becomes wholly quiet and non-polar. In this state there is only One State of Mind and that is sympathetically One Awareness with all Awareness because in One State there are no other states. This is what is meant by being Neutral, One, As One, AT-ONE-MENT, Whole, Complete, Christed, etc. Another basic principle, more fully explained by Russell, is the faster or more active thinking becomes the more embedded into form it becomes. (All material form is nothing other than centralized and solidified thought.) Egoic thinking modes such as apprehension, fear, anger, etc. can become centralized and form into matter. These centralizations form about a point or center of focalization as does all moving swirling thought energy and every other "kind" of energy. Thus we can see an atom, molecule, cell, body organ or body as a whole may be "embedded" with these localized formations of negative thought. This is not to say positive thinking such as kindness, gentleness and Love do not solidify into form. They do this too. Negative thinking creates forms of a given vibratory signature of a less than harmonic structure. These have the tendency to disperse into what some call death. Positive thinking creates form of a given vibratory signature of a more harmonic structure. These tend to assimilate in growth and health. When multiple structures are accumulated into larger structures, say deformed cells into a bodily organ there is now a composite chordal structure. Some substructures are harmonic (positive or concordant, growing and healthy) while others are enharmonic (negative or discordant, dieing and unhealthy). An analogy quiet often used in SVP is an orchestra. If all the players are of the same ideal (to play beautiful music) and all the instruments are properly tuned the orchestra (metaphor for the body) plays good music. It is said to be healthy. When one or more of the players do not play in tune, harmony or synch with the others as a global whole, enharmony and discord prevail - the orchestra is then out of synch, discordant or unhealthy and if not corrected (harmonized) will eventually cease to function as an orchestra. All individuated entities whether atoms, molecules, organs or persons are governed from their Neutral Center - the center about which they have formed. There are three basic centers being physical, mental and so-called spiritual. (It would be nice to be rid of this term "spiritual". But we are to some degree stuck with it.) We can better use the term "etheric". The higher directive, the Mind (big M), always holds predominance. All form is derived from Mind descending through the etheric into the physical. In human terms the mental center is his/her IDEAL or conception of who they are. The other side of the mental center is who they REALLY ARE. When these are out of synch the center is unstable but nevertheless still a center, split as to purpose, ideal and these are reflected in aberrations as they aggregate about themselves forming deformed etheric bodies and deformed physical bodies (ill health and diseased conditions). Perfect healing or health comes in when the conflicted states are brought into harmonic juxtaposition or when they dance to the same tune - so to speak. When the sense of who a person is egoically speaking coincides with who or what that person is actually then perfect synchronicity results being perfect health. This can occur in a flash or it can occur as the person ALLOWS this realization ot happen over time. It has often been said by every legitimate philosophy and religion (in one way or another) that we are an image of "God". "God" we have already seen is not an anthropomorphic being but is the Whole Mind Consciousness that permeates everything everywhere in all time and space. It is perfect harmonicity. This is pure sympathy which some call Love. This is the Neutral state of Being having zero polarity. (Polarity creates individualities; i.e., separation into discrete forms about centers of neutrality.) We are then a part and portion of this Whole Mind Consciousness yet undivided from same. A common metaphor is the drop of water in the ocean. Or, since that is difficult for some to visualize, a molecule of water in the ocean of water molecules of water works better. The Neutral Center, as has already been explained, is the Source Point about which a form forms due to vortex motion - a resultant of polar conflictions. The outer form is an effect or result of modulations to and within this Neutral Center. Since this center is quiet (neutral) Mind about which forms swirling active polar thinking the only real "thing" we have to work with is MIND itself. An interesting thing about vibration is all vibration has a neutral component. Everything being Mind in motion addresses this curiosity. Each vibration is composed of contractive and dispersive phases on each side of a Neutral Point. Ask any musician about this most fundamental of all physics phenomena. As Newton determined many years ago a body in motion will tend to continue in motion. The active portion or phase of a vibration will continue to vibrate as per its momentum, etc. We can work to modulate or remodulate these active portions but that takes physical work. Or we can skip all the work (the having to DO anything) and go for the weak point which is the nodal points of these vibrations, singlely or compositely. These neutral points contained in every form that is are all sympathetic one to the other - time and space are annihilated by neutral modulations. (The why this is so has been lectured by me for many years and would take another comprehensive post to cover.) What this implies is we can change any vibratory form by simply modulating the Neutral Centers which is done through thought and not by physical manipulations. This process has been guessed at by those attempting to practice "Spiritual Healing", laying on of the hands, etc. But for lack of complete understanding of the underlying principles have been only "hit and miss" successful. Many healing modalities have been developed in the recent decades using sound, music, aromatherapy, placebos, psychotherapy and countless other methods. These are all geared to modulate the symptoms (the active portion of the vibrations) on differing vibratory levels and due to varied circumstances have worked with varying degrees of success. They've all been beating around the same bush but have ignored the underlying causitive principles that created the bush/bird in the first instance - modulation of the neutral center (quiescent thought) by aberrant thinking. |
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