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Topic: Dale Pond Collected Articles
Section: Keely's Atomic Pitch
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On Jan 11, 2007, at 11:40 AM, D.C. wrote:

> Did Keely ever note the equation for working out atomic pitch using the above data?

He may have but I've never seen it or heard of anyone who has.

> Has anyone managed to construct an accurate periodic table of frequencys?

Not that I am aware of. I did some work along these lines but have not yet completed that line of research.

> I have tried to find relationships but canÕt see them myself. Such a table would be of great value.

Yes and no. Keely had different references (for constants, etc.) than modern science uses therefore modern science would not recognize his equations or their consequences. Such a table would only have value within a whole different system than conventional science uses.
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