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Topic: Dale Pond
Collected Articles Section: Investigating Subtle Energies Table of Contents to this Topic |
Posted to David Mason wrote: I have no doubt that thought can affect reality. That is an interesting idea. How and by what "energy" does thought affect "reality"? I would sincerely like to know how science explains such a thing. David Mason wrote: This is not what I am saying. I saying that you don't need a mystical Chi energy in order to have any of these effects. I think the only person here talking about a "mystical Chi energy" (whatever that is) is you. Unless you can define it it will remain a supposed entity of no real reality. David Mason wrote: And despite their research, they did not find any mystical energy did they?! They infact confirm what I am saying here! What I read is they are saying there is nothing in conventional science [sic] that can explain their findings and that for it to do so would require some major changes in theoretical approaches. This I would whole-heartedly agree with. So-called science is way too up their own theories to be much help in the New Sciences being born now. When we have REMOTE VIEWING confirmed by 'science' and ACTION at a DISTANCE confirmed by 'science' and several other "mind over/in matter" psi-type phenomena recognized by science then one is forced to say "if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it must be a duck". And because someone with letters after their name doesn't make a Grand Pronunciamento about WHAT it is or HOW it is doesn't in any fashion preclude the fact that IT IS. So in these cases what is really lacking is a well thought out hypothesis and laid out lab experiments that would confirm such hypothesis. Along these lines there is for instance the work of Emoto wherein he has demonstrated over and over again that thought can and does affect formation of matter in the form of water crystals (snow flakes). (Wow, sounds like magic. How exactly can that take place?) There is also the work of Kolisko that demonstrates affects on matter of remote planetary energies. (What kind of energies would they be and how do they work their 'magic'?) And we can go on and on listing the substantiating works of science and lay people alike. Among the kazillions of remaining questions is what are these energies? Are they simply another frequency? (Yeah, right...) How do they relate to what we think we already know about energy? What does science know about energy? Does it know what an electron is? Hardly. Science knows very little actually. It proposes to know much more than it does. And a lot of what it says it knows is not that at all and will be overturned when the next platypus comes along. Science is not about being in denial of that which we do not intellectually understand because some intellects are broader and more open than others. Science is about knowing. Having a phenomena known is one thing - it is a fact - which is not diminished in any way because somebody is not imaginative enough to come up with an explanation. Electricity was known and played with for thousands of years before anyone had a reasonable explanation for it. No one in their right mind would assert electricity did not exist until it was explained. Secondly, David, you are you with your ideas, memories, hopes and beliefs. Me too! You are free to choose to believe whatever you wish - or not - me too!. Those beliefs constitute your/our reality. When one gazes out into the deep of the Hubble photographs at the immensity and seemingly unlimitedness of the universe we get an idea of just how unimportant in the grand scheme of Everything of how meaningful our little egoic ideas and beliefs really are.... My work has been to 'scientifically' answer my own above questions and several thousand more. It is fine and dandy people recognize whatever energies they wish whether those are Chi, prana, Life Force, OD, orgone, Love, mind or whatever label is currently in vogue. THERE IS AN ANSWER and that answer will fit nicely into a new scientific paradigm that no reasonable person can walk away from. One can dig their intellectual heals in and deny there is no "mystical Chi energy" (which without definition is true) or they can dig in and discover what that is people say they sense. It can be a life-changing experience like the one I had: In the summer of 1996 I took the dynasphere to an energy engineering conference in Denver. This was the first time it was shown in public. At this time I was under the impression we had built a machine that would (when properly adjusted) evidence some form or quantity of so-called "Free Energy" (whatever that is). So to me and my research team the dynasphere was little more than a machine like all other machines - assorted metal parts designed, crafted and assembled into a complex mechanical device. Coming back from lunch I walked into the exhibit hall where everyone's displays were I find eight or ten women encircling the dynasphere. They had their hands out, palms outward, towards the dynasphere as though they were warming their hands on/from it. I thought this very very weird and concerning. I asked them "What are you doing with the dynasphere?" One lady replied in all innocence "We are standing here feeling the Love come off this machine." Several ladies nodded and murmured in agreement with what she just said. David, have you heard of those moments during death when it is said one's life flashes before their eyes? That is pretty much what happened to me in that instant. She said she was feeling an energy from the dynasphere and she chose to call that energy "Love" and several others agreed with her. I didn't feel any energy and if I had I doubt I would have called it "Love". Last I'd heard science had yet to put Love in a test tube and do experiments on it. And that is what happened to me - those ladies changed my life because if I were to be sincere and honest I would have to investigate this energy she chose to call "Love" and I would find out WHAT it is, HOW it manifests and WHY it is coming from a machine I had built with my own two hands. During the ensuing years a lot of investigating was undertaken with thousands of witnesses and participants. A model theory has been constructed that encompasses (instead of discards) what we thought we were seeing, finding, feeling and experiencing. To me this paradigm now being constructed will form a significant part of future science. It matters not to me who does or does not agree with me. Let them do the experimental work I've done. Let them build sympathetic machinery and run their tests. Let them spend their money, time and very lives investigating anomalous yet real phenomena. These experiences are detailed in my book "Atlin - Knowing I Am": I do not claim there is a 'mystical Chi energy' (whatever that is). But I do claim there is an energy something happening in and around these dynaspheres that sensitive people respond dramatically to. We've witnessed healings on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels and countless psi-phenomena. What an amazing thing this energy (whatever you choose to label it) is! This something has to be some kind/type of energy having specific properties, powers, characteristics and parameters. These (just like the discovering work with electricity) can be investigated and found out if we apply ourselves with faith and earnestness (oooh, two scary words). A person in denial can and will do squat. But a person with energy, vision and passion can do wonders where the deniers say there is nothing to see, do or investigate. Our history is filled with such visionary people who transformed the blind and dogmatic belief systems going on around them. We, as a global society, are in the midst of such a transformation. We can accept and adapt to the new fangled Mind Set or we can remain stuck up to our knees paralized in fear, dogma and doctrine. It is a choice we each face.... |
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