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Topic: Dale Pond
Collected Articles Section: I walk my talk Table of Contents to this Topic |
I definitely understand where you are coming from. In my time I have run afoul of both science and so-called religion. People as a rule have totally misunderstood what I have been doing, saying and writing. Maybe we can set some of the record straight during this interview. Most (the ignorant anyway) claim I am wrapped up in religion, metaphysics, occult, spiritualism and the like. Admittedly I do write and talk about some aspects of some of these general topics but I do not really advocate any of them as they are all ego-created Belief Systems based on people's (mis)interpretations of what they thought they feel, see, hear or learned from someone else who got their 'information' the same way. Usually all religions have been created and are maintained to abate fears of all types. First off, in my studied opinion, ALL definitions of these topics are incorrect. These ideas come out of ignorance and tradition. There are NO anthropomorphic GODS, ANGELS, SPIRITS, GHOSTS or GOBLINS or anything of those natures. I actually try not to talk about these things in certain circles except to sometimes use a few of these ideas as points of reference for greater explorations. [anthropomorphic = human-like] What it is all about is MIND or CONSCIOUSNESS as some would call it. Mind and consciousness are non-Newtonian which Bearden chooses to call "nonobservable". Mind and consciousness are OUTSIDE of the vibratory ranges of our five senses which are nothing more than "narrow band-pass filters" filtering out every vibration in the universe not of that narrow range of sense per sense. Let's not forget Stanford University did immense scientific exploratory work in these areas at the behest of the infamous CIA. This solid scientific research bears out the existence of MIND as a force though they never learned how to harness it in physical machinery like Keely did and I'm repeating. When the greatest scientific minds of all time make similar claims then we are obliged to look at this thing called MIND or CONSCIOUSNESS. Here are just two quotes from two noted scientists.Ê "We must assume behind this force [in the atom] the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind.Ê This mind is the matrix of all matter. " --Max Planck, accepting the Nobel Prize for Physics, 1918 "....mind is the matrix of all matter." WOW ! What a statement from one of theÊpremiere scientists of all time. "Mind dynamics are in fact totally electrodynamic in nature, but they are comprised of those strangeÊ nonobservable time-polarized photons and EM fields over on the time axis Ð and not even existing in the sad old CEM/EE model so ubiquitously used." Bearden This will make more sense to you when you realize Keely harnessed MIND FORCE in his machines. (Remember I said his etheric vapor was sensitive to thought?) This is something modern science refuses to consider because they have all been brainwashed to NOT LOOK AT MIND as anything other than random neuron firings in the grey matter of the brain structure - woo-woo stuff. This is wrong and by design because that is where ALL power originates. "The speculations of the physicists of the present age (1892), in regard to latent energy, would neutralize the sympathetic conditions that are associated with the governing force of the cerebral over the physical organism. The evolution of a thought, the infinite exciter, arouses the latent energy of the physical organism to do its work, - differential orders of brain-force acting against each other under dual conditions. If there were no latent energy to arouse, sympathetically, there would be no action evolved on the physical mass, nor on any other, as all force is mind force. All evolutions of latent power, in its varied multiplicity of action, induced by its proper exciters, prove the connective link as between the celestial and the terrestrial, the finite and the infinite." (Keely) So we can either fall back into traditional ways and ignore looking into MIND as something that can be harnessed or we can forge ahead, fearlessly challenging all those old and unfounded superstitions and create something really new and useful for humanity. PLEASE NOTE: I do not now nor have ever dealt in UFOs or Scripture. I do not frequent any church (Belief Club) nor do I pound or expound any religious text. I AM A SCIENTIST who is not afraid to look in all hidden places, ask all the uncomfortable questions and probe all the sacred cows and taboo topics. I have a machine shop, cut real (and expensive) metal, spend real money and build real devices. There are a lot of bullying detractors out there who beat on me and others yet they've never turned a wrench or made even a model from paper or plastic. I walk my talk. |
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