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Topic: Dale Pond
Collected Articles Section: Health, Disease and Thinking Table of Contents to this Topic |
2003, 10/14Why do you think ANY treatment has ANY effect? Everything and all ideas concerning treating illnesses are thrown into a cocked hat when we consider the Placebo Effect. Why does this effect exist? Why or how are improvements evidenced when nothing of consequence is taken yet expensive medicines and treatments fail? You are correct to imply some of us inventors (free thinkers) have keys to help these and similar situations. The key we have is the ability and willingness to think freely of the old thought patterns, old religions, old politics, old philosophies and the usual belief systems concerning ANY thing. As I mentioned the other day I'm joyfully reading and contemplating my way through "The Quimby Manuscripts" . I'm so glad to have this opportunity to expand my thinking on the topic of healing with real material based in real healing BY THE MIND and the mind alone. In this material I can see many parallels with our work with Atlin. During Atlin's construction I made a note to myself: "We are building a machine that meditates." And in this principle of the Quiet Mind is the secret to healing of all conditions the human being subjects itself to. The Quimby material is confirming to me my long held supposition concerning the quiet Neutral Center and firming up the concepts of etheric and interetheric currents of Mind Force Keely wrote so much about but we didn't know enough to understand their importance. Quimby states clearly and unequivocaly all disease of whatever nature is caused by misthinking and ignorance. He lays the blame for the majority of this misthinking on religion and misplaced faith or trust in materialism and the ego. He backs up his assertions with his works of healing people of every kind of ailment, chronic, organic or any nature. Perfect peace is perfect health. Or as Keely said "Health is harmony and disease is discord." Atlin has a near perfect Neutral Center - a state of peace or harmony of vibratory and oscillatory activity. A human body in Atlin's harmonic acoustic/etheric field will entrain to it to the degree the person is willing to be at peace. >From this state of peace all else (health) is re-established. What caused the ill health in the first place is the lack of peace (of mind) which then manifests in the physical organism as a disturbance (of equilibrium) and manifests as a disease condition. There are no exceptions to this rule. Atlin simply offers her peaceful condition or what some have called Love. She does not heal. I do not heal. The energies do not heal anyone anytime. The person heals themselves by letting go of their own misthinking. It really is this simple. It is interesting that I've come full circle from the "empty philosophy" of metaphysics, through the little known science of SVP to arrive right back where it all started - the long forgotten truths so many religions neglected to avail themselves of even though these very truths were originally at their very core. They neglected to include them or they purposefully excluded them. So to sum this up succintly, we need no belief system whatsoever if that belief system puts us at odds with a Peaceful Mind, anyone else and their belief system, the world at large or our selves. Because it is this being at odds (fighting, antagonism, separation, distrust, hate and fear) that is part of our misthinking (It IS our misthinking!) and manifests as chaos, guilt, illness, pain, war, lack and suffering. The mind or consciousness we each have has a natural state of peacefulness and perfect health. This natural state is disturbed by our misthinking. This natural Peaceful Mind reasserts itself when we do nothing more than STOP THE MISTHINKING. Atlin's field is nothing more than a reminder of this simple yet most profound fact. If one wishes to be healthy then they must root out of their own minds those thoughts that disturb self (the hard way) or simply let go of their own self-created troubling thoughts and BE PEACE (the easy way). Dwell not on those thoughts that bring fear, guilt, show lack or pain or suffering and the Comforter within will be known again but only if you ardently desire it be so instead of ardently desiring and believing one's own misthought thinking. It (health) is a choice each must make but only the informed can make a good choice..... |
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