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Topic: Dale Pond
Collected Articles Section: Healing Table of Contents to this Topic |
Q: Is ATTENTION (SVPVRIL) and/or LOVE (SVP) the answer to healing ourselves from "The Condition"? A: "The Condition" is what modern psychology calls Psychosis: Psychosis, in psychological language, is a condition in which a person isn't in contact with reality like most people. Psychosis can take many forms, it can include: ¥ Sensing things that aren't really there (called Hallucinations) ¥ Having beliefs that aren't based on reality (called Delusions) ¥ Problems in thinking clearly (e.g. thought insertion, withdrawal, block, broadcasting) ¥ Not realising that there is anything wrong with themselves (called lack of insight) If we go back to ACIM, Quimby and "Dialogue on Awakening" we see the same idea expressed in more spiritual and/or down-to-earth terms. People are not afflicted with anything other than an illusion they are afflicted with something. There are these mis-beliefs they are unloved, unlovable, unspiritual, sick, diseased, undeserving, lacking, disempowered, helpless, unawake, etc., etc. None of this is true. Just the opposite is true. There is nothing to change and nothing to heal but one's own misperceptions, misthinking and misbeliefs. Q: Forgive me, I feel rather hampered by language and somewhat in between realities. A: These ideas do sound rather paradoxical don't they? Or perhaps a Catch-22? Q: Are you suggesting that according to ACIM and Quimby: .... there is nothing to heal ... the thought/belief that there is something to heal is an illusion? A: What is being suggested is one is not under attack by bacteria, viruses, etc. So the conventional understanding of what "healing" is is misled/mistaken. There is nothing that can be healed except one's misthinking. The ailment cannot be healed but the misthinking that created it can be changed - thus healing results and health is experienced. Therefore one is never ill - they are simply experiencing the effects of their own misthinking. Q: .... there is no psychosis ... the thought/belief that there is a psychosis is an illusion? A: Any thoughts other than Love are ALL illusory. We've been told by "authorities" we are sinners, unlovable, disempowered, helpless, etc. and most of us believed those unsupported opinions, ideas and blatherings. An opinion is a made-up reality having no basis whatsoever in reality. An opinion is a make-believe idea held by ego. For this reason it is imminently important that each do his/her own research to discern the truth for themselves. How can anything unreal exist? Q: .... there is no condition ... the thought/belief that there is a condition is an illusion? A: Suppose a person perceives and believes themselves as ill. They are told by doctors, family and friends they have such and such a condition or disease which disease is a result of "viral infection" or whatever. Quimby proved this is nonsensical and demonstrated the truth all disease is caused by a belief held by the afflicted. He further stated and proved each of these closely held beliefs is the result of an initiatory idea. Idea -> Belief -> Disease (reflection of belief) Change the idea (mind); the belief (mind) is no longer supported and the body reverts to a healthy condition (reflection of mind). So was the patient healed? Or did their thinking/beliefs change resulting in non-existence through non-support of the perceived affliction? What then is made up in the egoic mind and what is real? Q: .... there is no affliction ... the thought/belief that there is an affliction is an illusion? A: The conventional concept of what an affliction is is the root of this seeming paradox. Conventionally we are told we are afflicted (attacked) by an outside negative influence and must abate that influence to achieve a positive state (health). What Quimby and ACIM are saying is this is nonsense. The body and its condition is a result of the state of mind operating that body (and life!). Therefore any condition experienced whether bodily or in life experiences is a direct reflection/result of what thoughts (ideas and beliefs) are held within the mind of that body. In a nutshell the body cannot be healed. But the thoughts creating the negative condition can be changed thus resulting in a healed condition (health). In a sense then one can 'heal' (change) the misbeliefs and experience health. However in conventional views changing one's thinking is not considered healing because it deals with the CAUSE. Conventional healing is treating EFFECTS or SYMPTOMS in the hope healing (health) results. On top of all this the ONLY thing that heals is LOVE! Love of self is the most powerful antidote in existence. It is the ONLY antidote. Because self Love reverses the negative misbeliefs held by self about self, self's body and self's life. "There are occasions when you find yourself immersed in pain and feel that you are unable to be in touch with the source of fear that generates it. To linger with the pain or feel that you should endure the suffering until the fear has been discovered or its meaning made clear to you, is both unnecessary and misleading. Pain would then become the price for peace and clarity, and sacrifice become a virtue. God asks not for suffering of any kind. Relieve your pain in whatever fashion feels appropriate to you at the moment. Acknowledge it is a physical curing of the symptom of fear as you honor yourself in the moment by releasing the grip of pain. When pain is understood in this fashion, faced without judgement and released through an act of self love, you will have relieved it of all value it has held for you. Being then useless, you will require its presence no more and be willing to accept a more loving reminder that your beliefs have strayed from what you desire them to be. You will discover that the power your fear seemed to have over you, having been hidden and made inaccessible by the additional fear of the pain, is now dissipated. You are free to look upon it, and with the power of its accompanying pain now gone, see it for what it has always been - a thought brought into form with pain; a mispreception made real because you see the Son of God as flesh and bone and give fear the power to punish him. I say this to you: it will not be the medication taken or treatment applied that makes your body well. In and of themselves, they have no meaning and therefore no effect. The power any medication or treatment has is given by you through the act of loving yourself. Fear is unrecognizable in the face of foregiveness and love. A mind thus healed expresses itself in form as the physical extension of its flawless state of Being." [Dialogue on Awakening, page 188-191] |
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