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Topic: Dale Pond
Collected Articles Section: God Table of Contents to this Topic |
What is "God"? There are as many definitions as there are people able and willing to present one. In the beginning of my work with SVP I kept running into "God" and I, like you, did not like to use this term, word, label or delimiter. I figured if I did then people would erroneously get the idea I was promoting some kind of religion or cult when that was the last thing I wanted to do. On the other hand there was a need to describe something not generally acknowledged - a new view and understanding, that was formign in my mind as I dug deeper and deeper into the mysteries surrounding SVP. A bridge of sorts was necessary - so I allowed myself to use the term with trepidation. We can see from various sources some have indeed concurred, erroneously, that I'm promoting a religion or cult. This is most unfortunate but from my perspective at the time was unavoidable. What was it I was trying to convey that I felt I had to use the word, term, label or identifier of "God"? That there is an intelligence, consciousness or awareness, a Creative Factor, extent and evident in every part and segment of the universe witnessed in each and every atom and every planet in every solar system. Only in the broadest interpretation of the old religious term "God" is there any resemblance. Keely gave us a good definition of this Creative Force: "The eternally conscious entity - call it by whatever name we please - moves in cycles as eternal and infinite as itself; it oscillates and vibrates perpetually and is never unconscious of any present condition, be it pain or pleasure, joy or sorrow, shame or glory; like the pendulum of a clock or the sun, moon, or tides, it swings from the one to the other of these conditions, now in pleasure, now in pain, by its contact with the extremes of all varying conditions, like a child which throws up its head and laughing for joy exclaims, I KNOW I AM." Keely This perpetual awareness we refer to as Mind is the foundation principle of all matter and energy. From it are evolved everything that is and eventually everything that is devolves back to this primordial source to reside in a state of latency in preparation for another evolutionary cycle into matter and form: "Keely affirms, with other philosophers, that there is only one unique substance, and that this substance is the Divine spirit, the spirit of life, and that this spirit of life is God, who fills everything with His thoughts; disjoining and grouping together these multitudes of thoughts in different bodies called atmospheres, fluids, matters, animal, vegetable, and mineral forms." Bloomfield-Moore It is not my purpose in life to argue any into believing in any type for form of Diety. What we have inherited from our ancestors is dripping with superstition, unsupported beliefs, misinterpretations and incomplete concepts. These were developed by those thoughtful enough to conjure up an answer for what they thought they were winessing in life - life's mysteries to be answered in some fashion. I am not an apologist for these old traditional views. In fact I'm the first one to advocate dropping these old views completely from our life, vocabulary and consciousnesses so that we may take a fresh view free from tradition, habit, fear, dogma and doctrine developed by others during the earlier times when man was less developed and working with less evolved tools of discovery and analysis. Setting aside all those older views what have we left? There is little doubt there is some kind of intelligence behind what makes things what they are. Even the great scientists have proposed there is something behind what most consider to be dead matter: "We must assume behind this force [in the atom] the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter. " --Max Planck, accepting the Nobel Prize for Physics, 1918 I concur with Planck and many others who propose the same idea. What permeates the universe is MIND. And it is this consciousness that so many in the past have mislabeled "God" and countless other names. Looked at in this way the old superstitions fall away and we are left with a solid, useable, engineerable and personal frame of reference that is neutral in its "red flags", free of dogma and doctrine and all the clap-trappings always associated with words like "God". In my never-ending and persistent search for the nature of this Creative Force, Mind, I've been able to identify only a few solid sources. Among these are Keely, Russell and Cayce. Three people who've left a legacy of research and deep thought concerning the nature and dynamics of this non-thing we call Mind. During the past several years, as these concepts have formed in my consciousness, I've endeavored to engage any who are able and willing to discuss the matter and bring about a more fuller comprehension of it. So if during this time period of learning to speak of that which has been difficult to name, label and define, we have used a term that offends some then so be it. The conversation had to begin someplace (meme permeated thinking, superstition) that we may eventually wind up somewhere else (liberated thinking, free of dogmas and doctrines). |
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