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Topic: Dale Pond
Collected Articles Section: Etheric Realm Table of Contents to this Topic |
Air is a collection of atoms and molecules. Space (as in empty space) does not exist per se. Empty space is an abstraction. Too many people confuse these things without thinking them through. What the ZPE people are seeking is an energy impregnated 'medium' that behaves in certain ways (which they have yet to define). The 'medium' has to be composed of something and that something must obey natural principles or laws whether we recognize them or not. These people then wish to force, coerce or in some way manipulate this "energy" to accumulate to some useable state of form and/or quantity. There are many problems to overcome with this approach. The first being they do not understand fully what 'energy' is. They do not fully understand the difference between potential and kinetic states of these subtle and primal states or conditions. They do not understand how to harness all this into a coherent, useful and commercial system. In my view, developed after twenty two years of intensive research, the largest hindrance to their success is their belief in standard physics - what is sometimes called Newtonian Physics (fm=e). Yes, these concepts are true but only within certain contexts. Once one moves into the etheric realm (quantum realm) mass (and other attributes) is not there what it is in the atomic or molecular (Newtonian) realms. Therefore one is obliged to seek out, learn and adapt whole new ways of approaching (thinking about) the subject. These ways have been illustrated to varying degrees by Keely, Russell, Cayce, hinted at by Tesla, Moray and countless others. In a word, one moves from a science of effects into a science of causes. In this view atoms and molecules are EFFECTS of unseen and unsuspected CAUSES or causative forces combining dynamically together to create the material world we all want so desperately to understand and control or manipulate. It is my considered opinion that until and unless one moves from dealing in effects to knowing cause there can be no Free Energy. This for several reasons the easiest to understand being the etheric realm cannot and will not aggregate into useable amounts of 'energy' without certain and specific "localized environmental" conditions. Some would call these a "harmonic" condition and they are correct except in realizing the scope and breadth of the arena of action to this harmonicity. Because you see, just as in your original questions hinted at, the etheric realm also includes MIND or Consciousness energy states, actions and forces. Because of this unavoidable connection the inventor and witnesses is part and parcel of the experiment. Which is to say the attitude, thoughts and feelings bear a direct connection to the energy state of the etheric forces present (or not) in the experiment. Some years ago I did a presentation of the fundamental vibratory principles of these preliminary states. You can see theÊ video here: This presentation was done 12 years ago and my understandings have expanded much since then. I've been devoting much of my time to understanding this highest level (etheric) of vibratory action (periodic aggregation and dispersion). There have been some surprising findings - many of which people want to deny even though the evidence and logic supports these findings irrevocably. Denial is their first defense to protect their cherished beliefs. Open minded and honest exploration of this realm leads one to Cause and away from effects commonly called 'materiality'. The egoic mind cannot function in this realm as the ego itself is an effect of misbeliefs. So one is therefore obliged to set aside any importance they may apply to the material or physical world of effects and immerse themselves into the immaterial world or primal causative states of matter and energy. Some have called this ethereal world "spirit" or mind or consciousness or so many other older terms not really appropriate for scientific discussions - but nevertheless pertinent - when the reactionary egoic state is set aside. Something very difficult if not impossible for most people to do. Russell bears all this out in his writings when he uses the word "Light".Ê This quote of his contains the entire essence of what which I have been writing above: "Inspiration is the language of Light." "Our inspirations are God's whisperings to us in His universal language of Light." "If the Light comes slowly, it is because the desire is weak and belief too vague and abstract." "The more you know the light-wave which records God's thinking, the more you will be enabled to think with Him. The more you think with God, the more you will know, for God is all knowledge and His knowing will be your knowing." "The illuminated ones alone have this knowledge in its fullness." "When we speak of brotherly love, we must know its scientific meaning in respect to the unity of the entire physical body of Creation as well as the unity of the spiritual universe of God." "One world can only come through strong men throughout the world demonstrating the love principle by living it and teaching it." "God is Love - unexpressed. God's Creation is Love - expressed. God's Love is changeless unity. God's Creation is His imagined division of His unity into pairs of changing opposite units, multiplied to infinity, for the purpose of manifesting the power of love through interchange between opposite pairs. Love is the one supreme Whole Idea of God." "God expresses His Whole One Idea of love in Nature, electrically, by rhythmic balanced interchange of love between all pairs of electric opposites in His imagined universe of multiple units of His One Idea. Rhythmic balanced interchange between pairs of opposite conditions is God's one law by means of which all effects in Nature, or in man's world of human relations, are produced. God holds this one law inviolate in all effects of cause." Walter Russell, [The Message of the Divine Iliad] |
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