You are correct. Everything is 3D in the real world. But in terms of working in The Matrix people unthinkingly relate to 1D and 2D constructs as though they were real. I never took the time to expand QA into 3D situations but it should be easy to do. Also people tend to focus on LABELS such as "PI". They assume (rote memory) that PI equals an irrational number. But we know PI is NOT an irrational number because irrational (insane) numbers do not exist in reality. PI is a ratio between two incompatible values: straight and curved lines. In the real world, yet to be discovered, PI would be a ratio between the inclosed VOLUME of a 3D polygon and a sphere (what you call a ball). One cannot divide apples by oranges or curved lines by straight lines yet geometers do it all the time not realizing the error any fourth grader could tell them about. One can never escape The Matrix as long as one continues to think in and use Matrix labelings.