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Topic: Dale Pond
Collected Articles Section: Engineering With Light, Life and Love Table of Contents to this Topic |
Engineering (literally) with Light, Life and Love © Dale Pond, 1998 - Rudolph Steiner stated{1} in 1913: ÒThe science of the future will be based on sympathetic vibration.Ó However, he may not have known sympathetic vibration is another way of saying Unconditional Love as will be illustrated herein. Love has been the base of most religions, societies and families from the dawn of time and acts as the foundation for the New Age philosophies. Unfortunately science and society, in the western world, has wandered far astray from this basic and most powerful of forces. The customary shunning and denying love is being transformed into giving and accepting Love! A search of the Internet, a scan of the many self-help seminars offered world-wide or review of a major bookstore will show a world-wide movement back to the place where it is okay for love to enter into our lives, homes and sciences. This is happening right now, before our very eyes, in our very hearts. When two objects are in harmony on multiple harmonic levels, the vibrations acting between the two are as a communication of intent and quality of their state of being of one to the other. An objectÕs state of being, vibratorily speaking, manifests as its chord of mass or vibration signature or that collection of frequencies of which it is made and therefore is. When tuned to a unison the vibrations emitted by one object are perfectly received and assimilated or understood by the other. It is well known in musical circles that properly tuned musical instruments will respond sympathetically to each other. This happens when vibration rates of strings are tuned at exact unisons between two or more instruments. Pluck or bow a finely tuned string on one instrument and other instruments will respond with the same note. The two individualized objects begin to resonate AS ONE instrument with perfect cadence and concordance. What were once seemingly separate things are now intimately and dynamically connected vibratorily at the innermost harmonics. The connecting link resonates through the higher harmonics and not the lower physical form. What happens to one becomes an experience for both simultaneously and intimately - from within - as an evoked sympathetic response. This special kind of vibration is called a Sympathetic Vibration. This definition coincides perfectly with that of Unconditional Love. Generally considered love means two or more persons experience life and each other as though they exist as one unit resonating in unison each acting concordantly upon the other. Sympathetically vibrating structures means two or more objects vibrating as one unit resonating in unison each acting concordantly upon the other. Because sympathetic vibration can and does conduct or convey energy sufficient to cause motion in a distant and seemingly separate object it is therefore taken to be dynamic energy. Love radiating from one individual can and does move other individuals. Love is therefore a dynamic force. This Spiritual Science was originally developed (as far as we are concerned) more than 100 years ago in Philadelphia by John Worrell Keely (1827-1898){3}. Rediscovering and developing his original work promises great benefits for society. Utilizing this powerful force and its science and philosophy, enables us once again to rediscover what and who we really are. Little by little this renewal of self awareness and consequently self-identity develops into a sense of I AM. Consequently one grows into a sense of being ONE WITH or AS ONE with Creation and the Creator. This New Science loves, respects and cooperates with Nature on all harmonic frequency levels. It does not arrogantly force nature to address purposes on strictly the material or physical level. Being in harmony with Nature brings joy and a celebration of life. Working in opposition to nature creates discord, destruction and death. This New Technology also allows us to develop seemingly miraculous health-care products{4} and processes{5}. These new tools, when properly applied, promise easier and more efficient methods of creating peace and harmony in oneÕs life. The New Age actualizes love between people and throughout society. The New Science adapts dynamic love to science, technology and engineering using sympathetic vibration. Machinery and mechanical devices will operate on these dynamic principles of love engineered as sympathetic vibration. These machines operate much like a water wheel being pushed around by a flow of water. By using principles of sympathetic vibrations makes it possible to design a machine that will respond sympathetically to another source of vibrations. This driving source of vibrations can be oscillations from the earth, electromagnetic radiations from space or even acoustic emanations (singing, talking, feeling, etc.) from people. One of KeelyÕs original inventions was a Musical Dynasphere{2}. This beautiful machine was designed to respond sympathetically to earth vibrations. The DynasphereÕs mechanism contains various musical components such as strings and whistle-type resonators. These are designed to receive and differentiate, through sympathetic resonance, the subtle yet powerful Zero Point-like Neutral Force ostensibly labeled Unconditional Love. This establishes and demonstrates the underlying principle of design, construction, being and operation of the Dynasphere as sympathetic vibration. Yes! Love is an engineerable force! In the purely physical realm the metallic structure of the Dynasphere will rotate. This will only occur after the establishment of a Neutral Center within the device. Keely claimed the discovery of the Neutral Center as his greatest achievement. A Neutral Center (similar in some ways to Zero-Point) is that which is the self-identity of the mechanism. It is the veritable heart of the organism. I say organism because the overall mechanism is as a living organism in that it has combined as One the dynamic and multi-harmonic energies of Terrestrial and Celestial forces. These are sometimes considered as male and female forces. The male forces are used in conventional science and technology almost exclusively. The New Sciences are beginning to work with vortices and implosion which represents the female side of nature. The Dynasphere works with both of these plus the third Neutral state being a derived combination of the two. The two polar forces come together in a pure state of sympathetic vibration to form the Neutral Center. It is from this harmonic union of divine-like forces that renewal or regeneration comes. Through this mechanism may be developed and liberated further Òlife BEingÓ properties. The Dynasphere is the first multi-dimensional mechanism born of a science and philosophy that acknowledges and respects that which Nature is. Through the development of this technology we are being afforded insights into NatureÕs finer forces thus allowing an expanding ability to perceive with growing clarity how everything is intimately associated and cooperatively working together. A reverential attitude towards the divinity of nature and all of its aspects is essential for the proper and more complete unfoldment of the New Sciences. It also gives us an understanding of NatureÕs inner workings whereby a whole new perspective on science, philosophy and engineering can take place. As the world awakens to this emerging New Age of increased self identity based on Love it transforms the reigning social structure and practices based on Fear. The underlying feelings of love motivates and propels these changes. The letting go of fear and apprehension can be scary to some. Allowing oneÕs self to be in a state of Love (wide open and seemingly defenseless) can be just as scary. Whether one acts or reacts in love or fear becomes a personal and conscious choice. As the new awareness of love permeates oneÕs consciousness we begin to experience feelings we may never have felt before or as powerfully. If we live in fear we instinctively react to these new feelings of openness in old fashioned and no longer useful ways. We react with fear and all of its effort intensive mechanisms of reactionary self-defense, flight or fight, guilt, victimization, calumnies and condemnations of self, others and pretty near all else. Reacting out of fear also leads to desire for control and passive-aggressive behavior. These negative reactions destroy harmony or coincidental action. When these feelings occur our efforts at creating a joyful, positive and progressive life-style result in pain, frustration and failure. On the positive side many readily and willing embrace the newness of the experience of Love. They eagerly enter into a celebration of the changes they sense coming over them. They ease into and flow with the exhilarating currents of love, brotherhood and mutual appreciation. This augmented awareness usually manifests as joy. This welling up of Love for oneÕs self, neighbors and that which is called God/dess or Creator represents the cloak, mantle or attitude of Unconditional Love. Each person yields or surrenders to Spirit in this very personal, uplifting and transformative state of BEing. To celebrate life joyously in this dynamic state of radiating and receiving love means to do so without condition, demand or expectation. This, coincidentally, was the only commandment, as the Law of One, ever given by Christ who epitomized living in Unconditional Love. As we each learn to consciously act in Love this then manifests the coming of Christ Consciousness to earth. Our thoughts, words and actions literally build the path we walk in our daily lives. Being as Christ or to be One With Him, in the moment, NOW and PRESENT, emulates the dynamic state of Unconditional Love and Lovingness. Dynamic power and purpose releases from its latent state in the quiet Neutral Center formed when one merges With the Presence. Approximating to spirit results in increased spiritual awakening to inner guidance, peace and subtle awareness of higher realms in its varied forms of manifestation. There are three primary vibratory states of Being manifesting as Matter and Energy: expanding outward; assimilating inwardly and neutral. Western science and philosophy recognizes the first. It is all male essence pushing forward more or less like a military operation: driving, penetrating and dominating. The Eastern philosophies recognize the male force but also the female force which is nurturing and regenerative. The new science of Sympathetic Vibratory Physics recognizes all three. The neutral is not really neutral as normally understood. Nor is the neutral summed polar forces equated to zero becoming a null or naught quantity. The neutral is where the male and female meet full-powered in an equated state of balance or unconditional togetherness (love). These two seemingly opposing polar forces come together harmonically creating the neutral state which is perfectly balanced with neither dominating the other. This is similar in some ways to BeardenÕs and TeslaÕs Scalar Wave concepts. From this union of positive and negative forces comes unlimited possibilities both in form and quantity. It is the ÔpregnantÕ neutrality from which all else comes. It is the primordial Void (no-thing-ness) where all is held in a latent state and from which all seemingly self-generated into being. The keys appear to be understanding, harmony and sound. From a state of perfect harmony can come manifestations of endless possibilities. The liberating influence is sound. ÒAnd God said...Ó(GEN. 1:3). The first influence was sound according to scripture. Certain chords of sound can precipitate fine matter from suspension in fluids by augmenting ionic (polar) aggregation. According to scripture the first manifestation of matter from the so-called spirit realm is light. We can perceive light. We cannot physically perceive certain radio or other higher electromagnetic waves. Our eyes are like narrow band-pass filters. They allow a single octave of visible light vibrations to pass into our awareness. Our noses and ears are also narrow band-pass filters allowing other ranges of vibrations to pass. Our entire organism is a series of narrow band-pass filters allowing us limited access to the totality of the full range of vibratory knowledge available to us. All those realms not perceptible to these physical sense organs remain occulted or hidden to our view and awareness. What wonders do these unseen or occulted ranges of information have for us? So-called psychic ability is the human organism sensitized to those realms not perceptible by our ordinary narrow band-pass sensory filters. A psychically sensitive person may be aware of far more of these undetected vibrations than the unsensitive person. With the advent of the New Age we are beginning to glimpse more of these unseen realms with increased psychic abilities seemingly spreading all over the globe. A few years ago a sensitive person was a rarity. Not so today where there are literally thousands everywhere occupied in diverse forms and manners of opening to these previously sealed realms of knowledge. The lost knowledge required to construct the Musical Dynasphere came from these other realms{6} of Òdivine knowledge.Ó The gates of fear holding us imprisoned in our antiquated and no longer useful Belief Systems are being stormed and are about to be rendered into dust and left behind as humankind bursts the fetters of ignorance holding it back from its destiny. The gates are creaking and crashing in every field of science, philosophy and now everyday living and engineering technologies. The cry is for Freedom! Freedom to believe, to know, to live and to allow expression of the Spirit indwelling in each member of humanity. Making therefore each individual sacred and valued as an honored expression of the One endless and timeless Source in its ceaseless effort to BE. The unnatural and failing systems are crashing in direct proportion to the elevation and liberation of the sacredness of the individual. No longer will the individual be sacrificed for the so-called Òbenefit of the wholeÓ because the whole is what it is by virtue of who and what the individuals are. If an individual of the whole has no value then all have no value. The whole therefore becomes valueless. When the individual is held and honored in integrity the whole then and only then has that same integrity which becomes multiplied in amplification by the quantity and quality of individuals{7}. This concept of inseparable and interconnected parts applies to Nature where all aspects of life contribute to create Life as one whole experience. Everything is intimately connected via sympathetic or love vibrations. Nothing is isolated from everything else and anything abused or destroyed is intimately sensed as pain or loss by all else. In Sympathetic Vibratory Physics we know that molecules make up matter. Atoms combine to create molecules. Atoms in turn are composed of leptons (electrons, protons and neutrons){8}. Each lepton (according to Quantum Electrodynamics) is composed of three photons (light particles). So even modern science recognizes all matter is derived directly from Light in one phase of its being. Light does not however appear to be the primordial substance. It too is composed of a yet finer substance. These photons or Light particles are composed of three quarks and these in turn are composed of three muons (according to Hawking){9}. There are always three gathered together as One Unit in Perfect Harmony making up the next evolution into realms of new states of matter and energy{10}. Sound at all familiar? These three units are always one positive, one negative and one neutral. These three are a fractal of all else and may be represented as male, female and neutral. Or to tie in scripture, metaphysics and music (scared number): Adam, Eve and God or red, blue and yellow respectively and also the musical note C, G and E. These latter forming the most harmonious of all musical chords the Grand Triad. As Cayce once said: "Science and religion are ONE when their purposes are one." (5023- 2) The New Science based on Sympathetic Vibration uplifts all in hope. This new paradigm does not depreciate or prey upon nature or people. Nor does it reserve itself to the rich or elite. This New Knowledge and Awareness shares Love into ALL aspects of our lives. After all, how can we love ourselves and neighbors one instant then pollute the air, water and food the next? Or how does one love some but hate or fear others? Our mission (should we choose to accept it) is loving those people, things and situations we fear or which appear to us as unlovable. Transmuting the lead of fear or illusion into the gold of love or truth leads us into higher levels of love. Giving Unconditional Love implies an all encompassing giving and receiving, all of the time and in all ways without demand, condition or reservation. Unconditional Love flows mightily from the here and now. Celebrate in your choice! References {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6} {7} {8} {9} The Nature of Space and Time (Isaac Newton Institute Series of Lectures) by Stephen Hawking, Roger Penrose, Published by Princeton Univ Press, Publication date: April 1, 1996 ISBN: 0691037914 {10} |
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