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Topic: Dale Pond
Collected Articles Section: Ego, Defined as Memories Table of Contents to this Topic |
For me, in my ever-evolving theory, the mind is not "seated" in the body at all. Does a radio broadcast have a seat in a radio? Or does the Internet reside in any computer? It resides in and courses through ALL computers connected to/through it. Just as the Mind of Humanity resides in ALL minds of humanity. The seemingly isolated human consciousness (ego) is a swirl of ideas and memories surrounding a focal point - the body and ego (self). Divine or Cosmic Consciousness has no motion or fixation of concept therefore it has no Time or Space. In this view the human consciousness (ego) is a REFRACTION of that Unity. This refraction (in SVP refraction = Differentiation) occurs most likely in and through the chakra system. Each of these centers is like a molecule of water in the atmosphere of Cosmic Mind that refracts the Unity of Light (Wisdom) from the Sun (Mind of God) into polar frequencies we then perceive as color (thinking). Same for Undifferentiated Mind - refracting into ideas, concepts, etc. This concept is not unlike your own except that we have control over the refraction process - should we chose to learn and exercise that control. You want Peace you can create and have Peace. You want War you can create and have war. So the refraction process of Whole Mind is up to us. We can chose to act instead of reacting. What is ego (within the contexts in which I use the term)? A person sees or experiences an event. They form an opinion, assessment, judgement or discernment about their perception of the event. This personal opinion is predicated on their past experiences, powers of observation, powers of assessment, etc. These of course are limited by themselves. So the overall assessment or opinion is likewise limited. In other words ego cannot observe or comprehend the full import of any event. It can only observe its perception of an event. It's oberservation is its perception. These opinions and assessments of the perceptions then become memories. Memories are not the event - they are perceptions and interpretations of the event; i. e., a lie. The ego is then this collection of false memories (mis)taken as truths. The ego lives in the past because its full compliment of knowledge is memories imperfectly memorized of imperfectly perceived and imperfectly interpreted past events. A new event is always compared to a memory of a past similar event. Thus no new experiences are possible because everything new is perceived and filtered through this self-created memory bank. New perceptions are "colored" by past perceptions and interpretations. This memory bank of events, actions and reactions constitutes the ego, IMHO. This is assumed to be correct when we manage to momentarily move into the NOW which is to say we do NOT access the memory banks during observation of current events and do not make assessments (judgements, opinions) of that perceived. We see it as it is without filtering from past experiences. This allows us to see without prejudice, without history or malice and be in a state of concurrent sympathetic association; i. e., Love/Now/Peace/One. Seeing without false colorations of the ego is seeing clearly, openly and may be termed TRUTH as opposed to misinterpertations, personal preferences, personal prejudice, opinion, etc. Since we created this memory bank we can uncreate it - or better, not give it importance - simply let it go and not use it to color current experiences. It is a choice whether we adhere to and live in the past or we be in the Now moment, free of intrepretative egoic enhancements. This, in my view, is Cosmic Consciousness, seeing innocently through what some call the Eyes of God. |
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