Energy transfer, according to SVP, takes place between centers and not "particle" periphery. Each center has its own vibration signature which is a pulsating, vibrating and oscillating complex of tones and their harmonics (their chord of mass). When considering two such centers in relation to each other there can two and only two different scenarios. Their vibratory chords form either harmonic or enharmonic relations - meaning they are in tune or out of tune. It is surmised there will be like and unlike vibrations going on simultaneously thus creating what I term a "degree of sympathy". When these chords are in tune and a high degree of sympathy is attained the two centers will approach each other. The nearness and power of the attraction is dictated by the degree of harmony. The quantity and quality of energy transfer is dependent on this degree of harmonization between centers. As synchronization of frequency occurs greater and greater additive and accumulative resonance is possible and energy is transferred via sympathy or sympathetic vibrations resultng in a mutual resonance - or as we've so often said, the two particles begin to vibrate "AS ONE". If the chords are discordant the two centers will mutually repel each other, no energy transfer takes place and no resonance. These actions are fully described in the Bjerknes paper and Keely's Laws of Attraction and Repulsion.