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Topic: Dale Pond
Collected Articles Section: Discovering the Unknown Table of Contents to this Topic |
2003, 10/18At the root of this issue is the question "Who am I?" asked by each/some of us in our quiet moments. Are we Creators making use of Creative Forces or are we victims? Victims of our glands, victims of our bodies, victims or this or that bug or microbe, external forces, mind control, weather, etc..... Is it not true all emotions are the effects of our thinking/reacting to perceptions? Therefore emotions are an egoic effect and not cause which was the thinking/nonthinking reaction to that perceived in the mind/consciousness. This is not to say the sound from a violin is not affected by the design and materials from which it is crafted. Even the most out of tune violin may be brought into perfect harmony if each and every part is brought into a state of harmony. The primodial sounds themselves are perfect. But they can be distorted or be discordant in accordance to that which they flow. Likewise the human body. A cripple cannot run a marathon as well as the healthy - while in its crippled condition. So we are left with two seemingly divergent philosophies. Correct all those parts that seem discordant or correct that which created the discordance. If we investigate healing from all possible perspectives which include mental/spiritual healing and chemical and energetic methods we find numerous discrepancies if our initial viewpoint is already fixed. If we investigate from a viewpoint that is not fixed we find a lot of seemingly isolated phenonema that could, if we expand our view, be brought into a more harmonious whole. Over the years I've examined two nonpolitically correct sources of healing: Cayce and now Quimby. Each brought health and harmony to many who the politically correct healers could not heal and/or gave up on. So why is this? What did these two do what The Establishment could not or would not do? SVP has already established there is only One Force in the universe permeating all things and motions. All other forces are "down stream" forces or derivatives of this One Force. This One Force is Mind or Consciousness. Some have called this One Force, God, Sympathetic Celestial Etheric Flow, Zero Point, Vacuum, Void or what have you. This force flowing into, regenerating then flowing out of any centralized focalization (human body, violin, star or atom) is refracted; i. e., flows undifferentiated or flows differentiated. Differentiated flow is discordant flow; i. e., illness, etc. The differentiated flows are not the One Force Flow but most take these differentiations as reality because that is the part of the WHOLE DYNAMIC they can see, hear, feel or sense in some way. The real flow or reality or cause is nondetectable. It is undifferentiated. It is the Full Harmonic Chord of force, pure, supreme and unchangeable. The pure flow of One Force is undifferentiated Mind Force; i. e., quiet, neutral and balanced Volition/Consciousness. This state of peace is the only true reality because everything else is nothing more than a derivative of itself, hence changeable and transitory. Couple all this with creative power of our Minds/Consciousnesses and we can easily see that if and when we focus mentally on the differentiated down stream side of things then that is the pseudo-reality filling that Mind/Consciousness. The effects become "real" and we tangle wth those as we lose sight of the unseen reality behind or creating those illusions. The pseudo-reality becomes a Tar Baby. My original request was for someone who has some experience in energy systems such as radionics or similar to conduct research into the powers of mind as causes. Now to do this one must not be stuck on any given set idea about anything but jump in with a clear mind, free of opinions as they continually ask "Why?" and "How?" as they fearlessly challenge their own and others' beliefs/opinions even if they are contrary to that perceived/believed. We are not going to solve the Free Energy problem, the current flurry of physical, emotional and mental problems and the social/political problems if we do not let go of preconceived notions and fearlessly embarque into uncharted waters. We've already been all over the charted waters and have found them lacking. We can see there are many examples of marvelous discoveries (Cayce/Quimby, et al) just beyond our kin and understanding. Unless and until these "anomalies" are fearlessly challenged and investigated they will remain just beyond our mind views that still tread shallow waters along the shore. When these anomalies are investigated, which SVP is doing, we discover there is more, a lot more, to the universe than previously thought. And in that uncovering of novelty we find we are at the center of it. We are discovering our Selves. And as we are MIND and not our bodies what we are discovering is our MINDS are the source, that One Force from which all our conceptions, notions, opinions and Life come. Many sceptics demand proof they are not their bodies which they can see and feel and mis-take to be their reality. A negative cannot be proven. However a positive can be demonstrated. Cayce demonstrated this positive. Quimby spent years demonstrating it. And Atlin is a current demonstration of the same things. The scientific method claims all effects should be investigated until their cause is known or at least quantified. There were thousands of positive effects from Cayce's work. There were thousands of effects from Quimby's work. And there are hundreds of effects from Atlin. Why aren't these effects being investigated by science? Because science is driven by money and egoic stature/job/position/greed. When the Atlin Effect was first brought to my attention in 1997 as evidenced by/from and through others I took it upon myself to investigate it without reservation or with any preconceived notions. No stone has been left unturned and there are no sacred cows to protect because of invested interests of any kind. Nothing is taboo to question. I owe nothing to anyone or any system of belief or commerce to fortify, protect or augment. That there are these effects in/around Atlin cannot be doubted. What are effects but consequence of some force active in/around the device? So what is this force? Where does it come from? How does it manifest? Why do some spontaneously heal and others not when in its field of influence? How can it do this in situ and remotely by thousands of miles? There is no force known to conventional science that can account for what we have been witnessing. So, clearly, the forces involved are something other than what science acknowledges in their endless collections of data. So where does one seek to find answers that are not politically correct? In the nonpolitically correct literature! The Cayce materials are extensive. The Quimby materials are extensive. The Russell materials are extensive. Throw in Keely, Tesla and anyone else we can find that has something to say of worth and pertinence. What comes out from this sifting and sorting is all these political/scientific outcasts say there is One Force operating throughout the universe and that One Force is MIND. Some of these people spent their lives working with SOME force that healed locally and at a distance. They all, without exception, did as I'm doing - questioning and digging for some explanation to it. In some cases they were successful in piecing together a theory and even practical devices, inventions, processes and made efforts to record what they did and their thoughts concerning it all. Are we to ignore all this? No reasonable researcher would ignore it unless they be peer pressured, embarassed to ask unanswerable questions, fear for their jobs, position or pay check. We are at the same position electricity and magnetism was just prior to Maxwell, Ohm, Tesla and Edison came upon it. Yes, there is an energy here. We see it's effects but we can't yet measure it with certainty or accuracy but there can be no doubt there is a powerful force evidenced in all this. The only thing electricity lacked for hundreds of years was delicate instrumentation to detect and measure it. From those earliest measurements done on the first crude instruments theories were constructed and ultimately our entire society molded itself around that wrought by the likes of Tesla and Edison. Our original intent when making Atlin was to conduct a parallel effort to either find or invent basic instrumentation to detect, measure and quantify whatever energies or forces existed in or around the dynasphere. Some qualified people were found who agreed to take up this challenge. But alas funding never happened and all of those original plans were shelved. This basic research could have been done years ago if financial support had been found. We are still left with needing to do this nonremunerative investment of people, money and time. The universities could do it but because of their cowardice and greed they will not. So it is up to guys like me, you and those not motivated by fear and greed or any need/agenda other than finding the truth behind that which we know to be there but cannot yet prove to a sceptic's satisfaction. I'm still waiting for those not motivated from fear and greed to step forward to assist in this necessary step and challenge. |
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