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Topic: Dale Pond
Collected Articles Section: Discerning Wholeness Table of Contents to this Topic |
Can we know the whole? What whole? Why is it a whole? What is a whole comprised of? Take for instance an whole apple. Slice it equatorily through its center. There is the whole apple, considered cross-section, comprised of its various seemingly discrete parts: rind, meat, seeds or skin and core. All this was originated from DNA or the idea of what an apple is. So the progression of evolution into materiality was from a non-physical idea into a purely physical entity which also contains the seed/idea for its perpertuation. An inward and outward evolution/devolutional unfoldment/infoldment. So is the whole apple its idea or its physical structure? The whole apple is of course all of these simultaneously. It is the idea, it is the physical structure and it is the processes of unfoldment/infoldment - going and coming into/from apple idea to apple structure - in perpetuity (no time limit). Coming from no-thing to some-thing perpetually. This seemingly complexity is simplicity itself and is the Law of One in its activities and beingnesses. This is like asking what is music? The notes? The spaces between the notes? The harmonical relations? The tune/melody? All of these things plus the element of creativity that blends the seemingly discrete parts into a coherent whole piece of music. For many years I've confronted this problem. Seems like you can't get there (understanding) until you are actually there. So where to begin when one needs all the pieces all at once to see the whole because the whole is not the pieces but the whole OF the pieces, which includes their functions and purposes one-with-each-other. Perhaps just as I laid out the above with the whole apple we would be best to start there then show how this whole is truly a harmonically related collection of pieces that working together constitute the whole. Just like an orchestra is not a single instrument but many discrete instruments working in harmony to create the orchestra which is not an orchestra until it does in fact play harmoniously together AS ONE whole orchestra. We can all appreciate the whole orchestra doing its thing. Not all of us would be interested in exploring and comprehending each and every instrument and the physics thereof. Some would be interested and motivated sufficiently to undertake that exploration. But it is not necessary for the heart to reverberate with the chords of sounds and their effects on our emotions. That's the heart thing. The intellectual thing is the scientific mastery of the cause (instruments; i.e., parts) that produce those chords. |
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