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Topic: Dale Pond
Collected Articles Section: Dale's Hip & Back Healing 1 of 2 Table of Contents to this Topic |
The following is about my seemingly miraculous healing. Dale Pond [edited version] 8/19/99 (Email posted to SVPvril) Dynaspheres are thought actuated devices. From the old literature we see references to Keely using thought, symbols or touch to actuate his dynaspheres or similar machines. But what is the relation between thought and a physical construction? How does thought interact with a piece of metal? What is the connecting link? Is the whole thing merely a matter of "Q" or fine tuning of vibration? Is the universe therefore simply one huge musical instrument we can play through our "mere" thoughts? My recent bout with my hip "going out" seems to point out several aspects of these relations between thought contained in my mind and the physical "reality" of my hip. Some around me said I needed physical surgery as the difficulty was caused by a physical configuration (pinched nerve, pulled muscle, whatever) but I was holding ever firmer to the belief the whole episode had its origin in my thoughts. But how? Why? What could I do about it? From the "Dialogue on Awakening" book and the Cayce readings I'd gleaned the truism that when one feels pain one is in violation of the law. And further study revealed this law was the Law of Peace sometimes called Law of Love, Law of Harmony, Law of Assimilation or Law of One. What this meant in a nutshell was my mind and the thoughts contained therein were not at peace. My thoughts were in a jumbled chaos of worrying about the move, getting business going without interruptions, paying huge bills, cleaning the house, setting up a workshop, refrigerator not working and a host of other issues. The result of all this chaotic thinking was PAIN in my hip, leg and foot joints to such an extent I could not walk, sit or stand well and could only barely crawl. The situation was debilitating and getting worse. Circumstances reached such a low state I was willing to have myself loaded into an ambulance and deliver myself into the hands of the local emergency ward. This thought alone terrified me and was perhaps pivotal in getting me sufficiently motivated to dig yet deeper into the mystery of my affliction. I reckon at this stage I was as far gone as one could go and still be half-way sane and incrementally functional. I was consuming 20 or 40 Advil a day. Family members were already collecting cash for the operation. (I do not have insurance as I do not believe in fear-based systems.) Then I began looking at my thoughts to see if it were true that peace could bring salvation from my nightmare. My thoughts were a mess of strident apprehension, etc. I used every trick I could think of including my TM mantra, prayer, mediation, visualization, imagery, memory of beautiful emotions and experiences and the like. With all the will power I could muster (the pain interfered with much rational thought) I managed to recreate a tiny beginning to an itty-bitty thought of calmness. That tiny beginning proved to be enough to get the snowball rolling. My thoughts began to expand into peaceful visions of mountains, wonderful emotional experiences with friends and Awakening scenarios. With each new thought of peace I was allowing the negative thoughts to disperse and be of no consequence to my thinking. I was releasing them one by one. With these beginning thoughts I began noticing new positions I could lay in that allowed better rest. (All the previous week I could only lay on my face.) Then I could sleep better bringing even more peace and rest. The next morning I awoke with a single thought to take the hottest shower I could - if I could get across the house and into the shower that is. The shower was short and very painfully hot. As the shower ended another thought came to me to get in bed (instead of on the floor where I was spending my time) and rest. The instant I hit the pillows I was engulfed in feelings of overwhelming peace and immediately fell into a deep sleep. When I woke an hour or so later I was near perfectly and completely healed! I could walk, sit, bend, touch the floor. There was no pain. I had cured myself of a crippling and debilitating circumstance far surpassing any difficulty I'd ever experienced. It had indeed been a challenge. Now, was the whole thing psychosomatic? In my mind only? According to SVP everything is in our minds. Was the pain actually in my hip and leg? Or was it only in my mind? According to ACIM nothing exists except that which is in our minds. So if everything that is is in our minds then we have control over everything by our mere thought. We are not victims of a "bad hip" but are instead experiencing consequences of our own thoughts. Cayce said countless times the Mind is the Builder and as we think so we are. From my experience I can believe and affirm this. When I changed my mind I changed my experience. Simple. Chaos is discord. Peace is harmony. Spheres focalize vibrations and their harmonics in a harmonious way; i.e., establishing peaceful quietness of the Neutral Center. Same thing applies to our own human organism. The heart can be at peace or in chaos. The outer experience of life is merely a mirror of that which goes on inside the heart and mind. We experience what we dwell on mentally. Attaining a state of peace as in my case allowed the pure harmonics to reassert themselves and their influence throughout my organism - health resulted. As long as my thoughts were chaotic the energetics manifesting through my body and experience would also be chaotic. I believe the connecting mechanism are the sympathetic streams from the Neutral Centers being MODULATED by the mental forces (thoughts). I think the Cayce readings will confirm this. The Neutral condition of the universe to which we are all a part and portion is perfect peace. This is the so-called God or Prince of Peace or whatever. It is Love supreme and is bliss, joy, etc. as related in all religions and decent philosophies. Therefore we can say health is a condition of coherence to this state of peace or harmony of vibrations (unison). This supreme state always exists as peace. It is our thoughts that modulate and distort its manifestation. The source is always pure. The dynasphere focalizes to the Neutral Center and creates in situ a single source or sympathetic locus of this peace supreme. This influence then is an encouragement to those in its proximity to emulate this state or feeling of calmness, love, peace, etc. The tighter the focus to the Neutral Center in a sphere the better. For this reason the sphericity of the shell must be accurate. In Atlin's case to within 3% of perfect roundness. The insight here is ALL comes from this sublime state of quiet (zero point). This energy state is boundless, unlimited and will manifest in any way we desire according to our thoughts (or constructs and adjuncts attached to Atlin). The Neutral Center is the Genie. It is the Alpha and Omega. It is the source of the energy that will "drive" the dynaspheres and related machines - released into manifestation by the callings of a pure heart as only a pure heart can be coincident to the Neutral Center of the One Source. By calming my mind to be coincident to the peaceful state of harmony (health) such was then mine in physical experience as well as in ideal. The ramifications of this short session of healing, mind, thought and the like will be with us for a long time as we sort it all out. |
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