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Topic: Dale Pond
Collected Articles Section: Creating Our Experiences Table of Contents to this Topic |
submitted to Dave Patrick of Project 2012 on 01/26/09 Creating Our Experiences by Dale Pond4 We look around ourselves and see our life as we live our experiences. Sometimes we celebrate the wonder of it all and at times we wonder how we got into the current mess. All the time not knowing where and how it all comes into being, who to thank or who to blame. The good news is we are it. We create the good and celebrate and we create the challenging and whine about the misfortune. This is of course good news because it puts responsibility back into our hands, hearts and minds. It means we can get a grip and make our experiences anything we want. We've all heard these ideas before - that we can change things, be happier, be thinner, be wealthy yet we remain as before - wanting better. Wrapped up in this idea we can change at will is a promise. This promise has been made to humanity for centuries. Even so notable as Jesus the Awakened One told us it was so. But where do you ask are the instructions? Where is there a path laid out simply and clearly that anyone could follow it to achieve their heart's content? Believe me when I tell you there is a simple and clear path. This path has been discovered, bit by bit, over the centuries and it has been proven to lead straight to a better you with new and improved life experiences. For this path to make sense to you we will look at some science of the mind and the force it uses to create what you are now experiencing and have experienced. For with an understanding of the working principles, which are all quite simple, you will see what you have been doing to create your life and how changing that activity you change your future experiences. It does not take a rocket scientist to change your life. It only takes some paying attention, will or desire to change, some insight sufficient to create a simple plan for yourself and the discipline to work your plan. So let's look at how it works. After nearly forty years of investigating consciousness and higher level science supporting same it can be said with some degree of certainty there are two fundamental states of energy in the universe. These being an dispersing state and a concentrating state. These two states can be expressed as discord and harmony, fear and love or split and whole. These two states are the give and take building blocks upon which all else is builded whether a spinning galaxy composed of countless stars or the atom in your big toe. Everything everywhere and everytime works on the same basic universal principles. These two seemingly opposite states are the root and substance of your thinking, being and life. They constitute the warp and woof of consciousness, materiality and Space and Time. These two states are the dynamic duo making up the duality of material and spiritual existence. Master these two states and you master life and all it contains or all you desire to create for yourself. The First Principle is you are not a victim. You are a Creator. You are not an accident. You are a vital meaningful and important part of what goes on around you. After all you created it! And your continuing presence in your life is essential for it to unfold its purpose which is to serve you. How is that for a cool insight - your life exists to serve you. The you referred to here is your consciousness awareness of "I" and all its dragged along apurtences such as its dreams, spirit, body, wants and desires - the whole you. The real you is your mind, your consciousness, your awareness of being you. You cause your life by what and how you think on all the various levels of consciousness. Therefore you are Cause. The Second Principle is your life. It is an expression or an Effect of your Cause. "Your life exists to prove to you you are right."2 Which may be expressed in diverse manners as a coming together or a falling apart. Your Life includes the various ways Effect manifests such as the car you manifested and drive and its condition and color, the friends you attracted to yourself and associate with and everything else composing the elements of your life experience. Other synonyms for these two states as manifestations in and through your created life are peace and war, love and fear, quiet and noisy, warm or cold, health and disease, rich or poor, light and heavy and many other expressions1 of this seemingly opposite duality. Using these two principles it is plain to see we can be in one of two mental states: calm, at peace and creative or anxious, unsettled and destructive. The very interesting part is we get to choose which state of mind we are in from minute to minute throughout the day. Sometimes we feel like we are blown around by circumstances but when we know we are creative we can assume control. For some our assuming control of our thoughts may take some practice but such control is attainable for everyone unless physical damaged neurologically speaking. We all know what being anxious, unsettled and destructive looks and feels like. As a mind persists in this chaotic state it modulates the environment to be like its self. Chaos in the mind creates chaos in the life. Or chaos inside manifests as chaos outside. The calm mind is a mind at peace with its self, your life and all that is around you. As this consciousness persists it has an affect upon the environment and fashions that environment to be like its self - calm, peaceful and constructive. It is clear to see then that if we change our mind set to one of perpetual peace and contentment (but never satisfied) our environment and all that it contains will likewise be peaceful and productive. The unintended consequences come from aberrant thinking patterns. These embedded thought patterns function much as a knot on a violin string. They inhibit coincident action by introducing discordance into the ordinarily harmonious chords of your creative thought. Almost always these negative thought patterns are on a level of consciousness we are usually not willing to access. It is possible to have good, clear and constructive thoughts on our more conscious levels of mind while at the same time having negative knots of thought on deeper unconscious levels. In these cases conflicts are set up in our Creative Mind Forces and our life experiences consequently reflect those conflicts. The ideal creative mind then is one that is purified of the negative thought patterns. Such a mind is whole and harmonious without disturbing or destructive thoughts on any level of that mind. This state of mind is usually referred to as the One Whole Mind whereas the disturbed mind is a Split Mind and discordant or egoic mind. The Whole Mind is in a pure state of what some call Universal and Unconditional Love. It is at peace. The Split Mind is in a state of inhibition and fear. There are many ways to achieve Whole Mindedness. First and foremost is to take control of your thinking processes and stop creating new negative thoughts and reinforcing those already present. Secondly, we must undo or neutralize the negative embedded thought patterns, knots or blockages. Returning to a pure state of Whole Mind or Love has been addressed by religions, philosophies and various disciplines since the dawn of time. The details of this process have been sought after by the Pharoahs of ancient Egypt, the mystics of the East, the various religious belief systems of yesterday and today. It is being pursued today all over the planet by countless individuals efforting on their own in their own ways. Some refer to this purifying of the Whole Mind as Awakening or Self Realizing. No matter what it has been or is being called it boils down to clearing out the negative thought patterns such that the mind is seen as whole again. The interesting thing about this is the Whole Mind is ever present. It was never disturbed by our thinking mind which is disturbed. So we believe we have two minds when in fact there is actually only One Mind misbelieving it is at war with itself. This brings us to the idea we are attempting to heal something that is in truth not broken or diseased. If this were not true then instant healings of the mind would not be possible. One would be left with an arduous and lengthy process to rid the mind of negative thought forms much like the Dianetics process which does indeed work albeit slowly. Instant healing or clearing comes from undoing the core belief we are something other than what we are - Whole Minded awareness of I am. Everything that is held in egoic consciousness is a mental creation - a belief or thought created by our selves. And any thought can be rearranged to be another thought. Therefore to change your life is to change your thoughts. As they were created by you you have total control over them. Undo those original thoughts by whatever method works best for you and all aspects of your life change to reflect your new concept of yourself. You are free to transform your thinking and hence your life incrementally to have better experiences or you can let it all go and transform your entire existence by undoing the core misbelief you are something other than Whole. These thoughts were beautifully expressed in my all-time favorite book A Dialogue on Awakening: "Where does the healing of the world take place? When your mind again is seen as whole. The instant you look into a brother's eyes and see your Self reflected there. When your whole mind is known by you to mean every mind, all minds merged as One, the world will instantly change. It will be healed because you will see it to be so. You will have changed the cause by healing the thought of being separate from the Mind of God. The effect of then seeing only the world of God's Perfection is instantaneous. With the misperceived thought now gone, cause and effect have become the same. In your place of knowing, you resonate with the truth of what I am saying. Yet even now your ego will stand in dispute, asking how it could be possible for you to heal your mind and thereby heal all the world. On this detail have you laid the foundation for your belief in separation. It is from this belief all other misperceptions of truth seem verified. For it is from here you have become convinced that you are a product of the world's creation, subject to all its laws and influence. You believe you are the effect and not the cause. What is it like to be enlightened or awake? It is when you see only God as cause and effect being you expressing Him wholly. You will no longer feel the need to see your mind as separately identified within the whole Mind, but you will feel its presence there and you will recognize your Self in it. Fear of any nature becomes unknown. Joy abounds with every thought as Love is once again remembered. The bonding that takes place, that gels the mind as a whole, is this Love. It is not an exclusive expression of love you experience within your state of limitation. Here is God expressed. And His Love makes no distinctions. I have referred to a concept I describe as the power of One, the power that results from individual expressions of the Infinite Mind as they come into recognition of their absolute unity - the infinite expression of wholeness, or One. It is this truth when fully grasped that will allow you to recognize yourself individually in the whole, as the whole, expressing the whole and coincidentally being wholly, uniquely you."3 [A Dialogue on Awakening, pages 3-4] 1 2 A Course in Miracles 3 Dialogue on Awakening, ISBN 0-9633051-0-7 4 Dale Pond biography |
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