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Topic: Dale Pond
Collected Articles Section: Bringing Change Through Love Table of Contents to this Topic |
2003, 11/27 People have been mis-educated to unquestioningly obey authority even in the face of common sense. What is wrong with a child praying in school? Yet a government official (judge) can dictate who can practice religion when and where. Absurd! Dynaspheres and Dynaspheric Force (Love) will change society because it is changing the way people think about themselves and about the universe. Society is an effect of all of our thoughts. Change the thoughts and society changes - as simple as that. Everyone without exception is looking for more Love. How many are finding it? How many recognize it when they see/feel it? We already know Love is the most powerful force in the universe. Some call it centropy, harmony, God or whatever name given to the force that creates, organizes and transforms yet does not itself change. Love/God is changeless yet it controls all else. The evil in society is not a bunch of manipulative ego-maniacs but the importance people attach to their own opinions, preferences and ideas instead of relentlessly seeking a Greater Truth. If they did seek a Greater Truth the bad guys would have no one to fool, control, deceive or defraud. It is amazing to see how fixated people are to their own ideas - in lieu of common sense. As long as people refuse to see themselves for what they are society will not change. Technology has a way of changing people because they usually accept a better or cheaper way of doing things. So sad this facility is not translated into viewing self in a better way instead of ruthlessly and mindlessly sticking to superstitious and bigoted religions, false notions of politics, stupidity and viciousness in health and greed and power mongering in science. To watch a news cast is sickening. To watch politicians "debating" is beyond words. This is where compassion comes in. As one increases their ability to see clearly one sees through the insidious mindlessness. One needs a strong neutrality to stay even keeled. Love is what changes people - love of money, love of a lover, love of power, love of love. But people do not know what love is. If society is to be changed in a positive way society needs to learn about Love. They've been taught since a child what fear is. So the more aggressive people, living in fear, seek to control the less aggressive. It's all fear. Which is to say illusion. This fear can only be transformed through love - love of self, love of others and love of the universe. Beware of any system that does not have love in its equation. So who's going to teach love? Who knows what love is? Who knows how to incorporate it into science, mechanics and technology? Who is making the effort? You want change? Then you will have to teach Love. To teach it effectively one must know Love and Be Love. There is no better teaching mechanism than setting an example. People are afraid so they hide from Love, deny and condemn it. Love feels threatening to them. They fear it as they've been taught to fear everything. SVP, as far as I know, is the only system that even acknowledges the importance of Love as it efforts to incorporate Love into a science and technology based on Love. I'm doing the best I can with the resources at hand. All are welcome to the efforting...... |
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