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Topic: Dale Pond
Collected Articles Section: Balance & Imbalance Table of Contents to this Topic |
Balance & Imbalance 2003, 01/23 MM: ThereÕs obviously been a lot of discussion about Tom Bearden and the work of AIAS lately. IÕve been reading up on his ideas for a while now, and I think his group makes some very interesting points. MM: If I understand their ideas correctly, nestled within the ÒstandardÓ ideas of electrodynamics, they believe there is a Òsub-systemÓ composed of intersecting scalar waves. These waves would be longitudinal. Normally they are in balance, canceling each other out, and producing no observable phenomena. When they are brought out of balance with one another, they no longer sum to zero, and the imbalance is observed in the 3-D world as an electric field. If we could physically observe the interaction in 4-D, space and time, we would see that a ÒmagneticÓ field is produced in the ÒvirtualÓ or ÒtimeÓ domain. In that domain there is a net magnetic, or focalizing force that balances out the electric, or discharging force that we observe as the electric field of the electron. MM: I think this jives nearly exactly with Russell and Keely, if we assume that Russell, unburdened by the nomenclature of quantum mechanics, did not complicate the issue by describing the Òtime domainÓ as being ÒvirtualÓ, and the 3-D domain as being ÒrealÓ. We are hampered by those concepts, so it becomes complicated to visualize. MM: If we remove that complication from BeardenÕs lingo, we are left with the following: MM: The Universe is a field of perfectly balanced standing waves of energy. DP: Michael, I've been studying Russell intensely now for about two years. He is quite clear on his terms and concepts. The "back-drop" universal field is more like a omnipresent state - everywhere at once. It is not a standing wave because that implies two or more waves, in motion, yet neutralized or equated (zero sum). According to WR this point/nonpoint is totally without motion. Therefore it cannot be a wave, self cancelling or otherwise. It may however be accurately referred to as "balance" or the term I like "latent potential". It is in fact what some have been calling "God" and is wholly neutral or undifferentiated. MM: When the balance is disturbed, a ÒthingÓ can manifest into ÒobservableÓ form. This is associated with an electric/discharging field, because excess energy must be released to seek the original balanced state. This is also coupled with a magnetic/charging state, whereby as long as the disturbance is maintained, the manifestation is continually charged with excess energy, rushing inwards in an attempt to return to the original balanced state. When this balance is disturbed, a "thing" will manifest as motion which is obervable as form. This is the electric/charging condition, because energy once destabilized will seek to immulate seeming balance in seeming form. This is also coupled with a magnetic/discharging state, whereby as long as the disturbance is maintained, the manifested imbalance is continually charging and discharging, rushing in to regain seeming balance in form and expanding outward to be balance in nonform. MM: The particle itself is a mode shift, like youÕve thought for a long time I think. The particle receives the magnetic/charging energy, and somehow organizes it, through a mode shift, into radiant electric/discharging energy. The second half of that process is ÒobservableÓ. The first half is not with our present instruments, except perhaps for the type of devices Bearden occasionally alludes to. DP: The center of the particle is a point of mode shifting. It's center axis is still. It's longitudinal axis is longitudinal waves, I presume passing through and into each other. It's equator is established by transverse waves but whose motion is Raleigh. The particle is formed by the contracting electric/charging energy, accumulates said charge until "critical energy' is reached at which point a 90¡ mode shift occurs, releasing a magnetic/discharging radiant energy. These actions are pulsations, intermittent or oscillatory. Both halves are observable. The first as charging or accumulating energy and rotational simulation (spinning earth or atom), in ever increasing density. The second half is discharging or radiation as in magnetic fields surrounding a center, dissipating in ever decreasing density. Some of the confusion is because we are not used to picturing these two forces as operating as WR describes. The other confusing part is these two forces are actually another complex of subtler forces or streams. This multi-stream concept is hinted at in WR's writings but more explicit in Keely's writings. And their modes of motion are different and complex. The contracting electric streams are longitudinal while dragging in semi-transverse (transforming) magnetic streams and vs. The expanding magnetic are transverse from the still center outward towards the equator. Motion resulting from the two are Raleigh (vortex). It is my guess the so-called scalar is when the longitudinal and transverse are held in equation harmonically speaking where their respective nodes coincide. This means the particle is stable as a particle in activity ABOUT that still nodal center of equation. Scalar then is the very center of this equation of forces at the center of the particle (centralization of vibratory forces). If contracting energy (harmonic note) be brought to it the particle "leaps" to the next higher energy state, shrinks and maintains itself in equation. If a dispersive force (inharmonic note) is brought to it it dissociates into radiant dispersion (liberated energy). All this brings in questions like "What does a dead short mean in this configuration?" A dead short is a cataclysmic reversion from a state of high imbalance (apparent balance) to a state of neutrality or true balance. Where much electrical concentration has been accumulated (within a particle) an immediate conversion to radiant discharge takes place. Keep in mind, and this escapes me now and then too, the ultimate state of balance is in the total discharged state of space. When electricity has been accumulated in seeming form there is a dammed up situation which has every appearance of balance but is not balance - it only has the appearance of balance. Break the dam and stored energy seeks its natural state of balance all at once. Puncture the dam and we have current flow. The electric spark we are so familiar with is not a charging spark. It is a discharging spark going back to neutrality. A charged or motion ALWAYS seeks to return to discharged condition. When we charge something like a battery or circuit we are creating an un-Godly situation that will do whatever it can to return to God; i.e., empty space of neutrality, balance or pure latency. You can think of charging as piling more and more weight (by increasing mass or concentration) on each side of the plane surface of a seesaw. Take a little of that weight from the centers and place it near the ends on both sides simultaneously. As these piles increase so does potential; i.e., accumulating difference in density with that of the center. The seesaw is still in balance; i.e., no motion. If we insert a mechanism to alternately transfer some ever increasing weight from one side to the other and back periodically we begin to see motion. If these periodic shifts are timed just right that oscillatory motion will be increased, they draw together in space and time until high intensity is reached at which point in time no transfer takes place and the oscillation ceases altogether until the weights are again removed laterally and transferred back to the ends to begin again the oscillatory motion. A fascinating mechanism is the Water Hammer pump called Water Rams or just Rams. These are used in places where power is not available to drive ordinary water pumps. These pump a relatively small amount of water to heights exceeding the original head but use a lot of bypass water to drive them. Why couldn't a system be developed using the same principle but using liquid ether as the fluid flow? There are many correlaries that could be models. Another is the bath tub idea where charge/discharge are accumulated in great amplitude and a small excess is tapped off. In the end Keely/WR's idea of tapping (differentiating) the still center (God) is the best. Is He not the greatest servant of all? Will He not drive our machines if asked? That is what Atlin is. |
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