What is Brown's Gas? The gas that comes out of a Brown's Gas generator. That's the simple answer. What others claim Brown's Gas is I have no idea. I do not have a technical analysis but I do have an original Brown's Gas Generator (the one shown on the video). We did extensive experiments with this gas generated from this original unit. Not everything claimed for it could be experienced. It does, beyond a doubt, IMPLODE when ignited. Totally by accident we had a five gallon tank under 40 psi implode on us while we stood within three feet of it. Other than scare everyone and make us all feel foolish the pressure gauge was destroyed - the only physical damage. The main difference between its function and ordinary electrolysis is the water has a high content of caustic soda while ordinary electrolysis is plain water (but not always). The other difference is the power input. We used a high frequency AC welder to power it as the original electronics were all fried before we got it. The gas is very 'touchy" and not to be played with carelessly. The gas will EXPLODE if mixed with air - as I did to operate a VW driving it around the parking lot. There is no so-called free energy component and most of the esoteric claims could not be verified by us. My determination is there is little of use in this gas. Regular oxy systems are just as good if not better in most applications.